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Jel preslusao neko novi album - Ghost Opera? :blink:


Cuo sam neke ne bas pohvalne stvari o njemu...


Pa najbolje ces znati ako sam preslusas,jer ti niko ne moze reci tacno.Album je drugaciji od svega,ima par TBH momenata,ali je u principu mnogo mracan i neobican album.Meni je ok,ne moze da nadmasi Karmu nikada,ali ima par pjesama koje su fantasticne (Rule The World,The Pendulous Fall,Ghost Opera,The Human Stain i EdenEcho) ostale su osrednje.Znaci ok album,ali ne na nivou ostalih.

Edited by EdenEcho

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Razmisljali smo o tome, ali smo shvatili da ne bi bilo previse zainteresovanih za ponovni koncert.

Ovde ljudi slabo posecuju koncerte bendova koje su vec gledali. Mislim da to nije pametno.

Trebalo bi sacekati jos bar 2-3 godine da se ljudi malo uzele.

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Razmisljali smo o tome, ali smo shvatili da ne bi bilo previse zainteresovanih za ponovni koncert.

Ovde ljudi slabo posecuju koncerte bendova koje su vec gledali. Mislim da to nije pametno.

Trebalo bi sacekati jos bar 2-3 godine da se ljudi malo uzele.


Koliko god zeleo ponovo da ih vidim, mislim da ste doneli pametnu odluku, ne bi vam se isplatilo.


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Koja je ovo fora????????



Hello All,


As Kamelot gears up for the North American tour we are busy working on the next round of concerts around the globe. Together with our new booking agents ICS the dates for early 2008 are shaping up GREAT! We will announce the support acts and some of the first confirmed dates very soon, already penciled in are Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Norway, Finland, Sweden and much much more. This will be Kamelot's longest tour of Europe ever! Stay tuned.


KMI Entertainment

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Koja je ovo fora????????

Hello All,


As Kamelot gears up for the North American tour we are busy working on the next round of concerts around the globe. Together with our new booking agents ICS the dates for early 2008 are shaping up GREAT! We will announce the support acts and some of the first confirmed dates very soon, already penciled in are Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Norway, Finland, Sweden and much much more. This will be Kamelot's longest tour of Europe ever! Stay tuned.


KMI Entertainment


Pa vec sam postovala nesto slicno,i Thomas mi je rekao da dolaze opet,sto znaci da je potvrdjeno,a ovi nas ovdje malo vrte sa informacijama :angry: Sto je glupo da za koncert moram da saznajem od benda samog,a ovi poricu :violent::angry:

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