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Iju, sviđa mi se kako peva ovaj novi, svaka mu čast kako izvuče! Zapanjena sam, moram priznati. Ovako bismo svi voleli da pevamo i da nam pevaju tuđe pesme. A Fabiu ovde stvarno nikada nije bilo mesto.

  On 6/22/2012 at 11:44 PM, Elderane said:

Kamelotu trenutno zelim da se mane goticarenja i mraka, neka se vrate onome sto bolje rade.


Isto i ovde. Prosli uzasno slab album.


Sto se tice ovog, prike mi je neka pederastija verzija Khana, secam se kad slusah SW da mi nije legao tol'ko glas...


ja sam skroz zadovoljan izborom pevaca, sad samo ostaje pitanje u kome ce pravcu da nastave. iako sam fan i poslednja dva albuma (sta vise, Ghost Opera mi je savrsen), naravno da bih voleo da se postepeno vracaju starom Karma/Epica fazonu koji svi volimo.


Svaka im cast,sad slusam ovo sto Laza kaci i stvarno su nasli super zamenu.

Sta god da izbace ja cu slusati sve dok je gej :rockdevil:


E jebem mu zivot. Sada ce zbog sakatog i propalog Kamelota da propadne i jedna od najsjanijig zvezda progresiv metala i moj omiljeni bend Seventh Wonder. Koji mu je kurac da dolazi u Kamelot. Ima da pregori kao i Kan.


Swedish singer Tommy Karevik (SEVENTH WONDER), who recently joined American/German symphonic metallers KAMELOT as the replacement for Roy Khan, has released the following statement regarding his addition to the band:


"It is not a secret that I have been in close contact with the KAMELOT crew for some time now. I played with them on ProgPower 2010 and I joined them on the European part of the tour in the spring of 2011. I learned a lot from this experience and had a great time together with the guys. Of course, musically, it is a bit different from the SEVENTH WONDER style, but to me, that is also what makes it interesting and challenging. Over the past months I have come to love the music and the vibe of the band and when I finally and officially was asked to join as the singer and full-blown member of KAMELOT, I was very happy and gladly accepted! This is something I am really proud of and something I am looking forward to making my own. However, I do want to say this... and this is very important to me... I will not leave SEVENTH WONDER! The SEVENTH WONDER guys and all of you fantastic and supportive fans out there will not get rid of me so easily! I love you all and you are the reason I got to where I am today! We are already working on some stuff for the next SEVENTH WONDER album and really can't wait to show it to you all!"

  • 3 weeks later...

Nije me bilo duže vremena, samo da uletim sa izjavom da sam savršeno srećan izborom Karevika. Dečko ubija, Fabio stvarno za Rhapsody sjajan ali nikako za Kamelot. Kad je već Khan rešio da neće, ne može i raspao se, mislim da stvarno bolja zamena nije mogla....

Posted (edited)

Deer Mother of God :wub:







P.S. Ko je pustio Khanov vokal na plejbek ? :meshuggah:

Edited by Telcontar

Koji je ovo 5ti, 6ti spot iz Beograda ... Ghost Opera, Human Stain, Rule the World, Love You to Death... + Live CD / Video snimak :mrgreen:


Nova pesma ubija, Karevik odličan live... ovo en valja, toliko sam se napržio sad na Kamelot posle ovih par snimaka i objave da upadam u hype.. ako novi album ne bude vrh ima se smorim ko pas :violent:


Ma jebes te njihove mracne omote!!! Mrs u picku materinu. Daj one lepe sarene sa ribama i macevima!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mozda i najkvalitetniji power metal bend! Bas mi je krivo sto je Khan zavrsio karijeru i nemam pojma na sta ce novi album da lici. Bas bih se iznenadio da bude blizu onoga od ranije.

  • 2 weeks later...

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