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Nikako mi nije jasno zasto svi koji pronadju religiju istoga casa bataljuju svoj zivot, bend i sve ostalo. Pa nije otisao u manastir jebem mu lebac pa da je zauzet tamo 24 sata. Moze da se moli izmedju dva piva na koncertu ili u putu izmedju dve zemlje. Nekada nisam razumeo religiozne ljude, ali ih danas razumem i shvatam zasto se neko potpuno okrene tome. Ja sam u poziciji na primer da uradim tako nesto, ali imam problem sto ne znam kojem bogu da se klanjam pa sam i dalje skoro kao ateista. Ne klanjam se ni jednom. Nadam se da ce ga to ludilo proci brze nego Kiske-a. :icon_ne:


Koliko god lik bio blizak bendu ili šta već, neću uzimati sve ovo za previše ozbiljno. Možda tu ima neke istine, a možda se lik i propisno nalupetao. Ako je sve ovo tačno, pre će biti da je dragi nam Khan upao u neke psihičke probleme, pa da je sve to sa "otkrivanjem religije" posledica tako nečega. Barem ja tako gledam na tu mogućnost. Kako drugačije objasniti da je lik sve što je imao sa bendom u trenutku odbacio zbog religije? U svakom slučaju, šta god da se dešava na relaciji Kamelot-Khan, sačekaću zvaničnu objavu na sajtu benda ili tako nešto. Nadam se ipak da neće doći do njihovog razilaženja.


Nezvanicna informacija: Khan postao religiozan, i sad ga boli kurac za Kamelot i metal.


Veću glupost skoro nisam čula! Kako možete da verujete u izjave nekih likova koji su se našli pametni, pa "sve znaju", pa će da nas prosvetle i veliko im hvala na tome?! Ništa upućeno lično tebi, Night Prowler, već mislim na tog lika sa foruma. Čitava ova priča prerasta u gore od trač rubrike. Šta bi bilo kad bi bilo...


Da se sa Kanom nesto krupno desava jasno je vec nekoliko meseci, od kad su otkazali turneju. Cak mi ovo sad i deluje skoro kao neki tip audicije za pevaca. Daj boze da gresim... Niko nije rekao da veruje, dok bend ili Kan ne izdaju neko saopstenje sve ce biti nagadjanje, ali to ne znaci da mi ne treba da diskutujemo o tome... :pivopije:


Postoji stara izreka - Gde ima dima tu ima i vatre - pa je sasvim moguce da je ovo istina. Da je bolestan do sada bi valjda objavili da je bolestan. Nije sramota razboleti se. Mozda ima AIDS? :ph34r: Veoma je moguc scenario sa foruma i da se ostali clanovi benda nadaju da ce ovaj promeniti misljenje pa zato nista ne objavljuju, ali stvarno je cudno da lik kao on uradi tako nesto.




Due to continuing medical and personal issues, Roy Khan will not be able to finish the remaining touring in support of “Poetry for the Poisoned”.


With the news of Roy’s continued absence, we are pleased to announce that metal icon Fabio Lione (Rhapsody of Fire) will be joining the tour and handling the lead vocal duties.


Fabio Lione is eager to get on the road, stating “I am excited and pleased to be part of the next Kamelot tour. I always loved the sound of the band and I think this will be a great experience for me, the band, and for all the fans of great music and Kamelot. See you soon on tour and let’s rock!!!”.


In addition to Fabio, throughout these shows there will also be special guest and vocal appearances from top artists in the scene, this is a special and rare tour, and one not to be missed!


In addition, Kamelot’s “Pandemonium Over Europe 2011″ is building, adding Evergrey, Amaranthe and Sons of Seasons to the already announced European tour schedule!


I bitan deo o Khanu:


He states, "I am here in Norway still recovering from what seems to have been a severe burnout syndrome. I am getting better, but still under medical care. My priorities at the moment are my health and family. My future endeavors in KAMELOT and music in general are being evaluated. However, at this time my focus is on getting back on my feet and spending time with family and friendsmag-glass_10x10.gif. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!"


Severe Burnout Syndrome:


Severe stress caused by work-related physical or mental trauma


12 symptoms listed below:


Loss of initiative

Loss of interest

Loss of efficiency

Reduced work performance




Gastrointestinal disorders


Lability of mood


Decreased frustration tolerance


Sto bi nasi rekli, treba da ide u Soko Banju da leci zivci.


To sto je on tako rekao ne mora da znaci da je istina. Pametan je on, zamislite koliko bi se fanova razocaralo da je rekao "E ljudi, ja sam postao hriscanin, dovidjenja metalE!". Uostalom, procitajte komentare sa te vesti, ne verujem da bi toliko ljudi lupalo gluposti. Sta god bilo, ne verujem da ce se vracati.


Pametan je on, zamislite koliko bi se fanova razocaralo da je rekao "E ljudi, ja sam postao hriscanin, dovidjenja metalE!".


То говори о "фановима", а не о Кану.

Како год, не волим задња два албума, али Кан је цар.


Ma gluposti. Kan je jednostavno izmoren od svega, zeli malo da se odmori, da uziva u zivotu, bude sa porodicom... Ceo zivot su mu bile turneje i muzika, mora nesto i pored toga da se radi... Verujem da mu je dokurcilo, i recimo to ovako, ova odsutnost mu je zivotni odmor :pivopije: Ali vratice se on uskoro, sigurno ;)

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Jea rajt, ne izgleda baš tako iz ovog intervjua


Jorge Ciudad of Chile's PowerMetal.cl web site recently conducted an interview with KAMELOT guitarist Thomas Youngblood. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.


On recruiting singer Fabio Lione (RHAPSODY OF FIRE) to fill in for longtime KAMELOT frontman Roy Khan, who has declined to take part in the band's current tour:


Youngblood: "I've heard some songs with Fabio singing — some KAMELOT songs like 'Ghost Opera' — and he sings quite different than he does with RHAPSODY for KAMELOT, which also, of course, makes sense, because it's a different approach to vocals.


"The idea [to hire Fabio for the tour] came from Sascha Paeth, our producer, who also produces RHAPSODY. He suggested it because he has worked with Fabio and knows his abilities. But, obviously, the high range that he can do with songs like 'Center Of The Universe' or 'Nights Of Arabia', these are songs that we… I think over the years, Roy, his range has dropped, so a song like 'Nights Of Arabia' is no problem for Fabio to sing. So we're gonna add some songs [to the upcoming tour's setlist] that we haven't been able to play over the past few years that I think fans have been wanting to hear."


On the rumor that Roy Khan's "religious conversion" played a major part in his decision to sit out KAMELOT's current world tour:


Youngblood: "This is what we do, this is what we love doing — the band loves performing, we love touring. And I don't know if Roy has lost that… in his heart, in terms of what he likes doing. I know that there are some other issues. I know that there is a religious aspect to it now that I can't really 100 percent explain. Obviously, we were disappointed, and I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bit pissed off about it, but at the same time, we — the whole band, together — decided, 'Listen, we're not gonna slow down! We've got this new album and we wanna come to South America.' And that's what we're doing."


"Whenever we had a day or two off in Europe [on previous KAMELOT tours], [Roy] needed to fly home, which I thought was kind of extreme, to fly home, but that kind of was a sign was that I should have noticed that maybe the touring part was not for him. But the religious aspect of it is something that I want him to kind of talk about, but I know that he had been going to religious classes, for whatever reason. Obviously, over the years of working together and being, at times, best friends and things like that, we have discussed all kinds of topics about religion, so it's actually very surprising to me that this is where we are at now with him. But I don't really wanna talk too much more about it, because that's really something, I think, that he should come out about, in terms of what he believes or doesn't believe or whatever. All I can say is right now the band is unified and we're just not gonna slow down."


On the possibility that KAMELOT may need to look for a new permanent singer:


Youngblood: "I don't really wanna think about that until this touring cycle is over. All I can say is we're not gonna fire him; that's not my position and I... It is my position, but I'm not gonna do that. . . If Roy decides that he doesn't wanna do this anymore, he has to make an announcement. But right now, I think the smartest thing for us, and the most compassionate thing, is to just give him the time until the next record, until we start really working hard on the next album, and if by that time he is not ready to work and doesn't wanna work, then we have to look at the possibility of getting another singer, which is, obviously, something we are willing to do, if we have to do that."


Ima da leti Roj sto posto.

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