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She play! Ah, she play!

Sweetest sounds melt in air,

On sky with clouds she sails away,

Her body swoons, her soul escapes

With loving sounds of night and pray.


She play, yes, she play!

But her song suddenly stopped, and changed it’s way,

It was like she came to know she was all alone on her way,

And that no living soul dares to take that flight with her play.

Oh you were never alone, you have stars, moon, sun, light and day;

Why can’t you see that you enclose yourself in you own play?


Ah, but she play! She play!

And as her song begins to change, I cannot help but feel strange,

For I am getting lost with every note she plays,

With every key-stroke of her pain,

With every tear her heaven sheds,

With her silent music of heaven and hell.


Ah, but still she plays.

She’ll never stop playing, ‘cos her heart will fade;

When there is nothing to wrap it, rose will wither and turn to hay.

So she creates music, her cloak of dismay,

But I see through it, and see her passion for play,

How much life she has inside it, but she hides it all away.


And she plays and plays...

Oh play for me a “moonlight tear”

And lead my souls astray,

I know my dear, you won’t shed a tear,

When you forget me inside your play.


But hey! I am a cup of poisoned rain,

You shouldn’t drink, lest thou shall sleep,

Forever sleep inside

my play.








nekako je i lepo zbog tog 'play'

ti reci da je to konjunktiv kad te pitaju biggrin.gif

Konuktiv heheheh si sigurna da nije svinjoktiv icon_smile.gif))

Ok izlivi muske poeticnosti nesto naiskrenije al jebiga malo si zasrao al poenta je da ce se ona oduseviti ili ce ti se smejati........

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