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WALK Records izdaje split izdanje ovog benda.

ali evo podataka ko je sve radio na njihovom prvom kompletnom albumu.,

pa da ovo ime imate na umu !!!


First full-length Album, ANTI-EVANGELISTIC PROCESS!!! Do u know this stuff?UpitnikUpitnikUpitnik this album was produced by Tchelo Martins (Productor of Krisiun´s Ageless Venomous!), and it was mastered by Erik Rutan (HateEternal/Morbid Angel) originally it was released by Evil vengeance records (the label of Gene Palubicki ex guitarplayer of ANGELCORPSE) the graphic art was made by Desmond Sia (desinger of covers of bands like IMPIETY,ABHORRENCE,ANGELCORPSE,PROFANATICA...and others....) it is a great material!!!!

  • 1 month later...

U prodaji je konacno i Sacramental Blood (SCG) / Ophiolatry (Brazil) split CD "Inception of Ceremony" / "Satancore". Cena preko ANGELMEAT distribucije iznosi 400 din + 50 din PTT. CD mozete od danas kupiti i u Mordoru (BG) i Mungosu (NS)


Adresa za narucivanje:

Milan Dobrosavljevic

Brace Rajt 2/1

11211 Borca



E bas sinoc imao priliku da vidim taj dugo-ocekivani finalni produkt.Kad vam je prvi komsija clan benda.



Nisam ga jos preslusao,mada sam vecinu materijala imao priliku da cujem ranije.Dosta dobro popunjen booklet sa slikama ,tekstovima...standardn


odslusao sam i ja disk


generalno nije lise,svidja mi se vader obrada dosta

i produkcija je dosta dobra


samo ophiolatry mi se nikako ne svidjaju,mnogo su brljavi,tj.tehnicki


odslusao sam i ja disk


generalno nije lose,svidja mi se vader obrada dosta

i produkcija je dosta dobra


samo ophiolatry mi se nikako ne svidjaju,mnogo su brljavi,tj.tehnicki

  • 2 months later...

ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns.


OPHIOLATRY (Brazil) – Intervju dao Fabio Sperandio (gitara)


Hello Fabio! What’s up? I know that you had some personal changes in the band so I think it would be the best that for the beginning of this interview you say what has happened with the band since release of debut album "Anti-Evangelistic Process".

Exactly! In 2002, Tiago Nunes left the band. In the same year, Antonio assumed the vocals of the band. In 2003, we recorded Misanchristianthropy as a power trio and we want to keep this present formation definitively.

Tell me more about your latest material entitled "Misanchristianthropy"? How different is it from album? I haven’t got the chance to listen to it but I read some review that described music as satanic black metal. Did you mix your old style with black metal or they just used this term because of your lyrics?

To me our music is more original than before. Through the years, our style got stronger. Some people associated Ophiolatry with Black Metal because of our lyrics and maybe because Misanchristianthropy front cover. And anyway, labels don’t bother me! Our intent is to bring chaos through music!

What are other reactions to it? Do you think that you can achieve more with this release than with "Anti-Evangelistic Process"? I heard it’s sold out so will it be reprinted?

When we’re composing we don’t think about riffs! They just come out naturally. Our music happens naturally also. I think Misanchristianthropy is getting a better publish then our first full length CD because Deathgasm is giving us a better support. Anyway, Anti-Evangelistic Process is over. You can’t find it anymore.

Have you signed contract with Deathgasm for next album or they just released split CD? How did you start cooperation with Infernal Dominion and Deathgasm?

Our contract is just for only one split CD. Alex asked for a full length album, but we’re still thinking. All we wanted was a chance to show how Ophiolatry sounds as a power trio and we thought a MCD or maybe a split CD would be perfect. We talked to Alex and he made us a good offer.

What are your plans now when Evil Vengeance is out of business? Do you negotiate with some other labels? Would you have continued cooperation with Evil Vengeance if they hadn’t quit?

Next year we’re going to contact some labels to release our next album. We had an agreement with EVR to record 2 albums, but the label was closed by Gene and because of this we want to reach different objectives. EVR gave us a great support to Ophiolatry record Anti-Evangelistic Process, but we can’t say the same thing about the publish.

Promotion of "Anti-Evangelistic Process" was strong, but concentrated in North America? Have you tried to release it also through some Brazilian and European label or contract with Evil Vengeance didn’t allow that? Can you try now to re-release it on the old continent?

Copyrights was owned by Gene worldwide. In Brazil, Mutilation Records had some interest to release Ant-Evangelistic Process and in Europe, I talked to Laurent (Listenable Records). But Gene wasn’t interested in selling the rights. And now that EVR ended, Gene gave us the Anti-Evangelistic rights as a payment for some royalties. So, we’re free to contact some European labels to try to release Anti-Evangelistic Process. And that’s what we’re going to do next year.

What kind of contract did you have with Evil Vengeance?

The contract was really simple: he paid all the expenses with recording, pressing and promotion of the CD. With that he owned all the CD rights and paid us only 10% of the selling and merchandise.

Your demo "Opposite Monarchy" was released as a split CD with Ancestral Malediction by Mutilation Records and it was also re-released as a 4-way split by Relapse Records as the "Brazilian Assault" compilation. How did Relapse Records pick you up for this split?

Rangel (Abhorrence guitar) had some contacts with some guys from Relapse Records. He said to these guys if they weren’t interest in releasing Brazilian Assault. Rangel showed them Ophiolatry’s work to Tom Hailey and then he said we were one of four bands chosen. After our conversation, next step was contacting Relapse Records and then sending our material.

How much has your music been changed from this demo to "Anti-Evangelistic Process" and you latest release "Misanchristianthropy"? I read that it was in vein of Deicide and Hypocrisy. Would you say so?

Ophiolatry is getting better day after day. During the demo time, we didn’t have idea about music as professional musicians. Since Anti-Evangelistic Process we are more dedicated to our art, including rehearsing three times a day. With Misanchristianthropy we almost reach our bjectives. I’m sure our next album will be 666% OPHIOLATRY.

Covers of "Misanchristianthropy" and "Anti-Evangelistic Process" are quite simplified. Do you prefer such covers or you just can’t afford to pay artists as Seagrave or Zig?

Our money we had (including some of our own pocket!) was used to record. That’s why our art cover aren’t so good and also to contract some artist who is able to get Ophiolatry’s feeling. Desmond Sia is a Fantastic artist, but his art was damaged by bad graphic work.

Tell me more about upcoming split with Abhorrence? Your 2 last recordings are split releases. Do you have some plans for 2nd full length CD?

As I said before, we're going to release a new album in 2005. The thing is that to record a split is not so expensive as a full length album. And we don't have any album or split released in Brazil. So, that's why a split will be very important at this time. This is going to be released by Malignant Art that agency Ophioaltry and Abhorrence as well. I hope that is going to be malign 666.

Many Brazilian bands sound very similar (to Krisiun) but Ophiolatry is not one of them. What do you think about your scene and which Brazilian bands do you like?

There are lots of bands in Brazil, but almost of them are unknown in Europe. I like ABHORRENCE, ANCESTRAL MALEDICTION, FUNERATUS, KROMORTH and much more. All of them are BRUTALEXTREMEHELLBANDS.

What are the conditions in Brazil for rehearsals, recording and releasing albums, touring and presentation of metal bands through medias?

Problems such as economical, political and religious are all big enemies of the art. But in Brazil things are going better little by little. There are some labels that really believe in Brazilian bands and there are more events happening here. But we still have some difficulties to buy good equipments to rehearse, doing shows and recordings because everything is dollar and north-american money is 3 times more expensive than Real (our money).

Your strong antichristian attitude expressed in you lyrics is kind of your response to life conditions in Brazil and people who are waiting for the heaven’s promises instead of trying to change something in their lives. What I’m interested in is do you think that antichristianity means Satanism or you see it as something between these 2 fractions? I know that you despise idea of god but do you consider yourselves as Satanists in term of worshiping Satan?

We live in a ceaseless war. In Brazil we have the second biggest shrine of the world!!! People are narrow minded!!!! In each street you can find 2 or 3 churches from different religions and that reflects in a noxious way in the society. We dedicate our art and our lives to an only one antichrist objective and that means that we are enemies of everything that reminds religion. Consequently we are Christ enemies, you opposite. The best description should be SATAN 666.

I know that you are trying to get the best possible live performance but it’s not possible without good equipment so what equipment do you use for live shows and what do you use in studio during recording sessions?

I use EMG 85 guitar pickups, Marshall JCM, ALESIS Compressor, Samsamp distortion and tube screamer for leads. Bass: passive pickups and compressor ALESIS. Drums: Brazilian Pads Staff Drums, ALESIS D4, ALESIS compressor and triggers all over the drums. These are our equipment to shows and recording. To rehearse we use a quite simple equipment. To rehearse we also use a Quick Time metronome.

How much do you rehearse to stay in condition?

From Monday to Friday: three times a day. Saturday and Sunday: Once a day. We think that’s minimum needful to keep a good repertory, good technique and also a good performance on stage.

You got the chance to play in Europe for the first time few months ago so can you tell me about that experience? Who did organize that tour for you and how many gigs did it include? I believe it was very important moment for you so can you write some tour report? When will you visit old continent again?

We booked all days. We don’t have a intinerary. This mini-tour was only to make some contacts. We met lots of cool guys like the people from Demonizer, Nick Neyah, Tommy (Soldiers of Sudarium), Andro (Malediction / Death Trap). This first time we played in 7 shows in Belgium and 3

more in Hungary. But next year we would like to make at least 40 shows.

What are the chances for South American bands to tour around that part of the world? Have you got the chance to play in some neighbor countries and what do you think about metal scene from this (SA) region?

It’s getting easier to play in some neighbor countries like Peru, Paraguay, Chile and many others. None invited us to play in these countries around Brazil. But we want to do so! It should be fantastic. As I said before, the situation here in South American is not one of the best. But as the bands going notorious in heavy metal scene, they tend to play in Europe.

I hope that next year we will be able to arrange your show in Serbia. Till that time spread some more blasphemy for the end of this interview.

Ophiolatry thanks your support Milan. I hope we can meet you next year in Europe! Don’t forget to visit http://www.ophiolatry.org You can see all our merchandise, contact us to interview and so on. Suffocate Christ…..We can kill the Jesus’ Spawn!




Copyrights Angemeat zine



  • 2 weeks later...

Dali nekoj znae nesto za svirkata na Ophiolatry so Sacramental vo Skopje? Hell of a combination, zakon bendovi, pa...?




Zakon. Znaci sepak svirka ce ima. Na tour listata na Ophiolatry vidov za svirka vo Prilep na 9 juli, so...?

  • 4 weeks later...

Ophiolatry (Brazil) x Sacramental Blood (SER)

European Blastour 2006


Serbian edition:


04.08. Beograd @ Klub Doma Omladine + Kramp, Kuga


05.08. Cacak @ Dvoriste Gimnazije + Democratic Terror, Last Funeral, Mrtva Priroda


06.08. Kragujevac @ Galerija Doma Omladine


08.08. Sombor @ Kabare + Incarnation

  • 2 months later...

Slusao i ja Ophiolatry na splitu. Ne znam, ne dopada mi se. Nikad nisam voleo utlra brutalizaciju bez nekog posebnog povoda. Ono cak na momente prelaze grancie buke... Da li me to pomalo podseca na Krisiun?

Da ne bude da se uvalcim nekome, ali Sacramental Blood je definitivno bolja polovina splita.

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

e doshao sam i ja na death metal temu


bio sam na ophiolatriju u kragujevcu, upoznao onog debelog, dao mi cd(meni sacramental blood zvuchi bolje sad sta znam) i pismo pivo


sad mi reko na msnu da je snimaju novi album

Edited by The Trooper
  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ovi brazilci su me mnogo razočarali na splitu sa Sacramental Blood, novi album ne donosi ništa novo, bubanj jeste brz i možda jeste stvarno odsviran (tj. odlupan xexe) u studiu ali zato ima zvuk ko kanta za smeće, za krivi kurac to nije, ko da je programiran, skroz veštački zvuk, još jedan album koji će prekriti zaborav (barem što se mene tiče).....


Ovaj bend uzivo svira sa 5% koncentracije, sto me jako iznenadilo. Jeste da nije nista novo, ali je kidanje, i to postujem.

A sto se tice tog bubnja, lik (kako u studiju tako i uzivo) ima svoj set - svira na elektroncima, tako sve je to covek (ako tog bubnjara mogu nazvati covekom lol) odsvirao. Licno ne preferiram ovu vrstu Death Metala, ali mi je ovo za 3 klase bolje od recimo Origin-a ili tako neki bend.

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