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Meni malo smeta sto su izmesali progresivnu simfoniju sa klasicnim Rage zvukom, kad su mogli da urade odvojene albume, ali nema veze.


Slozio bih se sa Graveom icon_da.gif


Ne znam dal postoji bend koji je napisao vishe pesama od Rage u metal svetu..pa njihov svaki album ima po minimum 12-13 pesama bre! Unoshenje novih elemenata, ali ne previse, da se dobije neki novi shmek uz stari kvalitet je nesto sto su uspeli da urade sa novi albumom, sto se mene tiche...


Cenim da taj album bolje zvuci na ploci, posto je dupli i razdvojen na dve celine, bas onako kako sam rekao.

German power metallers RAGE filmed their recent show in St. Petersburg, Russia in front of 15,000 fans for an upcoming live DVD...

Da su vrhunski bend - to se zna, ali da su ovoliko popularni... 15000 ljudi?

A kod nas ne znam da li bi 500 ljudi došlo.




Inače, ovo je jedini bend kod koga mi se najviše sviđaju zadnji albumi, Unity i Soundchaser su mi omiljeni.

I sviraju li nekad uživo stvari iz Avenger perioda, osim Prayers of Steel? Npr. Battlefield?

  • 2 weeks later...

German power metallers RAGE have commented on their upcoming appearance at the Wacken Open Air festival, which is scheduled to take place August 2-4, 2007 in Wacken, Germany. "We will play a German-wide exclusive show together with an orchestra [for] the first time [in] 10 years," the group writes on its web site. "The setlist will include both old 'Lingua Mortis'/'XIII' material and new material from our last album and songs from Victor's [smolski, guitar] last solo release that were performed with the RAGE musicians. The show will probably be on the Thursday or Friday of the Wacken weekend, with RAGE in the headliner position (to be announced), so don't miss it..."



Ne da je mocan Wacken sledece godine bre...


German power metallers RAGE have commented on their upcoming appearance at the Wacken Open Air festival, which is scheduled to take place August 2-4, 2007 in Wacken, Germany. "We will play a German-wide exclusive show together with an orchestra [for] the first time [in] 10 years," the group writes on its web site. "The setlist will include both old 'Lingua Mortis'/'XIII' material and new material from our last album and songs from Victor's [smolski, guitar] last solo release that were performed with the RAGE musicians. The show will probably be on the Thursday or Friday of the Wacken weekend, with RAGE in the headliner position (to be announced), so don't miss it..."



Ne da je mocan Wacken sledece godine bre...

moram biti tamo wallbash.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Kao sto rekoh, to je informacija koju mi je Dejan Ilic, poznatiji u nas kao Ilke, rekao. Ima covek, kaze, jednu kasetu na kojoj je neki rage demo na kome je Djibo pevao. Takodje, rece da je u Metal Hammeru tamo neke 1990. godine bio poster sa njim u postavi.

  • 1 month later...

German power metallers RAGE have parted ways with drummer Mike Terrana.


Commented vocalist/bassist Peter "Peavy" Wagner and guitarist Victor Smolski: "From now on, we won't continue our collaboration with Mike because of personal and musical differences that have been existing for a while now and became unbearable. This cut is definitely not easy for us — but to avoid damage to RAGE we have no other choice. Unfortunately, there's not much left from our former unity. A while ago comunication between Mike and us broke down completely, so we have to pull the emergency brake. We decided to work with a new drummer in the future because we don't want to ruin it all to a point where there's no future at all. We want to keep our power and joy in music, so there's no other way. We are aware how much this lineup meant to you (and us) but that's life. A band, especially a three-piece, is like a relationship. Over the years we just drifted apart. We wish Mike all the best for his further career. Nevertheless, there's a bright perspective in front of us: We definitely won't cancel a single show and are working intensely at the moment to present you a suitable new drummer soon. We have lots of plans for the next year, among others we'll play some exclusive orchestra shows for you. We hope you all keep the faith in the future and promise to keep up our quality level to 100%."




moralo je kad tad...gde ce komunjara i kapitalista zajedno :)


Eto, a pre nekoliko meseci u intervjuu koji sam radio s njim rece mi da je ova postava najstabilnija do sada. Pu, kako vole da lazu.


Pa,jesi li citao onaj intervju u BVibe-u?

Ja sam umro od smeha,Peavy prica kakvi su Victor i Terrana.Prvi zakleti Rus drug komunjara,a drugi truli kapitalista,vecite svadje na probama :) :) :)


Naravno da nisam, nisam kupio B. Vibe vece dve godine. Znas koliko tamo ima bendova koji me zanimaju. Ali, cini mi se da sam bacio pogled kod nekog i ispala je potpuno drugacija prica od onoga sto je meni rekao.


Fuckin' steta! Svidjala mi se ova postava podosta..i uboli su kontinuitet stvarno dobrog materijala..


Anyway..za sve je kriva Mekong Delta! :) Od kad se oni reoformise..Kusch ode iz Masterplana u MD...Terana dodje u Masterplan, pa napusti Rage..Dakle jedva chekam novi Mekong Delta :rockdevil:

  • 2 weeks later...

Sta mislis od koga su maznuli ideju? Zapravo, verovatno od Deep Purple, ali cini mi se da je jednom neko rekao ovde da se u Metallica slucaju radilo o preradi, dok je Rage pravio kreaciju, tj. nove pesme, a ne stare prearanzirane.


Nesto slicno u rok muzici su prvi radili Deep Purple, koliko je meni poznato. Ako neko zna za nekog ko je to radio pre njih, neka mi kaze, da ne budem u zabludi.


da da isto je to uradio i Deep Purple s tim sto je to bilo 1999 a rage je XIII izdao 1998 ali je zato taj live snimljen

2001 ako se ne varam tako da je sve to diskutabilna tema ko je prvi :)

To je taj period kad je Rage muzicki omeksao :bigblue::)


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