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Ironicno nije. Ne znam da li je ko primjetio ali ova slika je benda Black Death, americki heavy koji melje kosti, jedan od najboljih albuma koje cuh, nazalost i jedini koji imaju.


Ajd dobro je da se Grobodan vratio, dosta je ovih placljivaca na Marduk i Alfa Omega temama :rockdevil:

Ubij kopilad!


TERRORIZER's Top 40 Black Metal Albums:


1) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

2) Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse

3) Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky

4) Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk

5) Burzum - Filosofem

6) Bathory - Under The Sign of the Black Mark

7) Immortal - Pure Holocaust

8) Dissection - Storm of the Light's bane

9) Darthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

10) Enslaved - Eld

11) Ulver - Nattens Madrigal

12) Satyricon - Nemesis Divina

13) Watain - Sworn to the Dark

14) Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

15) Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon

16) Beherit - Drawing down the Moon

17) Venom - Black Metal

18) Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale

19) Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh

20) Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract

21) Bathory - Bathory

22) Negură Bunget- Om

23) Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

24) Emperor - Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire and Demise

25) Blut aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God

26) Enslaved - Isa

27) Drudkh - Forgotten Legends

28) Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast

29) Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza

30) Solefald - The Linear Scaffold

31) Bathory - Blood Fire Death

32) Sarcófago - INRI

33) Impaled Nazarene - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz

34) Enslaved - Frost

35) In the Woods... - Heart of the Ages

36) Thorns - Thorns

37) Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno

38) Naglfar - Sheol

39) Immortal - Battles in the North

40) Master's Hammer - Ritual


Sta kazete?


Ali od prva 4 mesta, dva su Emperor. :mhihi: Interesantno mi je da su odabrali "Eld" kao najbolji Enslaved, "Sons Of Northern Darkness" po meni ne da je previsoko stavljen nego mi ne bi ni usao na listu :), Rotting Christ je morao biti vise, Drudkh i Master's Hammer su iznenadjenja. Ali morao je tu da bude i Root, Beherit je, po meni, previsoko postavljen, Nemesis Divina bi morala biti barem u prvih 10, Watain jes' odlican ali mi je opet nekako iznenadjujuce visoko... Lepo cudo pa su od Dimmu-a izabrali "Stormblast". ;) Sve u svemu, sto ti rece, ispremestao bih ja to kojekude.

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