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Da dam pare za igricu?


Nema shanse !!! Ne bacaju mi se pare :) :)

A i onako ne igram vishe igrice,po nekad igram manager i to je to...

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  AeternaAndNightFallFan said:
Da dam pare za igricu?


Nema shanse !!! Ne bacaju mi se pare :) :)

A i onako ne igram vishe igrice,po nekad igram manager i to je to...


Ama cujes li ti mene? :udri:


Jesam li reko da imam! Imam i obe ekspanzije i vrlo sam voljam da prosirim spektar fanova Morrowinda jer je to definitivno najbolja igra ikad! :D

Posted (edited)

Malo zez... :):):):)


Moj Smorrowing karakter...


Race: Dark Smor

Class: Night Wake

Special.: Stealth Smor (appearing offline)

Attributes: Agility, Intelligence, Smor, Hate, PMS

Major Skills: Mraksman, Light Mood Changing, Destruction, Illusion, Online, Short Temper, Tenk Driving

Minor Skills: Cheering up, Security, Alteration, Respect, Alchemy Jewelry, Money managing

Birth Sign: Immortal or Darkthrone

Level: 25


"The Night Wake is powerful combination of smor and stealth. Trashes and hates are their weapons on day, but on night, they destroy their enemies with fearsome smors. Many people are afraid of Night Wake (Nocturnal Stalkers Online), because most of them are Neuromansers (or die trying), Dark Brotherhood platinum members and thieves of parent's Master Cards."


Armor: Full set of Tiny Firewall Armor


1. Firefox (Fortify Magick, Fortify Health 30 pts, Fortify Brufen 400mg, Fortify Atack Myspace Bulletin 30 pts, Fortify Agility and Shoutbox stupidity 20 pts, Fortify Speed ADSL 256-512 pts.), 400000 gold.

2. Cedevita Long, 50000 gold.

3. Sandwich and Nescafe, 8 gold each.


Bez ljutnje molim :P

Edited by Smorock

Saznao sam kako se nabavlja! :rockdevil:

(Jebe kevu kolko stvari donosi, zamisli kad imas dve)

Ubijes Viveca, uzmes mu unidentified dweemer artifact, nabavis neke jedinstvene dve knjizice iz rusevina u okolini Dagoth Ur-a i odneses sve to onom retardiranom patuljku u corpusarium!


Samo mali problem je sto kad je stavis prvi put, permanentno izgubis 200 od maximum life-a!



Ja mislim da je vredno toga (Dva Wraithguarda!!!!!!! Zamisli ti to!!!!!!!!) :D

Posted (edited)
  Varg said:
A znao sam da postoji nešto sa onim debelim patuljkom i nekom knjigom..znači to je.

:mhihi: :mhihi: :mhihi:

Samo sad se namece pitanje:

Da li se vise isplati nositi dva wraithguarda (uzeti u obzir gubitak od 200 health-a) ili je bolje nositi dve "fist of randagulf" rukavice.


Writhguard: (racunaj x2 zato sto obe rukavice donose isto...)

266 AR, constant effect: shield 10 points on self, reflect 20% on self, resist blight disease 50% on self, resist fire/frost/shock/poison/magicka 10% on self

Fists of Ranadagulf: (Lakse se nalaze. Pronadjes ih u Illumbi-u tokom main questa kad treba da ubijes dagotha koji te zarazi corpusom. Kriju se iza nekih kutija)

Left:300 AR,constant effect: fortify agility 20 points on self

Right:300 AR,constant effect: fortify strength 20 points on self


Sta ti mislis????????????????


P.S. Svi patuljci su debeli!!! Moras da postujes davno ustanovljene stereotipe i predrasude prema njima!!! :mrgreen:

Edited by Little black

A zashto lepo ne zbudziti 200 fortify intell. napitaka, zgutati odjednom, i onda napraviti 200 razlichitih 'fortify attrib' napitaka koji traju po nekoliko sati/dana, poskidati svu opremu, i jurcati go poput Vivec-a, a opet, niko ne moze ni da te takne, niti ubije sa xyzxyz health-a, i ubijash pesnicom bilo kog stvora jer jbg. imash str. od nekoliko hiljada :D

Takodje, sa tolikim str. imash i 'nosivost' toliku da ponesesh gotovo sve predmete u igri :D


Inache, ono shto ne preporuchujem je da se naprave ludachki jaki 'fortify speed' napitci...

Sa brzinom od par hiljada, trebalo bi da se lik bukvalno teleportuje, ali, meni se desilo da je komp prosto zakucao :D

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