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Jebo im pas mater...sacuvaj 3 komada,za mene,Nikolu sicksicksicka i Goxyja.Inace,dobar je to zine,imam 4-5 brojeva,lik je radio intervjue sa Throneum,Metal Inquisitor,Kanibalima...ima i onaj Frubijev intervju sa Krisiun...valja.


Nunslaughter rules supreme!



  • 2 weeks later...
Jebo im pas mater...sacuvaj 3 komada,za mene,Nikolu sicksicksicka i Goxyja.Inace,dobar je to zine,imam 4-5 brojeva,lik je radio intervjue sa Throneum,Metal Inquisitor,Kanibalima...ima i onaj Frubijev intervju sa Krisiun...valja.


Nunslaughter rules supreme!



Ja imam samo tri broja (6, 9 i 10).....covek se ubi da podrzi metal scenu...svaka mu cast icon_da.gif



Slobo menjaj potpis!!!!!






Ej Nunslaughteru,jesi slusao Hells Unholy Fire?Znam da pitanje nije na mestu,posto si ogroman fan,ali zanima me tvoje misljenje o albumu...


I da,imas li ti nesto od Ghoul?

Ej Nunslaughteru,jesi slusao Hells Unholy Fire?Znam da pitanje nije na mestu,posto si ogroman fan,ali zanima me tvoje misljenje o albumu...


I da,imas li ti nesto od Ghoul?

A sta mislis sta mislim o albumu icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Od Ghoul imam We came for the Dead i Maniaxe na mp3....i We came for the Dead uskoro na LP!!!!!

Posted (edited)

xexe,sad videh kod Solija da ima sva 3 albuma,izasao novi album Splatterthrash,zato te pitam...Ti si mi pricao lepo o bendu,ali kad sam video da su na Razorback etiketi,sve mi je jasno.


edit:bog te jebo,svi na GHOUL sajt,evo lyricsa jedne pesme...nisam ih jos cuo,a zaljubio sam se vec u njih


Forbidden Crypts


We smelled the greasepaint in the air,

They stumbled into town last night, completely unaware,

Clad in shirts of mesh and with mascara on their eyes

We saw a keyboard player and we knew they had to die.


They played a show at Ivan's Inn,

From underneath the stage we heard the caterwauling din,

They sang of forests, elves, and trolls,

The urge to kill them on the spot we barely could control


After the show they all got drunk,

Apparently to celebrate a set that really stunk,

To the graveyard they predictably paid call,

These lords of chaos whined about their tour bus being small


They spoke of Norway and "the scene"

The sound of laughing Ghouls reverberated through the trees

"We should take some pictures!" the one in chain mail said,

"That's it." Cremator growled, "It's time these idiots were dead."


They scattered like rats when they saw Ghoul attack,

The drummer was the first to go, a hook in his back

Machetes were sinking into painted flesh

Carnage and gore soaking leather and mesh

The keyboardist begged but Fermentor just laughed

We hacked off his hands and then chopped him in half

The vocalist was strangled with his very guts

His female back-up expired from her cuts


Splattering brain pans as a matter of course

Violently murdering with no fucking remorse


Their bassist, to a boobytrap, paid a toll

His head having gained five or six extra holes

The blood from his mouth made a hot, steamy treat

We savoured the moment, then sawed off his feet

Both of the guitarists made a run for the gate

Digestor cut them off and sealed their fate

One of them cried while the other was killed,

His tears did no good as his skull was still drilled


Slicing and dicing, our fanatic obsession

Of slaughtering poseurs, we've made a profession

In our forbidden...

Forbidden crypts!!!


Vrh,vrh vrhova,najbolji lyricsi koje sam procitao ne znam otkad icon_rockdevil.gif

Edited by grave
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Jedini razlog sto ne volim ovaj bend je sto ne mogu da im prtim izdanja. Nabavim jedno, a u medjuvremenu izaslo jos 20. Znaci, NunSlaughter je definitivno najproliferativniji bend na planeti Zemlji, jedino japanski Sabbat moze da im prismrdi u tom pogledu.

NunSlaughter je definitivno najproliferativniji bend na planeti Zemlji, jedino japanski Sabbat moze da im prismrdi u tom pogledu.

Sabbati su se malo utisali od kada nije vise u bendu Temis,ali koliko vidim na zvanicnom sajtu,spremaju vise kracih izdanja,ali ne jos album.Zudim da cujem neke nove pesme.


Cekaj, a koliko albuma ima NunSlaughter? 2, 3 ili 4? Imaju 200 izdanja, od kojih su pola ja vinilno, ja CD, ja kasetno reizdanje proba i dema iz ranog perioda. Evo, skoro su Hell's Headbangers Records izdali box set sa 9 7" singlova u metalnoj kutiji u 100 primeraka. Stvarno fenomenalno izgleda, ali ce kostati boga oca kad se vec razgrabilo.


"Hell's Unholy Fire" i imam, a mislio sam da se i "Radio Damnation" vodi kao album, iako su na njemu uglavnom stvari sa prethodnih izdanja.

Znam da ne moram ostala izdanja da jurim, ali cu videti da nabavim par split singlica, pogotovo sa Soulless i Nocturnal.

"Hell's Unholy Fire" i imam, a mislio sam da se i "Radio Damnation" vodi kao album, iako su na njemu uglavnom stvari sa prethodnih izdanja.

Znam da ne moram ostala izdanja da jurim, ali cu videti da nabavim par split singlica, pogotovo sa Soulless i Nocturnal.

"Radio Damnation" je ustvari live album izveden u radio studiju,bukvalno.Ako nista valja ga imati zbog ona dva debila(mislim na pevaca i bubnjara)koji lupetaju izmedju pesama.

"This one ,goes out to the Nazarene.He died in friday,but he arose in sunday.Fuck him,hi was killed by the cross.."Slicno ovome.



Ma, imam ja "RAdio damnation" na sjabanom disku, koji nenormalno preskace. poslao mi ga Don jos pre 3 godine. Zato sam i mislio da je regularan album, mislim regularno izdanje albumske duzine, da preformulisem.


pravi jebeni Death Metal. ekselente



Through the Heavens above in the azure sky

it is my mission to watch them die

since days of old all I want

is to gather their wings on this Angelhunt

  • 1 month later...

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