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Posted (edited)

Amerika anyone? Njihovu scenu sam vec odavno podijelila u dvije kategorije: jako dobre i jako lose bendove. Sredine nema.


Nachtmystium je jedan od bendova koji definitivno spadaju u prvu kategoriju (a necu se suzdrzati da makar ne spomenem Absu kao moje apsolutne favorite USA scene).


Oformljeni 2000. godine, nisu uradili mnogo izdanja, mislim da imaju jedan split i nekoliko live izdataka. Neizbjezni u kolekciji su 'Nachtmystium' i 'EULOGY IV', obavezna lektira za svakoga ko voli prljaviji, mracniji i, in a way, muzikalniji (NE melodicniji) bm.


Prije nekoliko dana je izasao novi 'Instinct: Decay' s kojeg sam imala priliku poslusati jedino 'Chosen By No One'. Prije nekoliko mjeseci bila je dostupna za preslusavanje na Drakkar radiu.

Edited by ~Abigail~

Oh yeah,slazem se definitivno za Amersku scenu,i za favorite sa nje - Absu,Grand Belial's Key i Judas Iscariot prvi padaju na pamet.


Nachtmystium...fin bendic,nisam se nesto otkidao od slusanja,ali secam se da mi se Eulogy podosta svideo,mogao bih bash tog bastarda da ubacim ponovo u plejer.


Inace,treba sad da idu(ili su vec bili?) na Evroturneju sa GB'sK.


Mislim da bi trebali uskoro. Ipak, sumnjam da ce to ista za mene, odnosno nas znaciti, jer sam veliki skeptik po pitanju njihovog dolaska na Balkan. Al nebitno.

I meni je Eulogy najvise 'legao', a kako sam cula iz pouzdanih izvora, 'I. Decay' je cak bolji od svog prethodnika.

Licno, mogu reci da me 'Chosen By No One', prosto i bez ikakvih dodatnih epiteta-odusevila. I da, mislim da je album genijalan, al za konacno prosudjivanje morat cu pricekati jos malo.


Sto se favorita USA.a tice, ja bih dodala jos i Krieg. ;]


imam dva izdanja:demise i reign of the malicious,ali to sam slusao poodavno i nicega se ne secam,a i ne verujem da cu ih slusati u dogledno vreme


a rekao sam i na njihovoj temi, da je GBK najbolji americki bm bend ikada po mom misljenju

cak i od legendarnog absu icon_da.gif

Posted (edited)

Moj top 5 americkog blacka:


2.Grand Belial's Key

3.Judas Iscariot

4. *



4. Nachtmystium



Moja lista Amera.


edit: kad smo vec kod Absu.a, trenutna slika s avatara mi je jedna od najboljih bm bend fotografija icon_wink.gif

Edited by ~Abigail~
  • 2 weeks later...

evo je recenzija za novi album...obecava...a i da psotujemo malo,chisto da ne zatvore temu laugh.gif


One of the things I love about metal, among others, is when a band or artist can take something generally considered ugly, and make it somewhat beautiful without having to compromise anything in the process. Black metal’s raw side can be quite ugly as we all know, and likewise, the more graceful, symphonic side sometimes drifts into feminine, supple, nearly elegant theatrics. Within the vast expanse of middle-ground between the two extremes lies Chicago area’s anti-socialites Nachtmystium, consisting of members of Twilight, Krieg, and Cult Of Daath, and led by mainman, Azentrius (Blake, founder of Battle Kommand Records). Already known to be devastating in a live setting, the progression from being one man’s single vision has developed into an authentic, potent joint-property of sorts.


Even upon the first listen Instinct: Decay establishes itself with noticeable growth in the songwriting department, but not in the way I expected. Instead of adopting a predictably faster, more technically precise direction, or an equally predictable raw, minimalist drone, Nachtmystium have fetidly blossomed into an ambient, atmospherically caustic entity, with a twist. In odd turn, the increase of more ethereal psychedelics infused into the song structures blends with a nearly haywire, nebulous New Wave Of British Heavy Metal point of view. The contagious mid-paced groove of “Chosen By No One” literally steps with both feet into realms of more traditional metal with no apologies, sounding both progressive, thoughtful, and most importantly, fucking heavy. The wildly soulful, unstructured, and whammy-heavy leads also provide a nearly gossamer divergence to the sometimes burrowing rhythms, entrancingly intensifying the already manic climate.


I do need to clarify that this is entirely a black metal album, so it’s not as if Nachtmystium are writing Saxon songs, and the execution of Instinct: Decay exemplifies the almost scalding heat given off by American black metal bands. Burning tremolo and mid-to-fast blasts that never truly get nihilistically hypersonic dominate this album (think Emperor’s In The Nightside Eclipse for similar speed comparison), and the previously mentioned classic, majestic and implicit NWOBHM groove is utilized for ample rhythmic seasonings, adding something more substantial than just senseless aggression. The riffs are uncomplicated, deceptively captivating, and almost totally bereft of staccato crunch, creating a very lustrous flow as the merciless dynamics of “Keep Them Open”, “Antichrist Messiah”, and “Eternal Ground” rip along with an austere, thoroughly nihilistic slant in both rhythm, and word.


As a whole, this disc takes a few risks. The production is indeed raw, but its definition has changed a bit. The tones of the guitars are thick and less trebly than what I’ve gotten used to in the scene, and the bass in particular really makes its presence known by forming a roaring yet discernable wall of cauterizing sound. A fault is exposed through this very same thick sound, as the riffs really aren’t all that crystal-clear or sharp, resulting in some of the more esoteric intricacies being muted slightly. Blake’s vocals are firmly mid-ranged and performed with surprising enunciation, continuing to be the steadfast focal point of the disc, but they stand a little high in the mix, occasionally overshadowing the great rhythms as they rumble beneath Blake’s throaty screams. A last criticism of mine is actually one towards the songwriting, because it sometimes sounds like a tease. Some of the tunes are so compactly dynamic, that it feels like the songs aren’t as fleshed-out as they could have been, the otherwise stellar “Keep Them Open” particularly suffers due to it's premature, effects-laden end. Given even a minute and a half more time, this song probably would have made me shit myself in delight more than it already does.


For having so many members busy in additional projects, the isolationist lifestyle of these musicians appears to be bearing some awesomely rotten fruit. From an innovative standpoint, Nachtmystium are at the forefront of the USBM realm. Instinct: Decay is an exquisitely cantankerous release, raising the bar for both band and genre on these shores a notch or two higher, with still more room for growth. I’ve already picked up my copy from MetalHaven, and I’d happily do it again.


a vi kako hocete

Ja hocu da dodam Inquisition,kako sam to zaboravio.JEste da su poreklom iz Kolumbije,ali sad se vode kao Ameri.Ako ne i najboljoi black bend danas. musik19.gif


Glavno da vi offtopicite icon_razz.gif


Nego, sto se tice Instincta, nikako da ga zbavim, a Chosen By No One vec dugo vremena nema na Drakkaru. Pretpostavljam da je I:D nesto kao 'Eulogy IV' s primjesama 'Nachtmystium.a'..a mozda i mnogo bolji. Inace i postava benda je jako dobra.

  • 1 month later...

Evo,bas slusam Instict:Decay,za razliku od nove Horne koja je jebeno razocarala,ovo je iznenadjujuce dobro.S obzirom na to da sam Eulogy davno slusao i da se nicega ne secam,pristupio sam bendu kao da ga nikad nisam chuo.Na prvih par slusanja ovo mi zvuci kao muzikalniji Krieg - znaci,sirovi Black Americkog stila,ali kroz muziku se provlace sve vreme neke istripovane melodije - stvarno dobar album icon_rockdevil.gif Eto,Ameri ga dobro odradise ove godine - Krieg i Nachtmystium...Jos ako Absu izbaci nesto...

  • 3 weeks later...

'Malo' kasnim u vremenu, al da napokon napisem koju o Instinctu.

Elem, 2006. je izgleda jako dobro pocela sto se novih albuma tice. Ovu 'Eternal Ground' jedino mogu nadjebati pjesme Mutiilationa.

Da izdvojim i A Seed For Suffering (solaza koja me podsjeca na BAN), mada Chosen ostaje najbolja stvar.

Muzikalno po mjeri, dovoljno atmosfericno, manje prljavo nego Eulogy, ali sasvim zadovoljavajuce za ovaj album . Mozda je malo 'zreliji' od prethodnika i, za razliku od nekih bendova, definitivno su zadovoljili i slijedili standarde postavljene svojim masterpieceom. Toliko za sad.


  • 3 months later...

Cuo sam da je bend OK, mada nisam slusao (al mi je u planu da nabavim).


Meni USA i black metal ne idu u istu recenicu, ne znam sto.. Ima tu dobrih bendova recimo Judas Iskariot, Absu... Al jednistavno nekako mi zvuci odbojno po imenu... Jos pa kad vidim americki pagan black pukeface.gif

  • 6 months later...

Chicago's psychedelic-themed black metal act NACHTMYSTIUM has issued the following update:


"We're proud to announce today that we've officially signed a two-album deal with Century Media Records for North America! We're also finalizing our new deal for Europe and Asia with Candlelight Records U.K.


"First release up will be 'Eulogy IV' via Century Media, who will be keeping this title in-print permanently after two very limited releases of this title over the last three years. Expect this to hit stores sometime in the next 2-3 months.


"We leave for our tour with WATAIN and ANGELCORPSE here in a few days, hope to see you maniacs on the road once again!


Ostajem pri svome da je Instinct : Deacy medju top 5 black albuma 2006.Samo,kome god sam narezao album,rekao mi je da je govno zivo :)


fukkin n00bs. Nije ni Nacht za svakoga. Ako je ikako moguce, I:D je bolji i od eulogya o.O

enivejz jest)': s Watainom...i Acorpseom, jos jedna fantasticna turneja Wataina...s obzirom da su svirali nedavno s Kreatorom i Celticom. Bas sam mislila raditi intervju s njima (Nacht) uskoro...al cu cekati kraj turneje..sto zbog posvecenosti odgovaranju, sto zbog utisaka.

  • 1 year later...

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