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“We’re currently working on material for ‘Black Meddle Part II’ (official title to be announced) and will be doing a demoing pre-production session with Sanford Parker in October.


“The new material is reminiscent of ‘Assassins’ with more of a rock and roll edge over all. Our love for post-rock and industrial (ala MINISTRY, KILLING JOKE, etc) is even more present this time around.


“We’re hoping to make a record that will continue to push extreme music into uncharted territories.


“Recording for the new record will begin in early January and we project to have the record out in March or April.”


Jea, eto radosti za moderatora i mene :rockdevil:


jbg kad sam lenj. tako bas dosta dobrih bendova otkrijem "kasno" jer nikako da ih skinem, treba mi neko da me podseti/nagovori :haha:


npr Samael novi jos uvek ceka :haha:


Za sve kuje koje postuju ovde imam neshto fantastichno za vas. Oranssi Pazuzu , neshto ko poslednji nachtmystium samo sa vishe black metala.


Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu


"Musically Oranssi Pazuzu is mix of Norwegian style black metal and psychedelic avant garde music. Band’s musical influences include bands such as Darkthrone, Electric Wizard, Circle, Satyricon, Burzum and even Pink Floyd. The band’s motto is “Oranzzi Pazuzu makes music that lures all the arsonists and smokers to hold each others hands.”


Mnogo dobar album, preporucujem svima kojima se dopao poslednji nacht.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Gledah skoro neki intervju sa njima, i prijanto su me iznenadili kada su rekli da procucent na novom albumu ce biti Steve Albini, sto je rekao Blake da je to personal victory za njega posto je uvek bio inspirisan njime. A i to se vidi bash onako na seasicku(ono obvious Jesus Lizard).


I verovatno ce uraditi neku Hawkwind obradu, nisu rekli tachno koju, ali ja se nadam da ce biti nesto sa Hall of the Mountain Grill tipa The Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear in Smoke) ili pak mozda nesto sa Warrior on the Edge of Time. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Illinois-based extreme metallers NACHTMYSTIUM, led by mastermind Blake Judd, have entered Volume Studios (RWAKE, MINSK, LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR, PELICAN) in Chicago with producer Sanford Parker (MINSK) to begin recording their new album, "Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. II". They have also enlisted the talents of Wrest (LEVIATHAN, LURKER OF CHALICE, TWILIGHT) to lay down all drum tracks, as well as Will Lindsay (WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, MIDDIAN) to handle the bass duties on the CD.


Commented Judd: "Our love for post-rock and industrial (a la MINISTRY, KILLING JOKE, etc.) is even more present this time around. We're hoping to make a record that will continue to push extreme music into uncharted territories."


Blake Judd, Nachtmystium


01 Funeral Mist - Maranatha

02 Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures

03 Beherit - Engram

04 Mastodon - Crack The Skye

05 Shrinebuilder - Shrinebuilder

06 Zoroaster - Voice of Saturn

07 The Atlas Moth - A Glorified Piece of Blue Sky

08 Absu - Absu

09 Alice In Chains - Black Gives Way To Blue

10 Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta Pt. II: Dialogue With The Stars


Znao sam da ce mu u listi sigurno biti Them Crooked Vultures. :) Odlichno ovo za Wresta , nadam se da osim bubnja ubaciti malo dark ambienta ala Lurker of Chalice.

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