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Guest милка зоофилка

Tek fake nickovi koliko smaraju...

Jeste video totalni fenseraj, za MTV kao stvoren.


vh1 rocks





Lazo kad si prvi put stavio ovu fotku negde, mislio sam da si ti :lol:


nije daleko, dzindzer brada i ranije sam fura te mc hammer lone. ali u osnovnoj pre nego sto sam ganse pronasao :)


Meni spot izgleda do jaja. Kakav fenseraj, kakav MTV? Dobar kvalitet ideje, izvedbe i režiranja je ono što nedostaje metal spotovima, većina dadašnjih spotova je potpuni krš u tamnim bojama sa akcentom na plavu, zelenu i nekim lens flare forama. Ovaj spot ima atmosferu koja savršeno odgovara pesmi i to je više nego što mnogi postignu.

Guest милка з.

Ja sam bio ironičan, a Milka... pa ne znam kako to da nazovem.


више полу-иронична.  не, стварно ми се спот не свиђа, али с обзиром да никада нисам била фан овог бенда то ме претерано и не дотиче. није због кашике, шприцева и осталих нарко реквизита, већ због начина израде, сенки, комплетних визуелних ефеката...  још стан оне јаднице, као из банкарских реклама, повољни кеш кредити за опремање стана, куповину плазма тв-а...редовну исплату дилера. објективно, мени спот више приличи неком авангардном бенду. али добро, они ионако нису класичан бм бенд, ово што свирају се тешко може сврстати у неку прецизну категорију.

  • 3 weeks later...
‘Black Meddle’ series was a two-part concept and is now complete. The next Nachtmystium album will be very much a ‘return-to-form’ in some regards. We’re working on a very feral, aggressive black metal record right now. Like I said before, we don’t’ like to repeat ourselves, so this new album will feature some new elements not found in earlier Nachtmystium records, while at the same time be a massive return to our old sound. I intend on making the record that I wanted ‘Demise’ to be (which I wrote and recorded when I was about eighteen / nineteen years old). I’m much older now, I feel that I’m a much better song writer / arranger and an over all better guitar player than I was back then, so I’m returning to that concept in sound but will be applying my improved skill to the writing and hopefully will result with a very epic, depressing (sounding) black metal record that will be highly influenced by the ‘Hvis Lyset Tar Oss’ era of Burzum, the ‘Strid’ demo and 7” (classic and often times forgotten Norwegian black metal from the early 90’s), etc. I’ve found myself being drawn back to my very favorite black metal records this year and am rediscovering what I loved so much about this genre.






Fino zvuče.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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