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Blake Judd

goes into Engine Studios tomorrow to track a new Nachtmystium track (first recording with the post-Addicts line up!) for an upcoming split 7" with Matthias Vogels' obscure proggy black metal project Murmur! I'm psyched to be doing my first underground indie label release in quite a few years. This will be out on Inferna Profundis Records, Lithuania!
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Over the last couple of weeks, Nachtmystium has been going through the vaults of our old demo tape masters, rehearsal tapes from all eras of the band, finding versions of songs from all the full-lengths with completely different mixes, vocals, etc. It's all different and we're having a great time digging through all of this stuff and also finding ourselves rather surprised at how much of it is actually 'listenable'. So, we're going to compile a bunch of this stuff for you fans and find a way to release it digitally ourselves or perhaps stream the stuff at various host sites. We'll post here once we've finished compiling everything and have decided on how to release the material. There are also plans to compile all of the bonus tracks and compilation tracks from the 2000-2004 era (which includes our split 7" releases with Xasthur and Krieg, the demo version of 'Demise' track "Ashes To Ashes", which only appeared on the Live Blitzkireg LP release, etc.) and to release them on a CD or LP. We may take all of the above mentioned material and just release it all in a double LP set or some kind of collectors edition box set. Whatever it is, it will be limited as this is very much material that's geared towards the people who really get into the harsher area of the bands release history, which we realize is a much smaller audience than the ones we've reached with some of our more recent offerings. Keep an eye on the Nachtmystium facebook page here for updates on this ongoing project.


Metal and Hellfire!




Haha sada sam malo surfovao black metal podforumom i uhvati me nostaligičnost kada sam video kolko sam naivno i prepuno typoa pisao ranije.


  On 4/23/2008 at 10:20 AM, Lunar said:

<img src="http://www1.picfront.org/picture/Ei4XMfdzVi/img/Nachtmystium-InstinctDecay.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />


encoder/bitrate: LAME 3.90.3 APS

genre: Black/Psychedelic Metal

source: CDDA

release date: 05/09/2006



01 Instinct

02 A Seed For Suffering

03 Keep Them Open

04 Chosen By No One

05 Circumvention

06 The Antichrist Messiah

07 Eternal Ground

08 Heres To Hoping

09 Abstract Nihilism

10 Decay


<a href="http://rapidshare.com/files/97679022/Nachtmystium-Instinct_Decay-2006-cnmc.rar" target="_blank">http://rapidshare.com/files/97679022/Nacht...y-2006-cnmc.rar</a>


PassWord: <b>toymachine4all</b>


<b>Prilicno zanimljiv i nov Black metal bend, osim ovog albuma imaju jos dva ali nisu tolko vredna paznje ko ovaj . Dosta ovde ima, neki delovi bash i nelice na black ali sve je lepo uklopljenu u jednu zanimljivu tamnu atmosferu(naprimer ima tu industrial elementa, akusticnih gitara, ponekad je bubanj cudan itd...). Postoji 50% sansa da vam se ovo svidi, tako ako zelite dowujte.</b>


Evo sta wikipedia kaze: Initially strongly influenced by the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_fidelity" target="_blank">low-fi</a> sound of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burzum" target="_blank">Burzum</a> and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkthrone" target="_blank">Darkthrone</a>,<sup><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nachtmystium#cite_note-crypt-1" target="_blank">[2]</a></sup> on later releases the production quality has improved, while the musical style became more influenced by <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_music" target="_blank">ambient</a> and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_rock" target="_blank">psychedelic rock</a>.<sup><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nachtmystium#cite_note-left-2" target="_blank">[3]</a></sup> Lyrical themes occasionally deal with anti-<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity" target="_blank">Christianity</a> and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell" target="_blank">hell</a>, as is common for black metal, but more often reveal a fascination with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkness" target="_blank">darkness</a>, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate" target="_blank">hate</a>, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solitude" target="_blank">solitude</a>, and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misanthropy" target="_blank">misanthropy</a>.



<b>Eh da i izvinite ako ima vec ova tema a ja je nisma video, posto sam poprilicno nov a ima 6 strana i moze da se desi da mi je nesto promaklo. <img src="http://www.yumetal.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="icon_smile.gif" />



  On 7/8/2008 at 12:33 PM, Lunar said:

WoW , kolko je dobar novi album ja nemam rechi. Teshko da sad ovo moze vishe da sapdne u Black Metal, i samim tim dobice negativne ocene od fanova i odbice dosta ljudi , ali svejedno album je odlichan.


Ovo je do sada naj eksperimentlaniji/psihodelichniji album do sada, i mozda sa najboljom produkcijom . Isto tkao prvo sto mi je pal on apamet kad sma video naslov je Pink Flojd i One of Those Days i naravno Meddle, pa relativno moze se reci da je ovo neka zla varijanta Meddlea.


Fenomenalno i nisu bash soloi kao rock vishe kao neki heavy metal, ali valjani itekako, pogotovo onaj solo na Your True Enemy. tako jest dve najbolje pesme na albumu su sigurno Your True Enemy i Ghost of Grace.


Eksperimentalnost odise tokom celog albuma sa stvnrono cudnim koriscenjem Stell Guitara i Pitched Guitara(koji veoam liche na one Pink Flojidovske) , ima tu lepih delova pogotovo instrumental Seasick( Part 2 Oceanborne) koji pored klasicne atmosfere za album ima i solo na saksofonu.


Taj Seasick kad se spoji u jednu pemsu tako jest kad spojite sva tri parta dobijete jednu strasnu progresivnu pesmu sa stravicnim gitarama. I Code Negative je fenomenalan instrumental( i dosta psihodelichan je onaj kraj For this Illnes there is no Cure ili tkao nesto).


Naci album je fenomenalan, mozda samo manje instrumentalal da su stavili i bio bi ovo stvarno epic album. Meni je ovo bolje od stvarno odlichnog Instinct Decaya. Mada verujem da ce album stranso ljude odbiti pogotovo BM fanove posto nije krsh produkcija i nema tolko tamnu atmosferu sa proslog albuma, i dosta taj scream koji koriste moze la koda prodje kao clean. <img src="http://www.yumetal.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="icon_smile.gif" />


E sada sto se tice lyrics, zasto nigde nema. Jedino mogu da nadjem lyrics za njihov cover od Burzuma Lost Wisdom i to je to. Album je trebao beshe prvo bitn oda se zove Misstress kako se ja secam, a sad su ga promenili u Assassians : Black Meddle Part 1, to znaci bice uskoro part 2 jeeeej jedva cekam.




Ah, toplo mi oko srca. Baš onako mladalačka sreća kada se otkrije nešto novo, nešto neverovatno.

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Ovaj bend je potpuno nenormalan uživo. Ne pratim ih toliko, pa ću vam ostati dužan za set-listu sa Party Sana, ali nagurali su dosta starih stvari u 45 minuta koliko su svirali. Sećam se da su bili Ashes To Ashes, A Seed For Suffering, One Of These Nights/Assassins i Hellish Overdose.

  • 2 weeks later...
Nachtmystium are pleased to announce that we're going to be working on not only our new full-length album in the coming months, but also some additional tracks that will appear on a split 12" vinyl-only release between Nachtmystium and our long time French black'n'roll brothers GLORIOR BELLI! This LP will feature completely exclusive tracks from each band and will be released on Chicago-based label Diabolus Templum Sanus! More details to come.

Today we're releasing the cover art work for our upcoming split 7" EP with obscure Chicago black metal group MURMUR, to be released in the next month or two on Inferna Profundus Records, Lithuania in a limited edition of 1,000 units. Nachtmystium's exclusive new track, "I Wait In Hell", will also be released digitally via iTunes, Amazon, and other online music outlets via Century Media Records and will be available for digital purchase worldwide. The digital release will follow the release of the vinyl EP, we will announce here when the track is made available and when the 7" EP is released.




Evo šta su ona dva srećnika gledali na Party Sanu:


A Seed for Suffering

Your True Enemy


One of These Nights


Hellish Overdose

Ashes to Ashes

Ghosts of Grace


Čudi me da nije bila "Nightfall", inače totalni seks od liste.


Hteli su oni da sviraju Nightfall za kraj, ali su ih oterali sa stejdža jer su probili termin.


A probili su termin zato što je bubnjaru otišla pedala u sred pesme, pa su tu izgubili 5-6 minuta.

Posted (edited)

једва чекам ту обраду. питам се о којој се песми ради.


иначе, почео сам да их воршипујем због песме Assassins, дуго нисам чуо тако адиктивну и квалитетну ствар. нисам се могао отети утиску да слушам прекаљен, прочишћен, демонски и авангардан меновор (типа King of Kings) :redface: . освојили су ме и са Seasick II, та ме подсетила на Ihsahn-a (због сакса?). све у свему, узбудљива вожња

Edited by -con-struc-tor-

Nije fora u ritmu, nego u boji klavijature i u beat-u, a molim te, nemoj da me vredjas, ne slusam ja samo mijetal. :D


A uostalom, evo ti comment sa youtube-a od jednog koji se oseca na slican nacin kao ja povodom pesme:

"All I can imagine is grim black metal necro-warriors jumping up and waving glowsticks around and doing speed."


Naravno, da napomenem da mi se ovo svidja, iako sam vec izrazio svoje odusevljenje par postova iznad.

Posted (edited)

Slažem se sa Demonskim Semenom, zamišljam raznobojna neonska svetla u dugoj ekspoziciji i urbane reklame u gradu, dok kola prolaze kroz veče, a omladina se kreće ka klubovima u kojima će da đuska do zore. Ozbiljno.

Edited by Lou

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