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Уз "Practice What You Preach" ово могу да сврстам у најбоље Тестамент албуме ...

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hvala care na podršci, ritual je keva. skoro svaka pesma odatle je do jaja. hvala. ritual ima dušu. ali kao što sam rekao, prvih pet albuma su keva.


ovo je tema koju dosad niko još niko nije diskutovao, ali eto ja ću sad da je pokrenem posto umirem od radoznalosti sta ce ljudi da kažu. je li ljudi, šta mislite o albumu the ritual? pošto je to meni jedan od jačih njihovih albuma. mnogi pljuju ovaj album zato što je 'komercijalan' i zato što je mekan. prvo, album nije nešto preterano komercijalan. drugo, to što je komercijala to ne mora uvek da znaći da je sranje. treće, pa šta ako je mekan album! nije uvek poenta što brže što agresivnije. album je veoma melodičan i veoma zreo. ne kažem, prva četiri albuma su keva ali i ovaj mi je takodje veoma drag. po mom mišljenju, prvih pet albuma su meni TESTAMENT. to je po meni testament.

Jao kinez ja prosto ne mogu da verujem da su ove reci izasle iztvojih usta...

"komercijala to ne mora uvek da znaći da je sranje"



Komercijala ne mora da uvek bude sranje... ali se jednostavno ne uklapa u moj ukus icon_rolleyes.gif


The Ritual, naravno, nije loš album. Ali mi je iz mnogo razloga The Legacy 1000 puta bolji. icon_da.gif



  • 2 weeks later...
Apsolutno se slazem

Nemam pojma TESTAMENT je super i svirka i sve ali ih nikad nisam gotivio...ne znam zasto!To ne znaci da ih ne postujem kao i njiihov rad

  • 2 weeks later...

Testament je keva... Najjaci album je The Legacy... Mada su i ostali fini. Mogao bi neko da se seti da uradi tribute to testament i da se pojavi na nekoj svirKi...bilo bi lepo cuti. Tada bi ja, od svu decu, bila najsrecnija... musik19.gifpivopije.gif

Komercijala ne mora da uvek bude sranje... ali se jednostavno ne uklapa u moj ukus rolleyes.gif


The Ritual, naravno, nije loš album. Ali mi je iz mnogo razloga The Legacy 1000 puta bolji. icon_da.gif

A od Legacy je jos 1000 puta bolji demo "LEgacy" icon_da.gificon_da.gificon_da.gif


veruj mi, cuo sam iz veoma pouzdanih izvora... ali ni ti izvori ne znaju da li je sto posto sigurno, ali su pregovori u toku, i verovato dolaze!

  • 1 month later...

LivingForMetal.com: And that's for the new TESTAMENT album?


Eric: "Yeah, and it's gonna be with the original lineup."


LivingForMetal.com: Even with Louie [Clemente] on drums?


Eric: "Yeah, we're gonna get Louie to come back to do some songs. The drummer situation, we are probably gonna use a couple of drummers 'cause we've had people that are in our lives and a part of TESTAMENT so it wouldn't be fair to not have these people play on it. Probably Jon Allen from DRAGONLORD and SADUS will play on it, who's also been a part of TESTAMENT and toured with us. Just the way we do things now, we don't tour extensively so it's kind of hard to keep steady players. Like if something comes up and someone's not available we'll go, 'Let's see if this guy's available.' Yeah it's gonna be killer, the new material is sounding pretty old-school."


LivingForMetal.com: Has Alex [skolnick] written a lot of material for the new TESTAMENT album as well?


Eric: "Yeah, he's got some riffs that he's been sending me and they sound pretty TESTAMENT, just really cool stuff. Like that 'Apocalyptic City' kind of vibe. Good chord progressions with octaves over it."


LivingForMetal.com: You guys were great together. I'm glad everyone's back and doing well.


Eric: "Actually, I just recorded some stuff last night with Jon Allen, a few new songs and there's this one song...I don't know. Me and Jon couldn't get past the beginning we kept stopping it and playing the beginning. I mean we're seriously both going, 'This is what METALLICA should be writing.' (laughs). It sounds really good the song, I'm not just saying it cause we're doing it. I mean all of the songs that we got are killer, but this new one to me is like, 'If this one doesn't hit home then I don't know what will.' It's got the really good essence of TESTAMENT and mixed with the drumming with Jon Allen and a little bit of 'Lombardo' kind of busy in style."


LivingForMetal.com: What kind of game plan are you looking at for the new TESTAMENT record, recording this fall?


Eric: "Recording in the fall would be nice, that's my wish list. There's a lot of stuff coming up, I have DRAGONLORD who are gonna tour the States and we're playing Japan in September and Alex has got stuff going on too."


LivingForMetal.com: Yeah everybody's got lives now.


Eric: "Yeah, everybody's got stuff they're doing. I think once we get together and we put this TESTAMENT record together and we're done with it we're all gonna be like, 'OK! We got something here.'"


LivingForMetal.com: Any idea how many songs you are planning to have on it?


Eric: "Probably 10, But we'll have some bonus tracks for Japan or something like that. I mean there's a lot of material being written so we're trying to get enough to write so we can at least get half or more for the next record after that...so we're not sitting around for another five years."


LivingForMetal.com: Oh, OK.


Eric: "So that's what we're kinda doing, we're trying to write more than we need so if things pick up we can turn around and go into the studio and get a head start."


Super vesti,ovo se veoma zeljno iscekuje!




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