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Da li neko zna ko je Paolo Catena? Poznatiji pod imenom Paul Chain. Izdao je oko 30 idanja. Usao je u legendu doom metal-a. Naki albumi su cist Traditional Doom, neki su uvrnute gitarske improvizacije, a neki su mesavina dark ambient-a,doom-a i opere.

Vrlo intersantno. Steta st je prestao sa radom icon_cry.gif

Evo i kompletne diskografije:


1984: 'Detaching From Satan' (LP) Minotauro

1986: 'In The Darkness' (LP) Minotauro

1986: 'Picture Disk' (LP) Minotauro

1987: 'Opera 4th' (LP) Minotauro

1987: 'Paul Chain/Sabotage Split' (Split 10 inch) Minotauro

1988: 'Ash' (LP) Minotauro

1989: 'Violet Art Of Improvisation' (2LP) Minotauro

1989: 'Mirror' (7 inch.) Flight Nineteen

1989: 'Life And Death' (LP) Minotauro

1990: 'Opera Decima - The World Of The End' (Boxset) Minotauro

1990: 'Opera Decima - The World Of The End' (2CD) Minotauro

1991: 'Les Temps Du Grand Frère' (7 inch.) Flight Nineteen

1991: 'Whited Sepulchres' (CD) Minotauro

1993: 'Red Light' (Split 7 inch.) La Bande A' Bonnot

1993: 'In Concert' (Live CD) Labirinth

1993: 'Sangue' (Split 7 inch.) Chansons D'Amour

1994: 'Dies Irae' (CD) Minotauro

1995: 'Alkahest' (CD) Godhead

1996: 'Yellow Acid/Needful' (7 inch.) LM

1996: 'Emisphere' (2CD) Minotauro

1997: 'Mirror' (Compilation) Minotauro

1997: 'King Of The Dream/Ash/Picture Disc' (Compilation) Minotauro

1998: 'Paul Chain - Experimental Information/Fucktotum Split' (Split Mcd) Path Of Experiences

1999: 'Official Live Bootleg' (Live CD) Minotauro

2000: 'Solitude Man' (7 inch.) Beyond Productions

2000: 'Paul Chain - The Improvisor/Internal Void Split' (Split 7 inch.) Southern Lord

2001: 'Sign From Space' (CD) Beard of Stars

2001: 'Master Of All Times' (CD) Andromeda Relics

2001: 'Demos' (Demo) Unknown

2001: 'Sanctuary Heve' (7 inch.) Beyond Productions

2001: 'Container 47' (CD) LM

2002: 'Park Of Reason' (CD) Beyond Productions

2003: 'Johar/Paul Chain Split' (Split CD) Quasar

2003: 'Cosmic Wind' (CD) Beard Of Stars

2004: 'Unreleased Vol. 1' (Compilation) NLM

2004: 'Unreleased Vol. 2' (Compilation) Minotauro


Steta sto nije nastavio sa radom,pa dovoljno je 30 albuma brate.

Ne naravno da nije!! Dobre muzike nikad dosta.



Imam par albuma. Maksimalni ol skool, što znači da treba imati malo živaca. Interesantno.

Koje albume posedujes jer ja nemam sve?


Detached From Satan, In The Darkness, Alkahest, Park Of Reason, i to je sve. Plus Mirror singl i jos jedan split singl sa Winom...

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