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Wise Owl

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Овог тренутка треба да се започне свецка експлоатација јебених вумбата, који ће се продавати само људима са великим двориштима и држати као кућни љубимци, без потребе за дозволом за држање дивљих животиња !



:udri:ОЋУ ЈЕБЕНОГ ВУМБАТА !!!! :wub:




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Hm, sviđa mi se što nisi rekao 'ne bih da se hvalim, ali...', ljudi često tako kažu 'ne bih da se hvalim, ali bih da se hvalim', 'no offense, ali offense' :haha:


To ti je ono.. ko Vučić:

"Ne bih nikoga da napadam"... pa napada... "Ne želim da se hvalim".. pa se hvali. :haha:

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Овог тренутка треба да се започне свецка експлоатација јебених вумбата, који ће се продавати само људима са великим двориштима и држати као кућни љубимци, без потребе за дозволом за држање дивљих животиња !



:udri:ОЋУ ЈЕБЕНОГ ВУМБАТА !!!! :wub:







Jel to neki pitomi rođak tasmaniskom đavlu?

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Nije umro samo se upokojio.


"As far as their suitability as pets? I would aliken wombats to Staffies. They are bricks of animals, incredibly stubborn, but loving and playful. However- they are very difficult to keep as pets long term. They cause a lot of damage to the home (we had to reinforce doors to prevent the womabts breaking them down), they are nigh on impossible to cage, escape artists, burrowing extrordinares, have a tendancy to bite, and are stubborn to the point where once they have an idea in their heads you cannot dissuade them.

Take one wombat I knew of: She was outside at night and my friend let the wombat into his room because it was cold outside and he thought the wombat would be cold. The next night she went straight to his room and scratched on the door... all night long. At 3am he finally got sick of the noise and opened the door... only to find the wombat asleep on the doorstep... upside down with her leg poking out still scratching at the door..."

Edited by Сталкер
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Nije umro samo se upokojio.


"As far as their suitability as pets? I would aliken wombats to Staffies. They are bricks of animals, incredibly stubborn, but loving and playful. However- they are very difficult to keep as pets long term. They cause a lot of damage to the home (we had to reinforce doors to prevent the womabts breaking them down), they are nigh on impossible to cage, escape artists, burrowing extrordinares, have a tendancy to bite, and are stubborn to the point where once they have an idea in their heads you cannot dissuade them.

Take one wombat I knew of: She was outside at night and my friend let the wombat into his room because it was cold outside and he thought the wombat would be cold. The next night she went straight to his room and scratched on the door... all night long. At 3am he finally got sick of the noise and opened the door... only to find the wombat asleep on the doorstep... upside down with her leg poking out still scratching at the door..."


Јебига, нисам ни очекивао да су вумбати материјал за кућу, више за неко имаше, ограђену ливаду,евентуално мало веће двориштанце :P

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Јебига, нисам ни очекивао да су вумбати материјал за кућу, више за неко имаше, ограђену ливаду,евентуално мало веће двориштанце :P


Taman, i oni i đavli, i da si miran od komšija što bi da svrate na jednu čašicu.




A ovo sam oduvek želeo da imam, predveče kad zapeva da se komšijama ledi krv ( ptičurina iz leptirice ) :mhihi:




Takođe, ovo sam pročitao za vombate


"I was able to overpower any Tasmanian devil to treat them, dress wounds, give them shots. But they have a stronger bite. Male Kangaroos are stronger than humans, about equal is a male wombat, it would take a very strong man to overpower a big wombat."

Edited by Сталкер
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