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  Goxy said:
taj post bese zajebancija,volim ja secrets of the moon,najvise carved in stigmata wounds

da, da ok. al po nekad od brda bendova poludim, covek ne zna vise gde se nalazi. SOTM su bar nesto originalniji te sam ih bar malo bolje zapamtio.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

KRK, NO SIGN OF LIFE & METAL WARNING present: 19.3.-22.3.2008






+ Alghazanth (Fin)



Jes' da je staro ali tu su negde,nisu se bacili u naftalin.A ova mini turneja je kult,pored SOTM jos ova dva.Mortuary Drape je bruka dobar bend

  Grobodan said:
Haha, i ja isto ladno, jeste kultcina za sve pare.

Sta je sa njima, zna ko?

Na spejsu im je do nedavno stojalo "New album in progress". verujem da ce se to uskoro dogoditi.

Inace kao punopravni clan je primljena LSK (antaeus, hell militia, vkt,..).

  • 3 weeks later...

Evo downloudovao sam nedavno ovaj anthisintesis i fenomenalan album, stvarno kidaju ovi momci , mnog ome odusevio album. :)


German progressive black metallers SECRETS OF THE MOON have parted ways with guitarist A.D.


A.D., who had significant input in the songwriting for the band's latest album, "Antithesis" (2006), explains his decision: "Due to my all-dominant negativity, I cannot extract a single good aspect from representing my music live on stage any more. Thus the time on the road has been horrible for me. After I hit rock bottom the last time I decided to stop it all."


SECRETS OF THE MOON mastermind sG (guitars, vocals) comments: "I feel like a shadow these days. Humble, yet having the will to appear more potent than ever when all this struggle is endured one day. A.D.'s leaving is comprehensible for all people involved in the band, still it hits us with an intensity which consequences are not foreseeable yet."



Meh :/


SotM je vec angazovao novog gitaristu, u pitanju je K.S.A. (meni skroz nepoznat ali videh slike na spejsu). Odradili su par koncerata na festivalima koje su imali zakazane. Kontam da je ovaj samo privremeno resenje bio,ali ko zna...Sledeci nastup imaju tek u novembru a i novi album je u planu pa cemo videti.

  • 1 month later...

"however, there will be massive touring around the globe when our new album is out and we hope to announce first dates by the end of this year.



sG and SotM"


jedistvena prilika

  • 1 month later...

German progressive black metallers SECRETS OF THE MOON are currently working on material for their new album and will enter the studio in early 2009 to begin recording the effort. Entitled "Privilegium", the CD will contain the following tracks, among others:


* Privilegium

* Black Halo

* Marionettes

* A Million Suns

* For They Know Not

* Queen Among Rats

* Shepherd

* I Maldoror


Additional details will be revealed via a special web site that will be launched next week.


SECRETS OF THE MOON recently announced the addition of guitarist K.S.A. to the group's ranks. According to the band, "His skills and his exigent nature just feel right for the band and he already contributed some extremely good ideas to what will become the new album."

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

German progressive black metallers SECRETS OF THE MOON are completing the songwriting process for their new album, entitled "Privilegium". Around 80 minutes worth of music will be recorded for the effort, including the following tracks:


* Privilegium

* Black Halo

* Marionettes

* A Million Suns

* For They Know Not

* Queen Among Rats

* Shepherd

* I Maldoror

* Sulphur Pulse


SECRETS OF THE MOON will also lay down a cover version of a song from "a well-known band."


Hehe, sinoc sam prebacio Antithesis u plejer. Veceras cu u povratku kuci da rokam to i zadnji Nachtmystum, ako bude vremena. Odlicna vijest, jos jedno novo izdanje koje zeljno ocekujem. Tokom iduce godine mozemo ocekivati i novi Ondskapt, ali valjda tek u drugoj polovini. Mozda i novi Katharsis, od WWE nema vijesti o njima osim ovoga sto pise na metal archive(Next release : Split-Ep with Antaeus). Kakav ce to jebeni NED kult da bude.


Lego bi novi Katharsis stvarno, dete mu jebem.

Necros Christos sprema novi album, Doom of the occult, to ce da bude haos i bezumlje mraka i zla. I novi EPjevi Denial of god se ocekuju... vrh.


Nekros kristos, vaistinu nekros :rockdevil:

Skoro sam cepao njih i Esoteric u paketu, nije mi bilo dobro. Slusalice i noc su najbolji recept, poslije toga sanjam Lavkraftovske snove. A Denial of god je nesto sto sam u dosadasnjem periodu propustao da preslusam kako treba. Odredjena averzija, ne znam sto li je. Ispravicu, evo krecu horori satane.

  Grobodan said:
Necros Christos sprema novi album, Doom of the occult, to ce da bude haos i bezumlje mraka i zla. I novi EPjevi Denial of god se ocekuju... vrh.


novi Necros?! otkud informacija,imas sta detaljnije?



red je bio vise da izdaju nesto novo.


  +Abigail+ said:
novi Necros?! otkud informacija,imas sta detaljnije?



red je bio vise da izdaju nesto novo.


Na sajtu stoji da spremaju pesme i ime albuma, nadam se da ce biti gotovo sto pre.

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