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Max je pre par dana izjavio da je svojevremeno samo on voleo "Clockwork Orange" film, a da je ostalima u bendu bio nezanimljiv, pa da mu je stoga bezveze sto je novi album inspirisan bas tim filmom.

Ono sad, imam neki butleg gde Paolo svira upravo u "Clockwork Orange" majici na Beneath The Remains turneji, a i tesko da bi ovi radili ceo album po knjizi/filmu koji im se ne dopada, cime dolazimo do toga da Max prica gluposti poput neke zene.

A evo i Kissera:



SEPULTURA's ANDREAS KISSER Slams 'Crazy' MAX CAVALERA Over Reunion Talk - Jan. 19, 2009

David E. Gehlke of Blistering.com recently conducted an interview with SEPULTURA guitarist Andreas Kisser. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.


Blistering.com: What drew you to the concept of "A Clockwork Orange" [as the inspiration for the new SEPULTURA album, "A-Lex"]?


Kisser: We're very big fans of the movie. It's a classic. Very special and powerful and I'm familiar with the story and consequences. Since we did the "Dante XXI" album that was inspired by a book, we went onto movies and in Brazil, we have soundtracks. It's great to write music for a movie and you get more creative and the more limitations you have [with the storyline], the more creative you get. In the movies, you have to respect the director and certain scenes, storyline, so you do stuff you normally wouldn't do. We have to do more with less.


Blistering.com: Is there any resentment toward the new lineup in Brazil? In North America, it seems the old lineup is that all people want to concern themselves when it comes to SEPULTURA.


Kisser: Everywhere we feel very positive vibrations. Max has played a lot more in America than us, so his point of view was spread much more in the press. I guess that's normal, it's propaganda. Max [Cavalera; former SEPULTURA and current SOULFLY/CAVALERA CONSPIRACY frontman] is crazy — he says crazy stuff in interviews, contradicts himself a lot and you can never count on what he says, so I guess people are confused. People can say or think whatever they want, but I wish we could have done without that. We are going to have the chance to go back to America. This album is really strong and the reaction has been strong as well. I've been doing a lot of interviews with people in the United States and it's been very positive. People have to listen to the music with an open mind and ears and not with all the gossip and politics and bullshit. SEPULTURA is something that is alive. It's not something that stopped in '95 or '96. We create this band everyday.


Blistering.com: Do you brace yourself with every interview you do for the question regarding a SEPULTURA reunion?


Kisser: Definitely [laughs]. Since Max left, it's been going on and when Igor left…even more so. Some people make up the pressure for us to do it, but there's nothing to it — we're not interested in it all. We're very focused on what we're doing now and that's because we want to lead and do whatever we want. I don't understand all of this bullshit. We're very alive and looking toward the future — we're not plastic people.


Blistering.com: Along those lines, do you think had you decided to be more vocal about the split, there would have been more focus on this version of SEPULTURA?


Kisser: I don't buy that stuff. Max is crazy and doesn't make any sense and can change from month to month. There's nothing good about it and there's one version of the story and we have ours and we know what happened. We're not into revising history or telling a story regarding what happened. Only time will tell. Talk is cheap. You can say whatever you want, but your actions and ability to do things, that's what counts. We'll do it. We're not talking [laughs].

ovo mi je najjaci deo:


"SEPULTURA is something that is alive. It's not something that stopped in '95 or '96. We create this band everyday."


Da, kao kada 15-ogodišnja devojčica sa svim peticama odjednom preko noći postane kurva.

Posted (edited)

Smešno mi je da gledam kako priča o tome kako "oni" stvaraju taj bend svaki dan, bend u kojem više nije prisutan nijedan Kavalera, a pritom im taj isti bend neprestano ide smerom na dole. Ne mogu da verujem da neko može tako da se samoobmanjuje. Ja da pročitam onakve recenzije za svoje albume, davno bih prestao da radim. Pogledajte prosečne ocene na arhivama:


Against 52%

Nation 28%

Roorback 68%

Dante XXI 77%


Da, ekstremno kreativan i uspešan bend.

Edited by Gojko
Posted (edited)
Smešno mi je da gledam kako priča o tome kako "oni" stvaraju taj bend svaki dan, bend u kojem više nije prisutan nijedan Kavalera, a pritom im taj isti bend neprestano ide smerom na dole. Ne mogu da verujem da neko može tako da se samoobmanjuje. Ja da pročitam onakve recenzije za svoje albume, davno bih prestao da radim. Pogledajte prosečne ocene na arhivama:


Against 52%

Nation 28%

Roorback 68%

Dante XXI 77%


Da, ekstremno kreativan i uspešan bend.


The Forest Is My Throne 90%

Dark Medieval Times 89%

The Shadowthrone 82%

The Forest Is My Throne / Yggdrasill 97%

Nemesis Divina 91%

Megiddo 40%

Rebel Extravaganza 78%

Volcano 67%

Now, Diabolical 71%

My Skin Is Cold 20%

The Age of Nero 64%


A sta tek oni onda da kazu :) ?

Edited by obJan

Ako si ove srednje ocene pokupio sa Metal Archives ili kako se vec zove, to onda nema nikakvu tezinu. Tamo sam naisao na toliku kolicinu gluposti da bi se mogao napraviti sjajan fanzin u kome razni napaljenici pljuju sve redom. Ajd da napravimo listu 20 najboljih thrash metal albuma i siguran sam da ce se na Metal Archives naci dva puta toliko recenzija u kojima neko objasnjava da to i nisu neki albumi... Sto se Sepulture tice, jebe mi se za recenzije, i novi Kreator je na Blabberu dobio 8,5 cini mi se, a ako je on za 8,5, onda je Coma of Souls 12,5. Recenzije variraju po kvalitetu i objektivnosti, pa kad bi neko sudio po Butcherian Vibe-u mislio bi da su Destruction najveci bend na svetu :). To je posebna tema i voleo bih da je negde pokrenemo, posto su kod nas retki ljudi koji su zaista dobro i kompetentno pisu o metalu. Ovde mislim na domace recenzente (malo odoh od teme :) ).

Posted (edited)

Nova Sepultura je golo govno.


I ko to kod nas uopste dobro i kompetentno pise o metalu, bas bih voleo da znam. :D:confused:

Edited by Pit

Treba nekoga od clanova pitati kakvu to oni muziku stvaraju, i zasto svi zele reunion. Mislim, da su barem presli drito na metalcore, na nu ili statigajaznam...al' stvarno, nigdje muzike. I po cemu su to oni kvalitetni danas? (ako ko od forumasha moze odgovoriti, bio bih zahvalan) :)


Ljudi bas svasta pisu ...

Ako niste u stanju da provalite muziku nekog benda, nemojte da ga pljujete...

Ni meni se ne dopada poslednji Slipknot, kao ni njihovi ostali albumi, ali ovaj je upadljivo prosecan, pa ne idem na tu temu i pisem da je golo govno...

Isto vazi i za Belphegor, npr...

Gledao sam bonus DVD sa poslednjeg albuma, nisu oni los bend, ali meni taj "crtanofilmovski" black metal ne znaci previse, cak ni pevac sa 7 mozdanih celija (od kojih je pola u strajku) nije previse zabavan. Pa, opet ne idem ni na tu temu i prosipam mudrosti, koliko sam video, ima dovoljno ljudi kojima se to dopada...

Isto vazi i za novi Cannibal Corpse ...

Kad smo kod pitanja kome oni to sviraju, idi na njihov sajt, imas spisak koncerata, a svojevremeno su imali spisak svih svirki od 2003 do danas, moguce da ga jos ima.

Oni su u Juznoj Americi vrlo veliki bend, a po Evropi i Americi sviraju konstatno.

Sto se reakcije publike tice, mogu ti dati spisak video butlega koje ja imam sa Greenom, pronadji koji pa ces videti da publika skroz dobro reaguje, kao i sto bend skroz dobro zvuci.

Sad moram na posao, pa cemo nastaviti ovu zanimljivu diskusiju :).


Jutros na PINK gledam najavu za koncert u Sa. Stavili uzivo neku izvedbu Arise...sa Maxom i Igorom. Pardon, Iggorom :) Karte u predprodaji 15€, u prodaji 20€, a na dan koncerta 25€ ^^

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