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Ok, ovo je kratka prica koju sam napisao. Postavio sam ovu ideju jednom reditelju krsh filmova, i svidelo mu se. Sad moram da napravim kompletan scenario, pa cemo videti sta ce biti (nadam se najboljem).


Darkness. Infinite darkness is around me. Now I see that I will have to live with it. Do I live? Am I dead or alive? I'm not sure. I'm trapped within my own vengeance. It has become a part of me. It becomes ME. This house I'm in, it’s giving me strength for my vengeance. I don't know how long I have been like this. 100 years maybe? I don't know, all I know is that time doesn't mean much to me. I have become what every man ultimately dreams of, an immortal. Yet, there is not a day, an hour, nor a minute I haven’t thought about death. It obsesses me even now... 
Still I am cursed. A hunted. This is the price I pay. I made a pact, and now I’m paying the price. 
This house belongs to THEM. One night HE came and gave me the power to avenge the death of my only love, May. He gave me what I wanted, raw power that feeds on my hate. That same hate becomes the fuel for my life. Pain is my constant companion and this hunger goes stronger every day. 
Sometimes I see the bloodlust in my eyes and the voice in my head telling me, forcing me, to kill. I can hear it even now. The souls of those I have slain come to haunt me. They tell me that I'm bad, nothing more then an evil that wants to destroy. Hunger, it comes to me again. It's alive; it wants to get out of me. I must resist... Now I know I've been cursed forever, and this is the hell I have created for myself. Eternal lust for blood, hunger that never ends, and the pain... The heart that beats in my chest is cold. In darkness I found my new home, and now I wait for her. The hunter. She's the only one who's faced me and lived. I didn't kill her. I couldn't. She was my love, my only true love, but she is damned like me. We were damned by our own love. And now look at us, the two of us are desperately fighting for our lives. I will let her tear my heart this time, maybe she will end my suffering. Every night I fight a war that's lost, aware that even if I'm killed I live in your mind, forever and ever I will haunt your dreams... 
The blade of the sword pierces through my lungs... This is it, I want to die. The final death, the end of the show. She looks at me but she didn't kill me. She couldn't... The walls of my mansion begin to crumble and the roof begins to fall. 
“You have to get out of here, the whole place is gonna blow!” She told me with the fear in her eyes. 
“Believe me, you're the only one who cares...” I barely said. 
She escaped while watching the whole place fall into me. I never found out what happened to her. 
And me? “Executioner, quick! Come, bring the chains." 
"no chains will hold him, and send him back to hell!”


Ok, priznajem imao sam malih gramatickih pomoci... ph34r.gificon_confused.gif


Opa ovo je.....hm.....lepo iznenadjenje icon_da.gif


Jedino sto ovde nedostaje to je slika koja bi povezala pricu u komplementarnu celinu i dobar "heroj" koji bi svojom naracijom ovaj tekst uoblicio icon_wink.gif


Hm... Dopada mi se. Nosi neku cudnu atmosferu, tesko je opisati. icon_da.gif

Mislim da moze biti zanimljiva podloga za neki cudan, zagonetan i ne sasvim jasan film.



Bolje i da trazis gramaticku pomoc, nego da pises nekorektno. Ipak je za ovakvo delo gramaticka pravilnost vise nego neophodna. icon_wink.gif


Pa, ne znam, brate ...

Ovo bi trebao da je vampir ali on sebe ne vidi u ogledalu, recimo ...

Nemam pojma, meni je ovo "vec vidjeno", da budem iskren, ima puno King Diamondovog "The Puppet Master" u svemu ovome.

Ne krivim te, i sam sam tim CD-om odusevljen.

Znas kako, ukoliko ovo zelis da nastavis ili menjas - preporucujem jos besa tj. gneva, buke, vristanja, krvi i sl.

Znas, da bude bas brutalno, pakleno i krvavo.

Mislim: ako je vec trash produkcija - neka bude trash do kraja.



Pazi Gavro, neces mi poverovati ali jos uvek nisam preslusao Puppet Master od Kinga laugh.gif (osim istoimene pesme)


Taj lik zeli da napravi neku cyber punk horror slasher verziju filma u kojem je glavni anti-heroj (kako sam ja zamislio) malo shiznuta riba...


To ne bi trebalo da bude tesko (napraviti taj lik) posto komotno mogu da je opishem po svojoj bivshoj (ok, tuzice me zbog toga, ali ko ga #pip#)


NE, ovaj lik - "Storyteller" nije ni blizu vampira, ne lozim se na takve stvari, vishe volim Psihopate i zombije... ali jbg, ne ide mi u pricu da lik bude neki pametan zombi...


Ok, mozda bih mogao da ubacim da on ustvari komanduje mrtvima... Ali jbg, treba se ugledati i na budzet...


Reditelju je za sad obecano 15 miliona (ne znam da li su u pitanju dolari ili funte) sto je za njih relativno "low budget"

*sta bi rekli da vide nas u Srbiji!?*


Znaci treba da bude neka twisted cyber punk horor akcija, gde glavna riba ima minigun laugh.gif i rostilja li rostilja...


NE planiram da objasnim kako je glavni negativac nastao, jednostavno je tu i jednostavno se uvek vraca.

(Da, da, bice sequela nadam se! laugh.gif)


Kako je lik odabrao da mu glumi Debbie Rochon ubedjen sam da ce biti golotinje, a za soft porn - ako bash budu zeleli...

(iskreno se nadam da ce neko opaliti Debbie laugh.gif GODDAMN SHE'S SO FUCKIN' HOT!!!)


Planirano je mnoooogo gora i sudeci kakav sam ja po pitanju horora bice mnogo ogavnih scena i klanja... jbg, ipak je to u neku ruku slasher....


Nece biti nikakvih psiho triler scena, i najvise od svega nece biti jebeni VRISAK klon!



Posted (edited)

Jbg liku je to malo... Kad hoce cyber tech univerzum laugh.gif


Ne znam, ja kad bih radio sa 50 evrica osecao bi se bogato laugh.gif


pod uslovom da imam opremu biggrin.gif


Ja ipak mislim da su lika zajebali i da ce dobiti najvise 2-3 miliona.


jbt, Gospodar prstenova je radjeni sa 14 miliona ako se ne varam!

Edited by <Ph@NtoMinTHeMirRoR>
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