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jest da mrzim folk metal, ali kad ih koleza grobar tolko hvali...pa skinucu ovih dana. :da:


Srezacu ti ja nemoj dzaba skidati, imam celu njihovu diskografiju :da: E al ladno niko od ovih nashih metalaca u Shapcu nije chuo za njih znachi strashno...

  • 2 months later...

SKYCLAD, the seminal British band which is often referred to as "the originator of folk metal," has signed a deal with Scarlet Records. The group's twelfth album, "In The… All Together", is due in the spring. The CD, which was recorded and mixed by Dario Mollo (THE CAGE, VOODOO HILL) at Damage Inc Studio, in Ventimiglia, Italy during August 2008, "mixes the usual thrash/speed metal influences with the extraordinary folk melodies that made the band famous all around the world, maintaining a fresh and dynamic approach which gives a strong live dimension to the new songs," according to a press release.



Pa, 'ajde i to da vidimo :]

  • 2 months later...

Njah, meni to nije to bez Martina pa me nesto i ne zanima... :da:


Btw, gledao neko onaj The Clan Destined spot? Fino ispade, sa sve Tristessom na basu... :wub:

  • 1 month later...

SKYCLAD, the seminal British band which is often referred to as "the originator of folk metal," has issued the following update:


"Just a note to say that we are awakening from our hibernation to start doing some gigs in support of the new album, 'In The... All Together'. First up, we have a 'warm-up' gig at Langley Park, Durham on Sunday, May 2. This is a charity gig, and for those who are making the trip I said I would post the post code for the old Sat Nav (it is Front Street, Langley Park, Durham, DH7 9SG as far as I can guess). I've posted this info on the events page and hopefully we'll meet up there and share a jar and a chat for the forthcoming year."



Ali info i cover za album jedva da se nadje na netu. Sramota.




1.Words Upon The Street

2.Still Small Beer

3.The Well-travelled Man

4.Black Summer Rain


6.Hit List


8.Which Is Why

9.Modern Minds

10.In The… All Together

  • 1 month later...

Rage? Ne znam bas.


Preslusao sam ga jednom. Jedva. Strasno je da bed na svom 13. albumu ima ubedljivo najlosiju produkciju, mislim ni "Folkemon" npr. nije imao bajnu, ali opet dobru, ovde je just plain bad. Ovaj se tripuje sad da peva ki Martin, fino, daleko manje gay zvuce. Ali stvarno mi se nije svidelo. Poslusacu ga opet oveju dana, sas sve tekstovima, ali utisak mi je da bolje da nista nisu izdavali.

  • 2 weeks later...

I dobro si postupio :]

Od "No Daylights..." begaj sto dalje, a "A Semblance Of Normality", ruku na srce, uopste nije los album, treba se navici i prihvatiti Kevinov glas, istrpeti par (glupih) dz-dz sekvenci, ignorisati pokusaje kopiranja Martinovih lirika, i dobijes jedno sasvim dobro folk heavy izdanje :]


Jednostavno sam poceo da se jezim od ovog albuma. Ne bi mi se svideo ni na milion prokletih slusanja.

Kevin ceo album zvuci kao da mutira jebeno. Cas cu zvucim kao Martin, cas cu da zvucim ki powerash. I jednostavno zvuci gore nego ikad.


Album nije kompletno los, ima par svetlijih pesama/momenata. "The Well-Travelled Man" mi je npr. "najbolja" (jedina dobra?), it's no "One Piece Puzzle", ali ima shmeka. Solo na "Hit List" je lep momenat, pojedinui refreni, "Which Is Why" zvuci kao "classic" Skyclad, mozda i malo previse, ali 'ajde da ne cepidlacim, dovoljno je losa situacija as it is :] No jeb'o "classic" sound kada pesma ne ide nikuda jednostavno...


Ima dosta losih momenata, intervala...izdvojicu samo (meni) najgori. Ako je "Ten Little Kingdoms" bio vokalno-zbrzani fail, onda ne znam kako da nazovem "Superculture", korektnije refren iste. What a fucking fail.


Dumbed down Skyclad. U svakom aspektu.



  • 3 months later...

It is my great pleasure to announce that I am currently working upon writing and recording some brand-new material for The Clan Destined. Due to the literally thousands of emails and messages I’ve received from you kind people via the TCD website and my MySpace page, I have now decided that the time has come to compose a follow-up to the critically acclaimed “In The Big Ending...” c.d. and DVD release. I also promised my father that I would write something to honour his memory just one week before he died in February 2007; and as I’m sure you will all appreciate, this was a very heartfelt oath that I feel solemnly obliged to fulfil.


I am both honoured and privileged to have recently recruited the exceptionally talented guitarist and composer Jacqui Taylor to The Clan Destined cause. Jacqui is precisely the kind of musician that I have always dreamed of eventually meeting for very many years now, the type of person who takes her music as seriously as I have always done. Jacqui practices her guitar for at least eight hours per day, which is the kind of sincere dedication we’re talking about here! Working together with Jacqui Taylor is truly a breath of fresh air and a brand-new beginning for both myself and The Clan Destined. Anyone who doubts what I’m saying is more than welcome to visit Jacqui’s www.jacquitaylor.co.uk website to see just why I’m so intensely excited about our current collaboration. Despite the fact that I have never earned a vast fortune from making my music, my sincere and honest approach to my creativity thankfully means that I have the support of a small army of fans and a few loyal friends. One person undoubtedly worthy of mention is my old comrade and fellow band-mate in Skyclad and Return To The Sabbat, the drummer Jay Graham who presently is battering the skins with his band Ravens Creed. Jay will be recording the drums and percussion (and maybe also playing some keyboards) on the new recordings from The Clan Destined. I’m currently looking for people who have what it takes to join together with me in this creative endeavour, both in the studio and at live TCD concerts (you know who you are!). If you feel that you have what it takes to be a member of The Clan Destined, then please don’t hesitate to get in contact me via the official website www.theclandestined.com


I’ve also spent the last few months setting-up my own 24-track recording studio, to facilitate the composition and recording of these new TCD demo tracks for you all. As I’m sure you can imagine, for a man normally accustomed to working with words, competent sound-engineering is a skill that I have as yet to acquire. Yet, as with my understanding of the German language; this is something that only time, patience, good ears and just the few active brain cells remaining to me will undoubtedly learn to fully comprehend. Many thanks to you all for taking the time to read this TCD press-release. All of my very brightest blessings to you and yours. May your guardian-spirits be with you always! Martin Walkyier

  • 1 year later...

Pravda za Jocu i Angelizatora!

Davim se u Skycladu proteklih par dana, kakav bend :rockdevil: probao sam albume bez Martina jer pre nisam obraćao pažnju na njih i definitivno je ovo jedan od onih bendova koji nije mogao da zameni frontmena. Favoritni album? Možda trenutno Vintage whine ali posle ću da slušam Silent whales :haha:


Sad ću i ja morati da ih pustim, verovatno "Vintage Whine". :haha: Btw, iz perioda posle Martinovog odlaska je njegov The Clan Destined nešto najbolje iz cele te priče.


Pravda za Jocu i Angelizatora!

Davim se u Skycladu proteklih par dana, kakav bend :rockdevil: probao sam albume bez Martina jer pre nisam obraćao pažnju na njih i definitivno je ovo jedan od onih bendova koji nije mogao da zameni frontmena. Favoritni album? Možda trenutno Vintage whine ali posle ću da slušam Silent whales :haha:


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