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Uh, ovo mu kao dodje folkfest, a pogledaj publiku jadnu.. Samo prva dva reda ziva. A i nema vishe od 10 redova, ako i toliko..sramota. Dodushe, ovde bi bilo josh gore, Joca i ja u transu, ostalih 23 choveka pored..



Fini zvuk, lepo se chuje bas, ali ne volim bre ovaj glas...mislim ne fali njegovom glasu nishta, ali..Martin..smorio sam vishe i ja :)


inache, nadjoh na neta da se naruchi "Tracks From The Wilderness" na jednog sajta za malu paru..jedino problem shto zivim u Srbiji :angry:


A zato si mi ti dao linka :)


Radio sam math 3 sata pre nego shto sam se popeo na foruma i koncentracija mi je stvarno ispod nule..


Odgledam gi sutra, 'fala :Da; :pivopije:


Je l' mi verujesh da mi josh stoji link otvoren u firefoxu od jutuba i josh ga nisam odgledao :) Jbg zadnjih nekoliko dana beh u guzve..



E kako mi sad drago shto Castle nije prihvatio i Skyclad da svira, tek onda bi kukao na sva zvona zbog cancellinga!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Kad ce me vodis na tu berzu :(


Enivej, iz Aronovog pisma meni :


By the way, the new album is sounding excellent. I've just got back form the studio in Italy. Steve, Kev and george are still there. Steve sent me an SMS last night saying I'm in for a treat. I haven't heard him this excited before so it must be sounding good.


Inace lik mi ladno obecao Skyclad/Tankard majicu, bez da mu platim, kao dobio na koncertu s njima, i ono velika mu a cistio kucu...objasnicu ti nekad uzivo, mrzi me sad... :)







Edited by StarbreakeR

Iskreno, nisam znao ko ti je ovaj Aron dok ne overih na arhivama :) Ovaj im kao bubnjar vec 8 godina..a snimio sam jedan album sa njima :)


Kit Bakster rulz (RIP)


Ne ochekujem nishta od tog novog materijala...Ne secam se kad sam zadnji put pustio "A Semblance..", o onom ogavnom "..Heeltaps" da ne prichamo.


A na berzu idemo kad 'ocesh, svrati neku nedelju u bg :pivopije:

  • 3 weeks later...

THE CLAN DESTINED, the pagan collective featuring SABBAT/former SKYCLAD frontman Martin Walkyier, will release its album, "In The Big Ending", on October 31 via Lime Records. Produced by Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, ARCH ENEMY, EXODUS) and James Murphy (DEATH, OBITUARY, TESTAMENT), the CD comes with a limited edition-bonus DVD containing the epic video to "A Beautiful Start To The End Of The World".


Commented Walkyier: "This unique six-track compact disc is the end result of over three years' hard work, and the literally many thousands of hours of intense creativity that have been invested in this worthwhile project by numerous talented individuals from all over the world. As this may yet prove to be my final-ever musical release, it is my heartfelt intention that this CD should be released in a strictly limited-edition format which will pay tribute not only to those who made it all happen, but that it may also prove to be a fitting epitaph to my own varied musical career which has to date spanned almost two decades. Everything about this release is absolute premium quality, but I also wish to ensure that it is great value for money. I have collaborated with some highly interesting musicians on this project, so it's my deepest desire that it should finally reach you in a package that is built to last, and therefore I've paid every attention to even the smallest detail. It was most expertly produced in a very short space of time by world-renowned guitar gods Andy Sneap and James Murphy, who also even play some blistering guitar solos on these exclusive TCD tracks! Andy Sneap and Martin Walkyier working together after all these years since the SABBAT days is something that should really set tongues wagging all around the worldwide metal scene. The artwork for this release has all been done by the awesome Irish artist Paul McCarroll, whom I know for a fact has spent at least the best part of the last twelve months making very certain that everything is absolutely 666% perfect in the visual imagery department."



Brejkere, ne nadjoh TCD temu, si otvarao ti to beshe?


BTW sad chuh na myspaceu onu pesmu "TCLethbridge"! Kako zarazna pesmica :D

Posted (edited)

Jesam, na Heavy temi, al verovatno je obrisano...znam, ja je imam odavno...i obozavam je...nadam se da ce biti ovde tog LTDa, ako ne narucujem obavezno...si video kako izgleda LTD Demo?U fazonu, kao novchanica :)

BTW, ti imas space?? ;)

Edited by StarbreakeR
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Poceo sam da slusam ovaj bend. Preslusah prvi album i definitivno mi se svidja. Bas mi je lepo legao ovaj thrashy folk. :pivopije:

Edited by Angrist.

O zimi kurac konachno neko da razbije ovaj Brejkerov i moj (chinilo se) vechiti dijalog :D:pivopije:


Taj je kanda i najmanje folky, prava stvar tek predstoji, videces vec :] I ne propushtaj tekstove! One of the finest in metal..



Court is now in session--Mother Nature presides,

The jury are our children--whose futures we've denied.

The evidence conclusive--we have no alibi,

The victim was our planet--the verdict: MATRICIDE



Posted (edited)

U principu ja svu muziku koju slusam, pratim tekstom tako da ih nisam propustio. :pivopije:



And Hell's the best alternative when faced with your fool's paradise.




Yet blissfully ignorant--still unaware,

We strive for a future entwined with despair.

You say, "Why waste concern on the rivers and trees--they belong to

mankind to exploit as we please?"

Face up to the fact that mankind's a disease--irrelevant microbes

with colour T.V.s.


Edited by Angrist.

Ma bre slusam eluveitie, ali vidis skyclad mi se mnogo vise svidja. kod eluveitie imam neki vestacki utisak i ne mogu bas uvek da ih slusam, mislio sam da ce to da prodje posle nekog vremena, ali evo vec ima oko 8-9 meseci otkad sam ih prvi put cuo i dalje imam isti osecaj kad slusam neki album.

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