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  AstralliS said:
, CSI: Babušnica... Bolje bi im bilo da prekinu sa ovim dok je vreme.


:) :) :) Gde se seti Babusnice :) :) E dobro me nasmeja :) :)


A da je glupa ideja, slazem se :da:


  Miskoni said:
:) :) :) Gde se seti Babusnice :) :) E dobro me nasmeja :) :)


A da je glupa ideja, slazem se :da:


Pa eto setio sam se, haha. :) Realno, šta će im to. Ona Jodi Lyn O'keefe je totalni promašaj. Jes' da ima buljanfer i to sve, ali samo širi nespokoj.


  Imrahil said:
nisam ni ja, lepo iznenadjenje :)


Dobro je. Čekao sam da se završi prvi set, pa da odgovorim na ovo. :)


Caleta sam nalozio na pb...juche i danas je odgledao vec 15 epizoda iz druge sezone...i ne mozde da docheka da pochne da gleda i trecu....a ja mislio dam ja manijak :razz:

  Imrahil said:
A sta ako mech udje u treci set? :) :)


Moglo je i to. :D


  Ranis said:
Caleta sam nalozio na pb...juche i danas je odgledao vec 15 epizoda iz druge sezone...i ne mozde da docheka da pochne da gleda i trecu....a ja mislio dam ja manijak :razz:


Ima i bolji (gori), haha. :)

  Imrahil said:
Bilo im je bolje da su prekinuli posle 1. sezone, postaje sve urnebesnije.


Jednoruki Ti-Beg sredi onog pandura grmalja i ovaj se pri tom usere od straha kad ga vidi, jadno.


Brate to je jedan od najboljih momenata u celom serijalu-kada ulazi u sobu onako sa licem ispod kapuljace i kada ga zvekne flasom ;)

Inace u 4 sezoni je T-bag potpuno upropascen kako karakter kao i Belik s tim da Belik to nosi jos kroz ceo 3 serijal a i Mahone je na granici-tja bolje da su smislili da ovi karakteri nestanu kada je bilo vreme umesto sto ih forsiraju bezveze


Mahoun je meni najjaci lik sada, mada mogao bih da obrnem jos jednom celu seriju. :)


tbaga jesu smeksali, ali je ipak ok. :) 4. sezona je prilicno dobra, bolja od trece :)


Kako voliš :)


Btw... See this:


Update on Final 2 Hours of Prison Break


After the last post from an executive at Fox, it seemed like the network had no intention of airing the final two hours of Prison Break. And because there is absolutely NO other freaking news about the show, I'm going to keep this debate going with another little update. Here's what TV Guide has to say about those extra two hours:



I heard that Fox is not going to air the extra two episodes of Prison Break. Please tell me if this is true or not! - Liz


MATT: First, a little background for those just passing by: Prison Break returns Friday, April 17, with six episodes that will wrap up the series in a tidy (if bloodstained) bow. Beyond that, 20th Century Fox TV is independently producing an additional two hours that could serve as a standalone "event" à la 24: Redemption. The Fox network has yet to commit to airing those hours, but if PB ends with a bang, you can bet they'll find room on the schedule. Who will appear in the standalone story, you (didn't exactly) ask? Pretty much anyone left breathing at the end of May - plus Jodi Lyn O'Keefe's Gretchen.



So, it seems to me that if the raitings are good, then the episodes will air. If not, prepare to shell out money for the Season 4 boxset and we'll all get to enjoy those extra two hours without pesky commercials.

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