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negde na pola epizode sam rekao sebi da, ako ne zavrse do kraja, necu gledati vise nijednu epizodu, stvarno su isli na kurac sa onim "e ovaj je ziv, a i ovaj, a fernando (ne sukre) je sam sebi keva", jos da su ubacili pesmu grupe n*e*r*d* (no one*ever*really*dies*), pa da se razilazimo :)


Meni se dopada kako se završila serija, jedino me nervira to što je Majkl verovatno umBro od nekakvog tumora koji je kao dokrajčio i njegovu kevu kad je bio klinja a keva nikad življa i veća biAtch... No, sigurno ćemo u tom specijalu saznati kako mu đeneral nije baš uradio operaciju kako je trebalo ne bi li ga imao u šaci kasnije. Drago mi je da je Kesica čaja ostao živ, on mi je bio najjači lik u seriji a bogami je i Knepper najbolje odglumio svoju ulogu...


smece na kub, ne pamtim da li sam gledao ikad vece govno od serije. od kad se matora bicarka pojavila nivo glume je svima toliko opao, il sam ja istripovao da svi lose glume zbog matore koja je tragicna. mada realno jedino t-bag i alex znaju da glume, ovo ostalo ispod nivoa serija u prodikciji svinjoglavog tijanica.


Cuo sam da ce snimati alternativni kraj sto bi i trebalo sobzirom da je majkl prolivao krv i znoj za sve zatvorenike u ovoj seriji samo da bi im spasio bulju da bi ga na kraju neku tumor ubio.


videh danas ovo govno na warez:





The game is based on the popular series "Prison Break". Our task will be to escape from prison. However, we do not have to rush. The mission will perform when we want, and thus we will be able to freely visit the jail. However, in our costumes prisoner does not go far because the whole object will watch the guards. To be able to visit places inaccessible prisoners will have to get clothes guardian. It also addresses the possibility of changes of clothes and weapons. These will be low as in prison - screw, screwdriver, razor blade, with the sock barerią, various knives. But what weapons? But we can fight with other inmates, or even do rozróby throughout the block. If you are caught red-handed hit to the isolation. In addition, you'll have a thread gównego side missions, where he is expected to raise money. They are useful to us to buy new weapons or items needed in the main thread (eg PUGNAC). After the escape, the game has not ended. Będizemy have to get to a safe place where we can not find the police. It will be difficult because in addition to our other detainees known to flee from the series. However, police will be everywhere on the main road, and our point will be a very safe way. Therefore, he will flee to the forest. We will be able to steal a car and flee the forest ściażką. But that was not easy to wander the skies will be helicopters. I was probably far behind what we plan to do in this game Smile


The game is not any commercial production and is still not completed at the truth, but an overview of production can no longer see if someone would be willing to cooperate with this production to the creators of this game, please contact us at the flounder .










50mb. :mhihi:






Posted (edited)

Jel to sad kraj potpuno? Štedeo sam se za kraj da odgledam sve u cugu... Momenat se bliži... :)


Evo, stavio sam da se skida :) Kod devete epizode sam stao kad je Bellick poginuo.


R.I.P. Bellick

Edited by Jimmi

Mene i dalje mrzi da nabavljam unapred. :) Mada sam sinoć popizdeo jer je na RTSu iz nekog razloga debelo kasnio program pa su odlučili da je najbezbolnije da izostave Prison Break. :rolleyes:

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