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Leleee, bolje da nisi stavljao....ovako se razbijaju iluzije. :ne:  :ne:  :ne:


Inace, sinoc sam jedno 2 sata chatovao sa Matthiasom, i rekao mi je da su one pletenice samo perika, da inace zenska izgleda SUPER (e sad kakav je pogled Svedjanina na svet, verovatno nije video nase devojke...) i da je totalni kuler, skroz opustena...


Evo vam jos jednja njena slika... Da vidite kako izgleda bez sminke i ostalih sranja....

user posted image

  • 1 month later...

Ma onako. Kul je ali uvek deluje k'o da razgovara sa 5000000 ljudi istovremeno, gubi se u temi i sl. btw, nisam chatov'o s njim vec ima ihaaaaaaaj

  • 2 weeks later...

Falconer je stvarno jako dobar bend.Mnogi kazu da je vokal bez veze ili ne znam ti ja sta,ali vokal je odlican.Falconer sam cuo,maltene,kad su se pojavili i tada su utisci bili veoma dobri.Ono sto mi se kod njih svidja je beskrajna melodicnost.Moci su jako kreativni i talentovani.Gitarista nije neki killer(ili je malo skroman,pa ne pokazuje),ali bez obzira sve zvuci perfektno.Definitivno jedan od najmelodicnijih metal bendova.


Falconer je stvarno jako dobar bend.Mnogi kazu da je vokal bez veze ili ne znam ti ja sta,ali vokal je odlican.Ono sto mi se kod njih svidja je beskrajna melodicnost.Moci su jako kreativni i talentovani.Gitarista nije neki killer(ili je malo skroman,pa ne pokazuje),ali bez obzira sve zvuci perfektno.Definitivno jedan od najmelodicnijih metal bendova.



Definitivno najbolja definicija Falconer-a....


Fantastichno je koliko su ljudi napredovali od Falconer-a do Chapters-a......prvi album je prosechan,malo se ponavljaju,zvuk je nekako prazan,pesme ne ulaze u ushi-izuzev PerTirsonovih kceri--ali je Chapters...sjajan album.

Najcheshci CD u mom Discman-u....

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Band News

Maintained by Falconer Page Updates




D´day mates! I´m just letting you know that I´ve started to put some new songs together and we´re about to start to rehearse soon. The new album will be a concept album and we´re looking at recording it some time in the middle of next year.



Mislim da ce ovim albumom izbiti na sam vrh :wink:

  • 3 weeks later...

Dosta dobar bend.Imaju svoj fazon koji je totalno OK.Dosta se govori o

"Per Tyrssons Dottrar I Vange".Mislim da je veoma dobro sto se ova pesma nalazi na njihovom prvencu zato sto se totalno uklapa u njihov

stil. biggrin.gifa: :wink:

  • 1 month later...

Steta da tema o ovako dobrom bendu ne stoji pri vrhu stranice. Dobro je sto jos uvek postoji neko u metalu ko ne bazira svoju muziku na besomucnim solazama. Iskreno, jednostavno i mocno. Portals of light je jedna od jacih balada koju sam cuo.




Falconer and vocalist Mathias Blad has parted.

The reason was clashes of schedules, Falconer wanted to give the "liveactivity" a serious try and take all chances they could get.

The schedule Mathias´ musicals have didn´t make that easy to go through with.

So the choice was to continue with him and thereby maybe not being able to tour after the next album. The second choice was to get a new singer losing a trademark of the band but being able to take the chances when they come.

Cease the day, as they say.


There are no hard feelings between us, we just had different priorities.

Mathias wanted to do what he had worked and strived for, for years.

The rest of Falconer wanted to take the oppurtunity to experiance something new and different.

Mathias is not 100% out of the picture but are planned to appear as backing vocalist on future recordings.


The new vocalist is called Kristoffer Göbel, also in the band DESTINY.

He is not a Mathias wannabe but have his own style, which also gives the band a chance to evolve.




Also new in the band are the former sessionmusicians:

Anders Johansson (guitar) and Peder Johansson (Bass).

They have played with the band for a year now so why not take them in as real members.




The new album is to be recorded in May at Los Angered studio once again.

This time it will be a consept album but fear not dear fans, it will not be one of those weird hardlistened conseptalbums. The music is mostly as it has been but with one lyrical story throughout the whole album.

After the release of the new album Falconer will finally do a proper tour in Europe at least.

Hopefully more places.


We understand that some of you think that the originality of Falconer is gone now with Mathias out of the picture. We see it as a fresh wind with Kristoffer.

They are both great singers, but different.

Falconer thank Mathias for the time in the band and wishes him the best of luck in the future with his career.


Steta,mada treba cuti i novog pevaca sad.gifbiggrin.gifa:

  • 1 month later...

hi there,

for all of you, who want to hear the new singer of falconer, check this out:




Radi se o klasicnom i solidnom metal pevau.Sad da li ce imitirati Mathias-a

ili ce pevati u svom stilu....

Ako bude pevao kao sto peva sada,onda mislim da Falconer gubi onu originalnost i prepoznatljivost.


Moram li uvek ja da vadim ovu temu sa dna stranice???


Izuzetno dobar bend,jako ih cenim i volim.

A Per Tyrssons Dotar I Vange je pesmica preeeeeeedivna.........iako su reci totalno bzv u prevodu i glupa bajka o odsecanju glava i zrtvovanju devojcica ni zbog cega.....


Meni je prvi album fenomenalan(cist a opet orginalan power metal sa sjajnim speed deonicama)Jedina mana, losa produkcija.Drugi me je malo razocarao ali ne kvalitetom

koliko promenom stila.(neki melodicni heavy/power).Gde je ona energija sa prvog???

  • 2 weeks later...

Izuzetno dobar bend,jako ih cenim i volim.

A Per Tyrssons Dotar I Vange je pesmica preeeeeeedivna



Poooootpuno se slazem! biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa:

Ubedljivo najljepsa pjesma koju sam slusao na Norveskom....

  • 2 weeks later...

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