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Blah,ne svidja mi se album.Previse su slusali Nevermore (a bogami ima i momenata gde se oseti da su slusali Slipknot i Killswitch Engage,konkretno pesma "Overthrow"),ovde thrash-a ima samo na momente.Pesme su dosadne,predugacke i naporne za slusanje.Adapt Or Die je jedina pesma koja mi se dopada,ovo sve ostalo je bezveze.Potpuno nepotreban album,razocaravajuce.

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(a bogami ima i momenata gde se oseti da su slusali Slipknot i Killswitch Engage,konkretno pesma "Overthrow")


Meni ta pesma više liči na Americon ili na nešto sa Diabolus in musica :mhihi:


meni ovo jebeno zvuci za sad. cuje se svaka faza forbidden-a, plus neki noviteti, sto je verovatno smyth uneo. ne lici mi na nevermore toliko uopste.


Onaj gej otpevani refren ti lici na Americon i nesto sa Diabolusa?Tebra,prestani slusati blek,to zujanje aparata za brijanje ti je sjebalo sluh. ;)


Ne refren nego uvodni rif, ali je bolji od tih Slayer fail momenata.


meni ovo jebeno zvuci za sad. cuje se svaka faza forbidden-a, plus neki noviteti, sto je verovatno smyth uneo. ne lici mi na nevermore toliko uopste.


I meni zanimljivo. Ima nekog praznog hoda ali sve u svemu je interesantno, uspeli su svašta da ukombinuju. Lemiju je Nevermore sve što nije dž-dž/dvojka bubanj ;) , i ja ih slabo čujem. Minus ide na glas koji mi se ne sviđa na dosta delova i tragičan omot.

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omot je tragican tu se svi slazemo. :)


meni je i vokal predobar, nisam ocekivao da ce imati te visoke idalje, a sve ovo dublje i agresivnije mu je takodje na mestu.


stvarno mi je russ carski ovo odradio.


u svakom slucaju, moderni forbidden >> neki bedni retro thrash bend klinaca


Ne refren nego uvodni rif, ali je bolji od tih Slayer fail momenata.


Pffffff. :haha::haha::haha::haha:


I meni zanimljivo. Ima nekog praznog hoda ali sve u svemu je interesantno, uspeli su svašta da ukombinuju. Lemiju je Nevermore sve što nije dž-dž/dvojka bubanj ;) , i ja ih slabo čujem. Minus ide na glas koji mi se ne sviđa na dosta delova i tragičan omot.


Ja nisam rekao da lici na Nevermore,vec da su ga previse slusali.Oseti se u muzici.

Glas je uglavnom los,tu se slazem.Iako ima dobrih momenata,ali generalno je jako slab.Kada uporedis to pevanje sa onim na "Forbidden Evil" ili "Twisted Into Form",prevrne ti se stomak.


u svakom slucaju, moderni forbidden >> neki bedni retro thrash bend klinaca


Svekako da je bolji od nekog bednog,ali npr. moderni Forbidden << Pitiful Reign , prvi Evile.

Posted (edited)

omot je tragican tu se svi slazemo. :)


Omot je jedan od najboljih koje sam video a da su se pojavili u proteklih dvadeset godina. x)


EDIT: Israh se i ja, ali meni se baš sviđa omot.

Edited by Tower...

ne lici mi na nevermore toliko uopste.

uopste. tipican americki zvuk, thrash, post-thrash, us power.


omot je soc ali nije ruzan, onako, ne iritira barem.. bolje nego neki prebudzeni cgi omot




Omot je jedan od najboljih koje sam video a da su se pojavili u proteklih dvadeset godina. x)


Naravno,kontras nastavlja sa svojom borbom. :rockdevil:


uopste. tipican americki zvuk, thrash, post-thrash, us power.


Ovo je tebi tipican americki thrash i power zvuk?Svasta cu procitati ovde.



Omega Wave

Nuclear Blast Records CD


We are all witnesses to the current resurgence of Thrash Metal with hordes clad in denim and leather (both bands and fans) trying to recapture the days of glory but in my opinion it is a rare case that some new group even approaches succesfully the old vibe, probably the reason is they are trying to recreate the period they weren't really part of, so as a result the best Thrash albums of today are done by those old scene dogs who carry the torch for decades. Case in point: in 2010 the laurels are taken by Overkill, Sodom and I feel that I can freely add Forbidden's new outing to that company. By now everybody knows the story behind this cult troop and anyway you can read an interview with Russ on our pages to get acquainted with facts from Forbidden’s world so let’s go riding the „Omega wave“, shall we? It should be said that „Omega wave“ is first band’s work after a long break and 1997’s „Green“ (which was largely rejected by fans) so as always when old band returns from dormancy I was afraid that they will shit all over their proud legacy (Assassin immediately comes to mind here...) or continue in vein of their finest work but that spark is simply gone over the years (Pestilence, anyone?) but Forbidden seems to be returning for all the right reasons. They arent regurgitating „Forbidden evil“ ad nauseam with ten new takes on „Chalice of blood“ on their new material but instead they have mixed all the tendencies (some of them were sometimes suicidal, but they have pulled it off largely here) of their four albums, spiced it with modern production and figures in arrangements here and there, bolstered it with various songwriting and there you got „Omega wave“! I know, I know – one can get the impression from these words that this is one boring mish-mash that only the band members could love, it does seem like it on the paper but reality is different. Truth be told, Forbidden is still Thrash Metal band primarily and they make that statement loud and clear right after classical intro „Alpha century“ with raging beast of an opener entitled „Forsaken at the gates“ which encapsulates everything that is good about Forbidden – virtuous guitar playing, hot rhythms, soaring Russ’ vocals – and it already can stand among Forbidden’s finest hours but right after with „Overthrow“ the album starts to show its variety. Mentioned track is mostly in mid tempo with chugging guitar riffs and modern feel but it is pulled off by overall catchiness. „Hopenosis“ and „Adapt or die“ are varied Thrashers, neckbreakers such as closing title track will keep the bangers satisfied and on the other side of the spectrum you will find „Swine“ with almost doom driven vibes throughout most of the song. So you see that „Omega wave“ is very varied and it is easy to fall through the cracks of "too much of nothing“ syndrome but I feel that intricate songwriting saves the day so even if I am not so fond of slower parts / 90's tendencies of Thrash must admit that those sections are tastefully crafted and actually are bringing something cool to the songs instead of choking every excitement out of them. One more thing that elevates the impression is spirited performance of all the members; I must single out new guitar player Steve Smyth (ex-Nevermore) who was probably in charge of modern touches (wild guess..) and Russ Anderson who is truly the shining star of "Omega wave". Initially I was dissapointed with his delivery but as I delved deeper into the music I was excited more and more. Russ strays away from his classic output for more brutal approach; don’t get me wrong, the man still pulls out those high notes like it is piece of cake but he opted for deeper parts frequently and even uses some growls, screams, clear notes... Russ still got pipes, it is clear as crystal, and he delivers in spades as it is true joy to listen to the man who actually has balls to go for something different and succeeds at it. Unfortunately, not everything is shiny and bright; the album lasts for about an hour and I guess that it was hard to keep up the high level of quality all along. Take „Chatter“ which is just throwaway intrumental and „Inhuman race“ and „Immortal wounds“ which are simply sub par in comparing to the rest of the material. But the final verdict is that lion’s share of „Omega wave“ is worthy of pure gold, those mentioned weak moments drag down the final score but overall impression is more than cool: Forbidden is here, seems like it is for good, and they have success where bunch of others failed miserably – they have done something that is in connection with today’s standards but still unmistakably linked to their core principles.

Guest милка зоофилка

досадан је omega wave, не волим тај пост звук. на албуму свака следећа песма личи на претходну. shift + delete.

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Mogu da pišu u recenziji šta hoće ali kad jedan album dođe do ušiju fanova,onda to više nije bitno,a mi smo se svi ovde mahom složili,album od koga smo svi toliko očekivali je jedan propali pokušaj thrash revival od strane Forbiddena,da ne grešim dušu ima 4-5 pesama koje su sasvim zadovoljavajuće ali malo je to od takvog benda koji je izdao takve klasike kao što su prva dva albuma!Ne razumem još jednu stvar,bend koji u nekim pesmama pokaže takvu energiju i kome leže brze pesme,onda ima potrebu da smori za medalju sa nekim nepotrebnim i brzo od svih zaboravljenim otužnim napevanjima!Međutim,ovaj album je u poređenju sa novim Flotsamom i predosadnim Death Angelom,mega kvalitet,tako da u svakom slučaju nije najgori revival album ove godine! Mislim da u budućnosti neke bendove stvarno treba precrtati i više se ne nadati od njih da će ikada više ponoviti njihove klasike,treba se okrenuti novim snagama tipa Archaic Revolt,Fueled by fire,Diamond Plate,Potential threat sf,itd!To je budućnost thrasha ma kako ih neki posmatraju!


Eeeee,kakvo razocarenje!Bas ,ali bas mnogo sam ocekivao od ovog albuma,a dobio sam veliki crnacki penis(da prostite :D )!Odose ljudi u metal core kao da su zadnjih pet godina slusali Bullet for My valentine i slicne pizdarije!Prezvakani rifovi,na momente i growl vokali pa prenemaganje na mikrofonu,mnoogo lose!

Najbolje mi je legla Forsaken at the gates stvar.Mnogo se razocarah ovim albumom.Odoh pustiti Step by step i patiti!


Mogu da pišu u recenziji šta hoće


Recenziju sam ja pisao i stojim iza nje. Album razbija.


treba se okrenuti novim snagama tipa Archaic Revolt,Fueled by fire,Diamond Plate,Potential threat sf,itd!To je budućnost thrasha ma kako ih neki posmatraju!


Nisam slušao sve bendove ali navedeni koje sam čuo su kopija starih imena. Po tebi je budućnost da se pravac vrti u krug večno?


I što reče azal, koji crni metalcore vi čujete, gde je da ga i ja poslušam?


album nije ni do kolena Twisted Into Formu, to je cinjenica. Ali to nije zato sto zvuci moderno i sto Russ ne peva visoko sve vreme, to je zato sto pesme nisu istog kvaliteta. To je jedini kriterijum. Ali opet, ima sjajnih pesama, i bolji mi je od skoro svih "reunion" albuma. Bolji je od testament-a novog sigurno. Bolji je od Heathen-a, koji je super na prvo slusanje meni bio ali retko zelim da ga pustim ponovo.


Od tih reunion albuma, mozda je samo Artillery bolji.


I ja isto ne razumem kako mogu bendovi sto kopiraju stare bendove da budu "nove nade"


po meni su bendovi kao Revocation bendovi koji bi trebali da se prate, jer rade nesto novo u tom domenu, ali su opet istinski thrash/death, nikakav core, dza bu, on zvuce kao bend koji je slusao sve od razor-a do atheist-a i snimio sad album koji zvuci kao njihov trip te muzike iz danasnje perspektive. to treba ceniti najvise, ne neki rehash matorih bendova.

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