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  • 3 weeks later...

Počeo sam da ih slušam. Nisu ništa spektakularno, imaju jaja, nije neki nja-nja power, ali ja jednostavno ne volim bendove kod kojih malo koja pesma može da mi uđe u uši na prvo slušanje. Da bi bili kao, recimo, Blind Guardian, morali bi da imaju prave metal hitove. Ovako su daleko ispod Guardiana i nekih drugih power metal bendova. Prvi mini album mi se najviše svideo, a zatim Black Circus prvi deo, mada je zaista teško porediti albume. Svejedno ću ići na koncert. Ako neko ima noviju set listu, baš bih voleo da znam šta sviraju uživo. Ja da sam na njihovom mestu, ne bih znao šta da izaberem, skoro sve pesme su na isti kalup, ništa se tu ne izdvaja kao favorit.

  • 4 months later...

Odslusao sam dead end solution dva puta, i svidja mi se. Cepanje samo tako, vokal dosta lici na hansijev, sve ostalo na mestu. Najbolja mi je naslovna pesma, a najlosija "the pain you offer". Uglavnom dobro izdanje s obzirom da je prvi ep. Meni je prilicno brzo usao u usi, tj. vec posle dva puta. :)

  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Longstanding Danish metal band MANTICORA has completed work on its seventh full-length album, "Safe", at Jailhouse Studios in Horsens, Denmark, once again produced and mixed by Tommy Hansen (JORN LANDE, HELLOWEEN, PRETTY MAIDS).


Following the successful two-part "Black Circus" albums (released in 2006 and 2007 on Locomotive Music), "Safe" will see the band exploring a darker and heavier side of its songwriting than in recent years, and contrary to the simplicity of the album cover (a black/white cover only showcasing the band-symbol) "Safe" is filled with high-octane technical power-thrash, including the 14-minute-long title track (MANTICORA's longest song to date).


"Safe" track listing:


01. In The Abyss Of Desperation

02. Silence The Freedom

03. Complete

04. From The Pain Of Loss (I Learned About The Truth)

05. A Lake That Drained

06. Carrion Eaters

07. Safe

08. Embryonic Man (bonus track for Japan)

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Don't judge a book by it's cover. A ovo je jos jedna vrlo citljiva i rifferska knjiga Mantikore, verovatno jedinog power benda gde mi po albumu ostane vise riffova nego vokalnih deonica u glavi :] Sto nije necessarily a bad thing, samo im mozda malo odmaze kod popularnosti. Opet malo mracniji ton albuma, i osim povremenih inflamisticnih ispada (na koje se vremenom navikoh), vrlo prepoznatljiv Manticora ton i twisted Kursch-like vokali, sada sa malo vise bas twisted momenata. Uz vise pop power koji obrtah ovih dana (novi Fwind npr.), ovaj mi bas lepo lega kao neka protivteza.


I tako, vrlo jaka power godina, a tome su dosta pridoneli i Danci, Manticora neesto manje, no album za 8-8.5/10. Jedan od boljih Mantikorinih, da je "Safe" vredna svoje duzine, verovatno bi mi bio i najbolji. Nadam se da cu ih oper videti negde, sa novog "In The Abyss Of Desperation" i "Lake That Drained" bih samo tako cuo, posebno druga koja mi je usla u top5 pesama benda.

  • 4 years later...

On the verge of suicide the butchery began

And writting capabilities came back to me again

The disappearance of my muse had ceased with all the killing

The cantos only lived through all the blood the Beast was spilling







  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Ali stvarno, kakva jebena pesma



Moj surovi power metal favorit za sva vremena.


Ono na 5:30 kad krene sa "On the verge of suicide the butchery began..." tačno oću ceo forum da zapalim i grad, svi da se nosite u tri pičke materine.

  • 1 year later...

Danish thrash/power metallers MANTICORA will release their eighth album, "To Kill To Live To Kill", on August 3 via ViciSolum Records. Another MANTICORA concept double effort, it is based on the thriller/horror novel that lead singer Lars F. Larsen has written.


The novel itself is scheduled for a May 2018 release, while the two concept albums will be released as two separate albums, one year apart.


"To Kill To Live To Kill" track listing:

01. Piano Concerto 1 - B Flat Minor...

02. Echoes Of A Silent Scream

03. Through The Eyes Of The Killer - Towering Over You

04. Katana - Awakening The Lunacy

05. The Farmer's Tale Pt. 1 - The Aftermath Of Indifference

06. The Devil In Lisbon (instrumental)

07. Growth

08. Humiliation Supreme (instrumental)

09. Nothing Lasts Forever

10. Katana - Opium

11. Through The Eyes Of The Killer - Revival Of The Muse That Is Violence

12. The Farmer's Tale Pt. 2 - Annihilation At The Graves

The music was recorded and mixed at Hansen Studios with producer Jacob Hansen (VOLBEAT, DESTRUCTION) who also helmed the first two MANTICORA albums, and vocals were recorded with Tommy Hansen at Jailhouse studios. Tommy previously produced five albums for the band.




Vest godine.


e, stvarno lepa vest, meni izuzetno drag bend...samo mi je bilo tuzno da je onako malo ljudi bilo na koncertu u skc-u, ok kontam da nisu ultra popularni da napune veliku salu i to, ali da nije bilo 150-200 ljudi na ovakvom bendu mi je bilo za neverovati

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