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Posted (edited)

nije ni čudan, ni težak za slušanje.


samo je veoma loš.

i neverovatno pretenciozan, što ga u kombinaciji sa "veoma loš", čini mizernim.


22. 2 u Pesti? Dajte ljudi da se organizujemo, pain vredi videti po svaku cenu.

Edited by Feanor


22. 2 u Pesti? Dajte ljudi da se organizujemo, pain vredi videti po svaku cenu



naravno,ali pod uslovom da ne sviraju nista sa "be",jer je to mizerija,ukombinovana sa pretencioznošću...ili je veoma loš,pa ga to cini pretencioznim u kombinaciji sa mizerijom....ne znam,ne razumijem se u te kombinacije.ali slazem se,treba poci 22.02.


Ja ga vec skinuo JEJ!!!!!!!

Pojavio se dosta ranije mislio sam da je fake pa sam ga poredio sa semplovima koje je neko ostavio i sve je ok.......


Pain of Salvation Scarsick (2007)

Bitrate: 192 kbps



Lozinka: Pain-of-Salvation_Scarsick(2007)


Eto, skidaj i slušaj dok uši ne prokrvare :rolleyes:


Fuck the million dollar kitchen

Fuck the Al Pacino posters


Fuck the hommies

Fuck the posers

Fuck the walls they build around 'em

Fuck the bedroom magic nonsense

I don't want to hear their voices

as long as they're full with their vollets



Join us ppl

THEY're NOT people!!!



Kako obozavam ovog Daniela :D


Fuck the million dollar kitchen

Fuck the Al Pacino posters


Fuck the hommies

Fuck the posers

Fuck the walls they build around 'em

Fuck the bedroom magic nonsense

I don't want to hear their voices

as long as they're full with their vollets



Join us ppl

THEY're NOT people!!!



Kako obozavam ovog Daniela :D


Mislim da kaze "as long as they vote with their wallets" ;)




Ja sam se bas odusevila. Jedva sam cekala da se pojavi nesto novo, pa da ponovo pocnem da slusam PoS. Onaj BE mi smuchio i PoS i Danela i onaj predivni koncert i sve. A sad im oprastam :)


Niking ima potpis iz "mefisto i zlatokosa" :) dobra knjizica :)


Fuck the million dollar kitchen

Fuck the Al Pacino posters


Fuck the hommies

Fuck the posers

Fuck the walls they build around 'em

Fuck the bedroom magic nonsense

I don't want to hear their voices

as long as they're full with their vollets



Join us ppl

THEY're NOT people!!!



Kako obozavam ovog Daniela :D



ovo je bilo gotivnije kad se zvalo Tool - Aenima. :P

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