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Ja samo znam da sam spavala za vreme njihove svirke na Legacy festu i da me je nemilosrdno probudila pesma Disco Queen koja se nenormalno oduzila... Ili sam mozda samo bila nestrpljiva pred Dark Funeral... Sve ukupno gledajuci, nije los bend...

Ja samo znam da sam spavala za vreme njihove svirke na Legacy festu i da me je nemilosrdno probudila pesma Disco Queen koja se nenormalno oduzila... Ili sam mozda samo bila nestrpljiva pred Dark Funeral... Sve ukupno gledajuci, nije los bend...


Ja mislim da si napravila pravi izbor,mislim...ipak bolje da prespavas POS nego DF,a ne kao ja se zeznes i odes prije DF posto te smore POS sa onim komplexnim aranzmanima,cudnim vokalnim harmonijama,nekakvim neparnim ritmovima,losim textovima koje pjeva onaj lik sa rasponom glasa od 4 oktave.(Mislim,cemu? Ja sam siguran da lik iz DF postize isti ,ako ne i bolji efekat sa njegovim rasponom glasa od 4 tona,a i izgleda opasno,a ne kao onaj jado iz POS u bijeloj majici )


A i prze ga DF,brateeeee! :muzicar::rockdevil:




ja bik prije gldeao dark funeral





































Aj ste rekli neki DimBurgeri, ali DF... mada ako nishta likovi su kul kolko sam cuo. Jebesh ti blek metal, ako im pevach nije gay, nisu trve :mrgreen: ucite od Gorgorotha. kako serem. Ali najbolja scena sa POSa su mi zbunjene face 'iskrenih' metalaca na 'Disco Queen' :mrgreen: prajsles. da ne bude oftopic, mogli bi da opale opet neku turneju, Daniel ionako mnogo voli Budimpestu, pa taman i ovde da svrate...


Znam da su nekim bendovima poceli da vracaju dug, a sa nekim drugima se dogovaraju josh, tako da mislim da na kraju to nece biti toliko problem, posto kapiram da ce na ovaj ili onaj nacin, pre ili kasnije, verovatno kasnije posto ce to da potraajee, da isplate sve na kraju. Mislim toliko skapirah iz prica i foruma raznih nashih...


Naravno da vracaju dug, moraju ipak da ispostuju bendove. Druga je stvar sto svejedno ne verujem da ce neko da ih dovodi, s obzirom da 500 ljudi ne mogu da skupe


Bassist Simon Andersson has left the Swedish progressive metal band PAIN OF SALVATION. He writes in a statement, "I've been a part of this band for almost two years and I'm honoured I was the chosen one. Getting to know these wonderful musicians is even more of an honour… but I've reached the point where I just have to stop and walk my own way. Exhaustion, yearning and frustration are the three main issues.


"Exhaustion: having a 'normal day job,' being a rockstar and having a lot of other (heavy) personal stuff became too much. I wanted everything so bad I ended up being sick with no energy whatsoever.


"Yearning: being on tour means waiting. Waiting and waiting… I asked myself one day: is the life back home, the people I love, worth risking just being somewhere in the world waiting? My answer is no.


"Frustration: I wanna focus on my own music when i have the time for it. Don't wanna be a wheel in motion in someone else's machinery… I have way too much inspiration and there is no space for this in PAIN OF SALVATION. Lack of dedication? No. Lack of creative outbursts within the band? Yes.


"I can't give PAIN OF SALVATION 100% at this point, and the guys deserve better… the best thing to do is to go separate ways. We made this decision together and we part as friends. I wish them the best of luck!"

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