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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright! So we auditioned four highly interesting guitarists yesterday: one from the UK, one from Sweden, one from Germany and one from Iceland. Tomorrow we have one from France. The top of the crop out of tons of applications from all around the world, they actually transform our stress to anticipation and excitement! :)

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Pain of Salvation’s new keyboard player is no stranger for the observant fan. Being quite the renaissance man (as everyone in this bizarre band), he has been all over the place the last year. He played the keyboard in India, the bass in South America and on the European tours, and dammit if he didn’t do the lights in Skellefteå too!


Daniel Gildenlöw: “Through the years we have always had problems finding people who can master ONE instrument well enough to play our songs the way they should be played, so needless to say D2 has impressed us by playing both the bass and the keyboard with total conviction. Asking him to join the band was a natural step. Also, band meetings were getting boring with only me and Léo there ;)


The world, meet Daniel “D2″ Karlsson:


To be a part of this band is a real honor. I’m very grateful to have been around POS for quite some time, both as a technician and a musician and a fan of course, and suddenly I’m being a part of them for real. It pays off to work your way up:)

My intentions is not be the “new” Fredrik, because there’s only one. And a damn good one! But I’ll do my best to carry the spirit on and bring a new chapter to the history of Pain of Salvation. I’m looking forward to be a part of the future of the best band in the world. // Daniel “D2″ Karlsson



  • 2 weeks later...
Fredrik bids farewell



It may have passed under the radar of some fans that Fredrik has decided to leave the band earlier this winter. It was right in the turbulence after Johan’s leaving, just before the Opeth tour when new tour dates for 2012 were also being officially announced. Needless to say it was a bit of a turmoil for both us and our fans, and now we basically wanted to make sure to fill in the gaps. And have some proper farewell words from Fredrik himself of course. So, here goes…


(Fredrik enters the stage from the left and, for the first time ever, grabs the center stage microphone and clears his throat)


“Time to leave.


It would be easier if my decision was based on problems, fights, other offers, family and more but it all comes down to lack of lust and that’s why I have to take it seriously. The bad times I’ve always been good at handling, one might say I’m quite suited for long hours of waiting and bad news, but when the lust to be on stage or rehearse fades away I must take it as an honest sign that something is not what it should be.


Pain of Salvation has been the one thing that everything revolved around for the last 15 years of my life. I’ve moved around, had different girlfriends and different jobs but POS was always there in the centre of my life. When I can’t be present in spirit it’s time to quit because a band like Pain of Salvation deserves every bit of attention and dedication. Something I can’t provide right now.


A sincere thank you to everyone,

Fredrik Hermansson”


Fredrik will be sorely missed, both by fans around the world and by the band itself.


Daniel: “When we went into the studio to record Entropia back in 1997, Fredrik was the ‘new guy’, having been in the band only a few months while the rest of us went years back. I can hardly believe that so many years have passed since then, and that it’s time to part ways. It makes me sad to see him go. It’s been an honor playing alongside him all these years and having watched him grow in so many ways!”


Note: As already mentioned in an earlier news piece, Fredrik Hermansson will be replaced by band-familiar Daniel “D2″ Karlsson on the keyboard.


Citajuci background ovog lika ima da bude lepak za mladjane zenske generacije.

1. izgleda kao Legolas (a on nikada ne izlazi iz mode)

2. Njah ima necaka od 2 godine i igra se sa njegovom gitarom isn't that cute :mhihi:

3. "he is into spiritual things"

4. Bivsi alkos, ali od kada je spoznao ljubav svog zivota sve je super.

5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz7Td3h1oTs

Anyway prelsitah mu bio i radove, ono OK mi je, nit smrdi nit mirise...

  • 2 months later...

Nešto u vezi Jevrovizije valjda, 'bem li ga, al' ajde da im se pripomogne. :smile:







The online contest for Tredje Chansen is continuing until Sunday. The multiple votes have now been deleted, so individual and unique IP votes are more important than ever. Right now we are in second place and need a few more thousand votes, so COME ON and push us that extra mile :)


Follow the link, vote for whichever artist you like the best (we are pretty certain it will be POS) and click "Rösta"...

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