Gwydion Posted October 13, 2006 Report Posted October 13, 2006 SATYRIAN is an international gothic rock band, combining dark atmospheric lyrics with wave, rock, classical orchestration, piano and heavy guitars. The story of their new album "Eternitas" goes back to December 2002, when the band started recording at the Spacelab Studio in Germany. Though at the time they called themselves Danse Macabre, these were the early days for SATYRIAN. Recordings started with drummer Merijn Mol (Danse Macabre, The Dreamside), bassist Milos Marisevic (Danse Macabre) and composer / guitarist Jan "Örkki" Yrlund (Danse Macabre, ex- Lacrimosa, Prestige, Imperia, Angel, Delain). Piano and some clean vocals were supplied by producer Oliver Philipps (also in Everon). The band invited Kemi Vita (The Dreamside) as guest vocalist. Judith "Ciara" Stüber also took part in recording; she'd already joined the band for three songs on their previous album "Eva." With a summer tour quickly approaching, the band invited their guests to join them. Guest vocalists Kemi and Judith gladly agreed, and producer Oliver also joined the band for this journey. At this point, the band was nearly complete. All that was missing was a final singer to complete the line-up. This they found in Roman Schönsee (ex- Pyogenesis, The Bloodline, The Dreamside). After rehearsals at Spacelab, the band headed to Finland for the tour. There, they also shot scenes in Lapland for an upcoming video with director Jari Koskela. While on tour, the band and guests formed a bond not easily broken, and the guests were invited to join the band as full members. With the album still missing vocals, the band returned to Spacelab Studio in 2004. With all three vocalists experimenting with new sounds, the recordings were truly a creative process. Not only did they lay down the vocals, the band got carried away and recorded new piano, bass and orchestral parts. They also added an extra song to the mix. By June 2004, recordings were complete and the band adopted it's new moniker: SATYRIAN. In autumn 2005, SATYRIAN's old record company agreed to the band's request to transfer the album and the band signed a new record deal with Lion Music Records. The new album "Eternitas" consists of 12 songs in a wide variety of musical styles. From pure dark rock to danceable industrial beats, folk elements to classical atmosphere, the album runs the gammot of musical tastes. The contrast between the two male and two female voices define the band's sound. The guitar work varies from rock and metal riffing to melodic leads, often combined with piano. The lyrics are dark and atmospheric and offer a close look into deep personal emotions. It's an album about life and death, desire, fear, loss and eternity, the Eternitas. Welcome to the SATYRIAN world! Satyrian line up: Roman Schönsee - vocals Kemi Vita - vocals Judith “Ciara” Stüber - vocals Jan “Örkki” Yrlund - guitars, programming Oliver Philipps - piano, orchestrations Milos Maricevic - bass Merijn Mol - drums Quote
Gwydion Posted October 13, 2006 Author Report Posted October 13, 2006 Dakle meni dobar bend/ Kako vidite u bendu svira Milos sa novosadskog Limana. Metalbeer ga zna dobro, svi sm ozajedno bili na istorijskoj Novoj godini gde su izmedju ostalih od poznatijih njuski bili kompletni Fear of Dog, debeli Marijas iz Koblenca koji je doneo tada bend za koji smo mislili da je najbrzi na svetu i koji se zvao 7 Minutes iof Nausea, bile je pola Atheist Rap-a, Kibo (bubnjar Pergamenta), te Miss Vojvodine koja je msilila da ide na fensi zurku i koja me je proklinjala celo vece ali se ipak 4 puta presvukla da svi vide sta je sve ponela od garderobe. Milos je OK momak, iako i dan danas mislim da dobije nervni slom kad me neko pomene. Kako mi rece njegov buraz koji se vratio iz Holandije Milos je cak hteo da sviraju na exit-u ali se nesto izjalovilo. ako ih je neko slusao interesuju me utisci. Plus, ono sto ne pise na sajtu a sto mi Ceda danas rece je to da su ostali bez jedne pevacice, pa buduci da su internacionalni bend ako neka odavde zeli da se afirmise konkurs je mozda jos uvek otvoren? Quote
Sinstrel Posted October 17, 2006 Report Posted October 17, 2006 Ha, ha... Gwydion je napisao gothic metal i verovatno poverovao u isti! Nemam pojma ko je ovaj lik... ima li on neki web site gde mogu da se cuje sta srpski goth metalichar radi? Quote
Gwydion Posted October 17, 2006 Author Report Posted October 17, 2006 Ha, ha... Gwydion je napisao gothic metal i verovatno poverovao u isti! Nemam pojma ko je ovaj lik... ima li on neki web site gde mogu da se cuje sta srpski goth metalichar radi? Googlmantija je rekla da probas da skines sa : Quote
Sinstrel Posted October 17, 2006 Report Posted October 17, 2006 E kad bi mi jos ona i sredila neki brzi net od 56k bilo bi super! Skinuce neko ovo za mene, pa kad cujem javljam se ovde! Quote
doombringer Posted October 18, 2006 Report Posted October 18, 2006 bend za koji smo mislili da je najbrzi na svetu i koji se zvao 7 Minutes iof Nausea Quote
Милица Posted April 22, 2007 Report Posted April 22, 2007 Though at the time they called themselves Danse Macabre, these were the early days for SATYRIAN. Cekaj, jel to ONAJ Danse Macabre u kome svira jedan clan iz Ancient Rites? (Ne znam kako se covek zove, da znam verovatno ne bih pitala ) Quote
Милица Posted April 23, 2007 Report Posted April 23, 2007 Aha... Pa, ako su to ONI, onda mozda imam i sta da kazem u vezi njih. Slusala sam jedan njihov album, i tako... Nisu me bas odusevili. Quote
Telcontar Posted May 19, 2009 Report Posted May 19, 2009 Da, samo shto je fora u tome da je Satyrian 4 svetlosne godine ispred Dens Macabrea. Nemerljivo su bolji, iako je manje vishe to jedna ista ekipa. Quote
Talvi Posted May 19, 2009 Report Posted May 19, 2009 Jebes ih, ovaj bend je najobicniji produkt kradje koji je bojkotovan sirom sveta i tako treba i da ostane. Fuck off. Quote
Telcontar Posted May 20, 2009 Report Posted May 20, 2009 Meni se mnogo svidjaju ))) cak su mi u top 50 na ))) D: D: D: Quote
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