ThanatoSchizO Posted October 19, 2006 Report Posted October 19, 2006 (edited) Hello, My name is Gui and I'm from Portugal. Yes, Portugal! Well, I play in a band: ThanatoSchizO. You can check some mp3 of the 3 albuns in or Here's the deal: in 2003 we had a review in a magazine called RockExpress and I've assumed that I would find some help here so I could translate the review text to english. Here it goes: "Od izlaska remek dela zvanog "Woolfheart" dobro nam znanog benda koji danas hoda nekim blatnjavim putevima, iz Portugala su s vremena na vreme počeli da se pojavljuju kvalitetni i iznad svega originalni bendovi. Takvi su i Thanatoschizo koji su svoj prvenac objavili poslednjih dana 2001. za novu i anonimnu portugalsku kuću. Ovaj izuzetni bend je fanovima ponudio neobično i nestandardno izdanje prepuno vrtoglavih okreta i preskakanja iz pravca u pravac tako da na prvo slušanje teško možete pohvatati o čemu se radi. Međutim, kvalitet muziciranja i idejno bogatstvo ubrzo sve postavljaju na svoje mesto tako da album postaje vrlo lako i zarazno štivo! Bendovi koji svoju svirku zasnivaju na avangardnim aranžmanima i progresivnim idejama obično toliko odlaze u krajnost da im albumi postaju nepodnosljivi za slušanje. Kod Thanatoschizo to nikako nije slučaj jer je njihova formula bila mnogo pametnija: mix oldschool Death/Black zvuka u osnovi sa progresiv/avangard deonicama predstavlja lepo osveženje za sve fanove ovog pravca koji će to sigurno znati da cene. Posebno se ističu vokali - izuzetno grubi muški (growls & screams) i originalni ženski. Ako se pitate zašto "Schizo Level", verujte saznaćete slušajući ovaj CD. Drugi naziv za ovo izdanje mogao bi glasiti "Od nastanka Metala do danas" jer ovo je dobar vodič za one koji su preskočili neke pravce omiljene nam muzike! Kontakt: [email protected] Ocena: 8/10" So if anyone wants to waste some minutes translating this text to english for me I'll be very thankful. Thanks in advance! Gui Edited October 19, 2006 by ThanatoSchizO Quote
ThanatoSchizO Posted October 20, 2006 Author Report Posted October 20, 2006 Still hoping for some help...please Quote
azal Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 if I have time at work today I'll translate it. send me drugs and booze. Quote
azal Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Since the release of the masterpiece called “Wolfheart,“ from a band we all know very well, who are currently treading down very muddy paths, from time to time, quality, and above all, original-sounding band have been appearing in Portugal. Thanatoschizo, who released their debut album in late 2001 for a new and anonymous Portuguese label, are one of those bands. This exceptional band offers to fans an atypical release, full of head-spinning changes and jumps from genre to genre, making it hard to understand what is exactly happening on the first listen. However, quality musicianship and a richness of ideas quickly put everything into place, making the album a very easy and catchy work. Bands that base their playing on avant-garde arrangements and progressive ideas usually take it to such an extreme that their albums become unbearable to listen to. This is absolutely not the case with Thanatoschizo, because their formula is a lot smarter: mixing oldschool Death/Black sounds as a foundation with progressive/avant-garde sections represents a nice refresher for all fans of this musical genre who will surely recognize this. The vocals are worthy of special mention – very rough male vocals (growls and screams) and an original-sounding female vocalist. If you ask yourself why it is called “Schizo Level,” believe me, you will know once you have listened to the CD. Another title for this album could have been “From the beginning of metal to today,” because this is a good guide for those who skipped over some genres of our favorite form of music! Contact: [email protected] Score: 8/10 Quote
ThanatoSchizO Posted October 20, 2006 Author Report Posted October 20, 2006 azal: really, really thanks! No drugs or booze here, sorry Quote
azal Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 znaci, izjebao me kao kurvu najgoru. Quote
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