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Pa, realno, ovo kao da sam ja izvukao tvoj post iz tog nekog perioda i zapitao se "Čudo ne voliš Partizan" :D


A, evo, gledam malo posle toga, već sledeća strana i RNA i ja doživeli prosvetljenje.

  • 1 month later...




Kenn Nardi


Nothing 100% definite just yet, but I am in the process of assembling a band to hopefully play some of this new music (and of course a bit of Anacrusis) live at some point in the future. I really think doing some of the DwtP material live would be a blast.



Kako je jebozovna ova "Symbiotic", kao neki izgubljeni metal hit iz '90ih


The water's deep, but blood is thick…one fills the soul, one makes us tick

Adjoined and whole, apart and sick for we are all symbiotic




Ovo je stvarno najbolja stvar na albumu. Samo ne mogu da verujem da je iskasapio onakvu solažu krasnu.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ma lagano! Kao što rekoh, meni bi vjerovatno bio i album godine.

Ali mora mjesecima pomalo da se sluša i stalno isplivavaju novi favoriti. Kad se prvih nekoliko puta, dok još ne znaš pjesme, pusti u komadu - stvarno zna biti overwhelming.

  • 3 weeks later...

Kenn Nardi


I will be playing next year's Keep it True XIX Festival. The plan is to play about 1/2 ANACRUSIS tunes and 1/2 songs from my new album Dancing With the Past.


As of now...the rest of the band will be comprised of Mike Henricks on guitar, who played with ANACRUSIS at the Rock Hard and Alcatraz festivals and also the 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise a couple years ago; long-time friend Chris Speciale on bass (Chris played guitar in the St. Louis band EXE and also bass in San Francisco's Terminus in the '90s).

And last but definitely not least, playing drums will be none other than Chad E. Smith, who ANACRUSIS fans will know from the MANIC IMPRESSIONS album. Chad also played drums in Geezer Butler's solo band GZR and appeared on the Ohmwork album back in 2005.

  • 4 months later...





Inače, pošto je Anacrusis po svemu sudeći (za sad) završena priča, otvoriću posebnu Kenn Nardi temu imajući u vidu da je izdao fantastičan album koji je pokupio odlične kritike, planiraju se i svirke uveliko, tako da je to već "prava" solo karijera.


Ali mislim da ta tema treba svakako da ide na progressive forum, nije za thrash.


Nije problem naravno, nego sam mislio zbog preglednosti, a ko zna, možda i ukači nekog novog slušaoca koji ga neće povezivati odmah po defaultu samo sa Anacrusis :bigblue:


Kojeg ionako sluša jedno 7 ljudi na forumu. :cry:

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...

Još jedan nekroposting, čisto da se ovaj forum ne pretvori u Metalikin video Nothing else matters #42389 / Slejer je crko kuku majko šta ćemo sad.

Došao sam ovde da dam ljubav albumu Manic impressions, kako volim kad kupim takav kult za 5 evra u nekom budžaku pa mi nadošao ovih dana da se sladim njim. Za razliku od Phobos ovaj sam voleo oduvek ali sad sam se podsetio njegovih soničnih prostranstava i koliko je lud Nardi na vokalu. Još je jezivije kad skontam da mi ovo nije omiljeni Anacrusis, lomim se između debija i poslednjeg za tu titulu so here's to hoping da i njih negde izbunarim na kvarno.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

For anyone curious about what we played last Saturday night, here is the full setlist...

******Part One: Suffering Hour & Reason******

01. Disemboweled (intro)/Present Tense
02. Wrong
03.n Imprisoned
04. 09. Afraid to Feel
05. R.O.T. (Reign of Terror)
Silent Crime
Butcher's Block
08. Stop Me
Twisted Cross
10. Terrified

******Part Two: Manic Impressions

11. Still Black (played twice due to technical problems)
12. What You Became
13. Something Real
14. Idle Hours
15. Explained Away
16. Far Too Long
17. Paint a Picture
18. I Love the World (New Model Army cover)

Part Three: Screams and Whispers

19. Brotherhood?
20. Release
21. Division
22. A Screaming Breath
23. Grateful
24. Tools of Separation
25. My Soul's Affliction
26. Driven
27. Sound the Alarm


28. Fighting Evil (Chad E Smith and Paul Miles on drums and Mike Owen on guitar)

  • 9 months later...

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