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Posted (edited)

Genre: Melodic/Progressive Thrash

Lyrical theme(s): Christianity, Biblical



Ja sam dobio tri albuma( to je celokupna diskografija) u razmeni pre par dana sa Nagashom pivopije.gif

Odlican thrash/death, iako nisam pobornik hriscana ovo je ekstra. Ima malo i klavijatura.



Extraction From Mortality, 1989 R.E.X.;



Sanity Obscure, 1990 Roadrunner;



Dimensions, 1993 Roadrunner;


Vise nisu aktivni. Presli su put od nekog thrash/death-a pa do prog thrash-a.

Da vidimo sta o njima kazu BNR Metal Pages:

"Over the course of their three albums released from 1989 to 1993, Believer transformed from a primitive death metal band to an impressive progressive thrash/death outfit -- indeed, Dimensions is still widely regarded as a classic both within and outside the Christian metal scene. Though their was never an official breakup, the band quietly disappeared in the nineties, with the members apparently pursuing other interests (one of which is Fountain Of Tears). However, reports as of late 2005 are that the duo of Kurt Bachman and Joey Daub (the latter still active in FOT) are in the process of writing new material, so there may yet be life in Believer."


Nadjite, poslusajte, vredi icon_da.gif


user posted image

Edited by Heavy jerk

Kralju! Drago mi je da ti se svidelo. icon_biggrin.gif Mada, ja se nikako ne bih slozio sa onom definicijom zanra. Ja bih pre rekao da je to neki "ekscentricno tehnicki progresiv thrash (dark) metal" icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_smile.gif (bez zezanja)


I nije da vise nisu aktivni. Jel vidis da ova dvojica opeth nesto brljaju icon_mrgreen.gif

  • 1 year later...

Ovako,nabavio sam ova tri albuma od Believera,i verujte mi,mnogo propuštate ako ovo ne nabavite.

Svaki album je priča za sebe,prvi vuče muzički na stariju Sepulturu i mešavinu mnogih thrash bendova,drugi ima i operski vokal (1990.godina, pre therion-a).

Drugi album ima stil pevanja koji vuče više na death metal iako je clean vokal,a treći album je isto interesantan.Prva dva su možda nešto bolja od trećeg.



Generalno je u pitanju thrash-prog koji nikako ali nikako nije dosadan,čak im je i prvi demo interesantan.


Sve preporuke!!!

Lyrical theme(s): Christianity, Biblical



"Rid yourself of needless tension

Lay your burdens on the Lord

He will give you strength you need

If you'll believe His Word"


Ja ovako nesto ne mogu da slusam :no:



"Rid yourself of needless tension

Lay your burdens on the Lord

He will give you strength you need

If you'll believe His Word"


Ja ovako nesto ne mogu da slusam :no:


Ma daj,a mozes da slusas neke koji uzdizu Satanu?Isto govno,drugo pakovanje.

Posted (edited)

Pa dobro,tekstovi zavise od ukusa imamo


What good would result for a man

By gaining the world but losing his soul?

Love not the world

Or the wrath of the Father you will behold


Toxic waste corrupts the air

Adulteration of man's breath

The sky pours forth rains of acid

Waters of life now bring death

- zagađenje čovekove životne sredine


No more will I regress backward

From what which I believe

I owe no man an explanation

Expect no apology


Kao i razne koji su u stilu onoga što je Morphy citirao.

Edited by -Diamond-


"Rid yourself of needless tension

Lay your burdens on the Lord

He will give you strength you need

If you'll believe His Word"


Ja ovako nesto ne mogu da slusam :no:

Prijatelju, uvek cu radije slusati ovakav jedan bend nego thrash genericne bendove. Destruction sa svojim "stavovima" je 3x maloumniji, kao i gomila drugih, ali je muzika i vajb dobar. Slicno i ovde (mada bih primetio da su na visem nivou od Destructiona, naravno).

  • 2 weeks later...


"Rid yourself of needless tension

Lay your burdens on the Lord

He will give you strength you need

If you'll believe His Word"


Ja ovako nesto ne mogu da slusam :no:


Eee! Konačno i ti i ja da se složimo! :lol:


Koje govno. A, što se tiče ovoga što pominjete "bendove koji pevaju o satani", pročitajte malo intervuje, vidite u kom kontekstu oni to rade.


Nema potrebe za vredjanjem :rolleyes:

Odlucio sam da malo odrastem i zanemarim stavove ovog benda...Skinuo sam sva tri albuma pre dve nedelje i nesto slabo sam preslusao na preskok nekoliko pesama i nije mi nista posebno,pesme nisu ostavile upecatljiv utisak,sasvim prosecan bend...Toliko za sada.


Believer je ekstra bend. Znali su nekada biti monotoni, ali su zato znali biti i jako dobri. Preporučujem toplo odličnu stvar "Dies Irae" sa "Sanity Obscure" albuma. Pre jedno 10ak godina smo se dobro razbijali uz ovu pesmu u KSTu (Beograd)... Ah, dobra stara vremena... :)

  • 9 months later...

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Final Studio Update!!!!

Category: Music


Finally, the mix is complete and we will be mastering on November 18th. So far we think it sounds killer and don't worry, we will not push the volume to limits of distortion. Our plan is to keep all the dynamics in place for your listening enjoyment. The record will be released early next year and the artwork is absolutely amazing! Check back often for more updates as they should be rolling in more frequently.


Thanks again to everyone for your patience and for getting the word out there about our new record. Please feel free to link to our myspace page on your own sites to help us build the buzz!






Posted (edited)

Ево да мало обнављамо градиво док не изађе нови албум




Believer - "Dies Irae (Day Of Wrath)" (1990)


Libera me, Domine, de morte aeterna in die illa tremenda

Quendo coeli movendi sunt et terra

Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem

***(Deliver me, Lord from the eternal death

On that dreadful day when heavens and earth

Shall move, when you come to judge the world through fire)***


Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo

Dum discussio venerit at que ventura ira

***(I am made to tremble and to fear

At the destruction that shall come

And also at your coming wrath

When heavens and earth shall move)***


Dies illa, dies irae, calamitatis et miseriae

Dies magna et amara valde

Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem

***(That day, day of wrath, calamity and misery

Great and exceedingly bitter day

When you come to judge the world through fire)***


Requiem aeternam dona eis domine

Et lux perpetua luceat eis

***(Rest eternal, grant them, Lord

And may perpetual light shine on them)***

Edited by -Diamond-

Ево овако



(sanity obscure) 

(single stop the madness),pass www.cmfreak.net.zip


Нисам нашао тренутно бољи квалитет за sanity obscure,ово је неки мали фајл.Пробај преко google blog search-a ја сам нашао ту свашта од музике.Мени су први и други албум сјајни,мада ни трећи није лош,ал ми је некако слабији.


Пробај ако ти треба већи квалитет албума,има christian metal forum,http://www.christiandl.com/


Учланиш се и тражиш request ako већ нема шта ти треба.А има доста тога.




BLABBERMOUTH.NET can reveal that reactivated late '80s/early '90s technical-thrash metallers BELIEVER have inked a deal with Metal Blade Records for the release of their new studio album, due in early 2009. One song from the CD received its world premier earlier tonight (Monday, November 17) on "Radio Bam", skateboarder and TV personality Bam Margera's weekly radio show on Sirius Satellite Radio 28 / XM Radio 52. The program will be rebroadcast at midnight EST on Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.


Regarding what fans can expect to hear from BELIEVER's first studio album in 15 years, guitarist/vocalist Kurt Bachman previously said, "Will it sound like 'Extraction from Mortality' [1989], 'Sanity Obscure' [1990], 'Dimensions' [1993]? Well, we think you'll hear a splash of each, but we didn't set out to just rehash the old. That would be boring and offer nothing new for you to hear. With that said (and I will remind you again once the release date draws closer), if you don't expect a total rewrite of the past then we think you'll be pleasantly surprised."


The new BELIEVER CD will include guest appearances by Joe Rico (SACRIFICE), CKY/WORLD UNDER BLOOD guitarist/vocalist Deron Miller and Rocky Gray (EVANESCENCE, SOUL EMBRACED, LIVING SACRIFICE), among other musicians.


BELIEVER's albums "Extraction from Mortality" (1989), "Sanity Obscure" (1990) and "Dimensions" (1993) were made available in November 2007 via Poland's Metal Mind Productions in a new digipak edition on golden disc, digitally remastered using 24-bit technology and limited to 2,000 numbered copies.


plus jedna zanimljivost.


14 sept. 1993 je bio sjajan dan na ovom svetu.


tog dana su izasli


Believer - Dimensions

Pestilence - Spheres

Cynic - Focus

mogu ja sutra da ripujem najbolji album "Dimensions" sa originala pa cu da okacim.


Oces da mi prodash oreginal? : )


Uglavnom Dimensions je fenomenalan album, svaka im cast. Mada ni Sanity Obscure isto nije losh , ali loshiji od Dimensions. :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Genre: Melodic/Progressive Thrash

Lyrical theme(s): Christianity, Biblical



Ja sam dobio tri albuma( to je celokupna diskografija) u razmeni pre par dana sa Nagashom pivopije.gif

Odlican thrash/death, iako nisam pobornik hriscana ovo je ekstra. Ima malo i klavijatura.



Extraction From Mortality, 1989 R.E.X.;



Sanity Obscure, 1990 Roadrunner;



Dimensions, 1993 Roadrunner;


Vise nisu aktivni. Presli su put od nekog thrash/death-a pa do prog thrash-a.

Da vidimo sta o njima kazu BNR Metal Pages:

"Over the course of their three albums released from 1989 to 1993, Believer transformed from a primitive death metal band to an impressive progressive thrash/death outfit -- indeed, Dimensions is still widely regarded as a classic both within and outside the Christian metal scene. Though their was never an official breakup, the band quietly disappeared in the nineties, with the members apparently pursuing other interests (one of which is Fountain Of Tears). However, reports as of late 2005 are that the duo of Kurt Bachman and Joey Daub (the latter still active in FOT) are in the process of writing new material, so there may yet be life in Believer."


Nadjite, poslusajte, vredi icon_da.gif



excelente banda

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