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Posted (edited)

Mene samo raduje sto je Martin ponovo u bendu,iako ne mora da znaci nista.Sa njegovim odlaskom promenila se i muzika.Asphyx album sa Wannes-om mi je najslabiji bio.Na albumu On The Wings of Inferno uneo je neke momente iz svog maticnog benda Pentacle,sto je pomalo pokvarilo osobenost benda .Cak mi je God Cries sa Theo-om i bolji,mada mi je taj album najrazlicitiji.

U svakom slucaju veoma sam se obradovao ponovnom okupljanju jednog od meni omiljenih death bendova. :pivopije:

Edited by Goxy
Posted (edited)

Imas taj Old?Znam da su na Tyrant Syndicate i da je Fenriz valjda svirao na albumu...U kom su fazonu?

Sta mislis kako mogu da zvuce sa takvim imenom? mesavina old school thrash, death i black metala. Nazalost, nemam nista, ali sam cuo i citao dosta intrervjua sa clanovima benda. Sta da ti kazem kad se njihov pevac nalozio na Pokolgep "Pokoli Szinjatek'!

Edited by RNA
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

svidja mi se death the brutal way,bas onako kao neki njihov stari klasik, a narocito je lepo cuti ponovo van drunenov glas.samo tako da nastave :muzicar:

Edited by Goxy
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

Brate, koju to onda verziju albuma imas, ako je tebi ovaj zvuk isti kao na albumu? Mislim, prilicno je tesko ne cuti ono sto sam rekao, posebno na delu od 50 sec od pocetka, na taj rif mislim. Ne raspadaju se, ali da zvuce ko masina...ne.


@Sotona: ja to ni ne poricem. Pricao sam konkretno o Party San snimku.

Edited by H.J

Reformed Dutch death metal outfit ASPHYX — Martin van Drunen (vocals), Wannes Gubbels (bass/vocals), Paul Baayens (guitar) and Bob Bagchus (drums) — has finished recording its comeback album, "Death...The Brutal Way", due in May/June via Century Media Records. War Anthem Records will release the LP version of the effort, which was recorded at the Sonic Assault studio and engineered by Frank Klein Douwel (who is also the band's live sound engineer). Mixing duties will be handled Dan Swanö (NIGHTINGALE, EDGE OF SANITY and BLOODBATH fame) at Unisound in Sweden.


Commented the band: "The new album will be ASPHYX's heaviest so far, for sure. We know that's a cliché, but it's simply true, and if we say this, you bet it's the truth. Some titles: 'Death...The Brutal Way', 'Cape Horn', 'Der Eisenbahnmörser', 'Scorbutics', 'Riflegun Redeemer', 'Black Hole Storm', 'Asphyx II', '(They Died As They Marched)'."


ASPHYX last year released a seven-inch EP, "Death the Brutal Way", via Iron Pegasus Records. The single includes the brand new title track plus a cover of CELTIC FROST's "Os Abysmi Vel Daath" from the Swiss legends' "Monotheist" album. Both cuts were recorded in January 2008 at the Harrow studios.


:rockdevil: :rockdevil:


Ovaj Dan Swano se bash bacio na hiperprodukciju. Drago mi je sto su uzeli Swanoa ali nekako mi nije on pravi chovek za Asphyx, ali videcemo.

  • 3 weeks later...



"Death...The Brutal Way" track listing:


01. Scorbutics

02. The Herald

03. Bloodswamp

04. Death…The Brutal Way

05. Asphyx II (They Died As They Marched)

06. Eisenbahnmörser

07. Black Hole Storm

08. Riflegun Redeemer

09. Cape Horn

10. The Saw, The Torture, The Pain



Jbt dobra je pesma sasvim na prvu, ali tako je bilo i sa Pestilence kad su one 3 procurele, pa se ispostavilo da su daleko najbolje na albumu. Cekam ceo pa da vidimo.


Hahah, meni na novom Pestilence-u ni jedna ne valja u tom kontekstu da podsjecaju na stare hitove, ove dvije nove Asphyxove su oda starim vremenima, jedino su produkciju poboljsali, ostalo je istoo, tako da ce ovo valjati, mora da valja cuj Martinovog glasaa ijuuu odvalio sam :):rockdevil: :rockdevil:

  • 1 month later...

Ne znam sta da kazem za album, meni je dovoljno da slusam do kraja zivota, toliko, na skali od 0-10, 10 + + + + +.


Sad se pokazalo ko je tu zbog muzike, R.I.P Mameli, R.I.P Pestilence.

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