Prisoner of Dreams Posted November 30, 2006 Report Posted November 30, 2006 ja nisam ni cuo da je izdao novi album ?! bas sam se distancirao od stratovariusa (pre svega tolkkija) zadnje dve godine Quote
StarbreakeR Posted November 30, 2006 Report Posted November 30, 2006 Pa dobro...shta da ti kazhem...tebi se verovatno ne bi svidelo 90% muzike koju ja cenim volim i slusham...ukusi su razlichiti, ja sam navikao na "stari" ala Visions stratovarius, mozhda chak i Dreamspace ili Fourth Dimension zvuk i feel. Ovo mi vishe lichi na Hymn To Life, Tolkki-jev drugi solo album. To da se meni ovaj novi album ne svidja je znak da bend napreduje kao shto svi stari fanovi Bodoma pljuju po novim Bodomima, a ja odusevljen novim zvukom...a nisam neki stari fan... Ma da...bitno je da se ukusi razlikuju...inace bi svi bili isti...] ...Da se razumemo i ja obozavam Visions i to...ali mi ova promena uopste nije toliko smetala...zavisi, razliciti ljudi su razlicito primili novi album... Quote
Angelystor Posted December 31, 2006 Author Report Posted December 31, 2006 STRATOVARIUS mainman/guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued the following update: "[My new solo album] 'Saana - Warrior of Light' is a work in progress. "[For the past] two years I have had this idea in my head and it won't leave me be. It will be a rock opera, but not in a sense that many of the records using 'rock or metal opera' are. All the singers in this are carefully chosen and I have been auditioning singers already six months. So it's not just that I invite some famous names to sing something. The character that sings the part really has to fit and feel the meaning of the music and lyrics. I have spent quite some time with the top candidates to get to know them personally. This is very important when I will write the music. And I prefer them to be new talents. "During Christmas I have been writing the story and it just pours out of me. I am writing it in Finnish, but I will translate it in English after it's ready. I have been negotiating with several record companies about this release and the interest has been very good. There will be a press release in about a month and a website dedicated for this project. Then the cast will be revealed as well. "There have been some rumours about Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH) playing the main role but those are untrue. Although I first wanted a Finnish person for the main role, the story has evolved so much that it is not necessary anymore." Quote
Angelystor Posted December 31, 2006 Author Report Posted December 31, 2006 Nikada nista ne ochekujem od ovih "opera". Tommy i dovidjenja. Quote
StarbreakeR Posted December 31, 2006 Report Posted December 31, 2006 Ja sam i dalje otvoren za iznenadjenja, kao i uvek... Quote
voodoo_ Posted January 2, 2007 Report Posted January 2, 2007 Molim vas nemojte da pocinjete polemike koji je power power...govna mi se jedu od toga...slusam bend ne zanr, nazovi ga power metal, happy metal, kindergarden metal, gay metal...don't give a fuck! Nasuprot tome, ja nalazim da je razvrstavanje bendova po žanrovima i kategorijama izuzetno zabavno. Quote
Elldamar Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 STRATOVARIUS mainman/guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued the following update: "[My new solo album] 'Saana - Warrior of Light' is a work in progress. "[For the past] two years I have had this idea in my head and it won't leave me be. It will be a rock opera, but not in a sense that many of the records using 'rock or metal opera' are. All the singers in this are carefully chosen and I have been auditioning singers already six months. So it's not just that I invite some famous names to sing something. The character that sings the part really has to fit and feel the meaning of the music and lyrics. I have spent quite some time with the top candidates to get to know them personally. This is very important when I will write the music. And I prefer them to be new talents. "During Christmas I have been writing the story and it just pours out of me. I am writing it in Finnish, but I will translate it in English after it's ready. I have been negotiating with several record companies about this release and the interest has been very good. There will be a press release in about a month and a website dedicated for this project. Then the cast will be revealed as well. "There have been some rumours about Tarja Turunen (ex-NIGHTWISH) playing the main role but those are untrue. Although I first wanted a Finnish person for the main role, the story has evolved so much that it is not necessary anymore." Ovo cje biti do jaja stvar...necju da otkrivam detalje,ali bicje i jednog EXTRA vokala na njemu...glavnog pozitivnog lika odradicje jedna ruskinja,a glavnog negativnog....hehe...ajd' necju nishta da'll be suprised Quote
Lordring Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 Ja sam inache fan Stratovariusa, al ovaj najnoviji album je sranje nevidjeno...ama nijedna pesma mi se ne svidja, a power sam pocheo da slusham uz njih i Visions.Koliko mi se Elementsi neverovatno svidjaju ovaj novi mi se ne svidja, Tolkki previshe gospodari bendom. Back To Madness bi bila do jaja pesma da nema onog skrnavog tenora!!! Ovaj, preslušaj ponovo album... Videćeš da su Just Carry On, Leave the Tribe, Gypsy in Me (a.k.a. beži od mene, ja sam cigan!) fenomenalne pesme i taman ima da razbiju monotoniju koja me je (da, čak i mene) zahvatila posle 2 sata slušanja njihovog nastupa A što se tiče Maniac Dance, na to gledam kao na neuspeli pokušaj Enter Sandmana pt.2 Back to Madness si sam spomenuo. Ne znam za tebe ali taj tenor meni baš i nabija atmosferu sve zajedno sa onim violončelom pozadi... Čudno da ti taj vokal smeta Nego da vidimo na šta će da Sauna da ispadne što se tiče glavnog negativnog samo mi tri osobe padaju na pamet: Jorn, Dio i Patrik Quote
Elldamar Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 Hint:nije mushkog pola,a nije ni Ville Valo Quote
Angelystor Posted February 10, 2007 Author Report Posted February 10, 2007 (edited) nevermind..greska.. Edited February 10, 2007 by Angelistor Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted February 27, 2007 Report Posted February 27, 2007 Četvrti bend na mojoj power metal listi, ali možda i prvi koji bih, nakon što sam video HammerFall, voleo da vidim uživo. Ovi muzičari su majstori, posebno Timo Tolkki. Omiljeni album mi je Visions, mada su i ostali na visokom nivou, a omiljene pesme: Will the Sun Rise, The Kiss of Judas, Paradise, Black Diamond, Distant Skies i, pre svih, Hunting High and Low. Napominjem da nisam čuo albume izašle posle Infinite, ali ću ih uskoro nabaviti. Quote
shock! Posted March 1, 2007 Report Posted March 1, 2007 (edited) hhaha Black diamond mi stoji ko budilnik vec 2 godine kako se sam se sad najezio kad sam ga pustio .........reko idi bre u picku materinu Edited March 1, 2007 by shock! Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 Preslušavam sada poslednji album - Stratovarius. Dosta se razlikuje od Stratovarius-a kakav ja poznajem, gotovo i da nema power metala na njemu, ali nije loš. Quote
Angelystor Posted March 8, 2007 Author Report Posted March 8, 2007 Gotovo i da nema kvaliteta na njemu Meni se u pocetku i slusao..bas zato sto je double bas..manje power metal..ali i no power at all.. Quote
Divlji Tigar Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 (edited) Ja nisam jos uvek uzeo taj album, a samim tim ni odslusao, a nemam nameru u skorije vreme. Radije cu da nabavljam albume manje poznatih bendova iz istocne evrope. Edited March 9, 2007 by Wild_Tigar Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted March 9, 2007 Report Posted March 9, 2007 Meni su svi albumi Stratovariusa OK. Juče sam slušao Intermission, sjajan je, ima i pesma Rainbow - I Surrender, izvedena uživo, kao i Kill the King, koju sam još ranije imao prilike da čujem. Ostalo mi je samo još Elements Pt. 1 i 2 da preslušam i onda ću imati kompletnu sliku o poslednjih nekoliko godina ovog benda. Quote
lolaconscious Posted March 12, 2007 Report Posted March 12, 2007 sta bi sa tim novim albumom stratovarijusovaca? Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted March 12, 2007 Report Posted March 12, 2007 Mnogo albuma imaju, red je da naprave malu pauzu. Quote
Bata Trokrilni Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Čuo sam, dobri su, posebno prvi deo. Quote
Angelystor Posted March 20, 2007 Author Report Posted March 20, 2007 Pa prvi deo jes bolji od drugog, koji nije ni za kurac, koji doduse jeste dobar ako se uporedi sa "Stratovarius" albumom koji nije ni za sta. A doduse ni Elements pt.1 nije ni za kurac ako se upored sa prethodnim radovima Quote
StarbreakeR Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Stratovariusov Downfall oces da kazes... Quote
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