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Former STRATOVARIUS mainman Timo Tolkki — who drew up and signed an official waiver on May 20, 2008 giving up all rights to the STRATOVARIUS name — has slammed the band's current lineup for "exploiting" the STRATOVARIUS name and "pissing on my music and art."


STRATOVARIUS' present formation includes four members from the most recent version of the Tolkki-led lineup — Timo Kotipelto (vocals), Jens Johansson (keyboards), Jörg Michael (drums) and Lauri Porra (bass) — along with new guitarist Matias Kupiainen.


"Polaris", the new album from STRATOVARIUS, entered the official chart in Finland at position No. 2. The CD also debuted on the German Media Control chart at No. 55.


In a June 14, 2009 online posting, Tolkki stated about his former bandmates, "These guys keep on both exploiting the name and pissing on my music and art. More than personal choice it comes down to morals that STRATOVARIUS was completely my vision. Both musically and ideologically. As there cannot be STRATOVARIUS without Kotipelto, Jörg Michael or Jens Johansson, there surely cannot be STRATOVARIUS without me. They are not even leaving in peace some of the most deepest feelings I have composed like 'Forever', which I composed to my dead father. I am not convinced about the 'sincerity' that 'more music is better.' It is the money talking here. Plus that everything is dumped to my neck blatantly ignoring that I shared every single euro with these guys while I was in the band. We are talking about lot of money here. I take my music and art very seriously and I don't make compromises. I don't take my music to 'choir wars' and prostitute myself with cheap acts like that. And I take my responsibility when I have done something wrong, like in the stunt." [Referring to the purported "publicity stunt" STRATOVARIUS concoted several years ago when singer Timo Kotipelto was fired and a female replacement, Miss K, was drafted in, as well as the stabbing that took place in Madrid, Spain. According to Timo, the whole publicity stunt was organized very meticulously and the entire band, management and even the record company was in on it.] "I don't hide. What there guys are doing in this moment by calling their band 'STRATOVARIUS' is disgusting. Truly disgusting."


Reci nisu potrebne :]

sto bi rekli samo violine iza trebaju :) :) :)


samo se prepucavaju oko ''štete'' koju su jedni drugima naneli, a šta je sa štetom koje su pretrpele naše uši, uludo potrošeno naše dragoceno vreme i živci???


Албум је врхунски! Све ми је бољи, а уопште нисам очекивао да ћу га и даље слушати оволико по изласку. Чак и неке ствари које су ми на прво слушање биле њањаве, сад су супер.


Ma realno po meni njihove 3 najbolje pesme: Eaglehearth, Destiny(jbm li ga u spelling, nisam siguran dal sam ubo...) i Hunting high and low...

al ima jos dobrih, tipa black diamond...

po meni su to najbolje - nisam siguran da li sam preslusao uopste neki njihov album, mozda 1-2, ovo ostalo sve ovako po koju pesmu pustim ili sa you tube a... ali ove su mi najbolje...

Ne znam, malo mi je bezveze da se radujem koncertu na kome će neko drugi svirati umesto Tolkkija solaže koje su zaštitni znak Stratovariusa.


ma bas me briga, on neka se koncentrise da mu Saana pt.2 bude dobra kao i prvi deo :) :)

niko nije nezamenljiv...

Ma Tolkki i ne postoji live, samo stoji ukopan u jednom mestu. Kotipelto je Stratovarius :rockdevil:

E od njih dvojce, ne zna se ko je veci pajser za live nastupe. Tolkki stoji sa strane i radi nista, sa izrazom lica blago telecim, a Kotipelto ili ne prica nishta, ili toliko prica da smara i ubija. Odnos sa publikom kod obojce ocajan. Al nema veze, ide se na koncert.

  • 2 months later...

Vest o koncertu (malo starija, ali nije na odmet)



Na nasu molbu da na dan koncerta organizujemo meet and greet sa clanovima benda, odgovorili su pozitivno, i koga god interesuje upoznavanje sa clanovima benda, moze da naruci specijale meet and greet karte po ceni od 2200 dinara preko naseg sajta www.terranostra-networks.com, ili direktno na mail [email protected].

Ove karte su strogo limitirane na 50 komada!

Meet and greet odrzace se na dan koncerta, u dogovoreno vreme i mesto.


Obicne karte su 1800 dinara, i mogu se kupiti na blagajni SKC-a, naruciti preko nas, ili kupiti u eventimu

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Cudno je da tema o bendu ciji je koncert za 3 nedelje zapadne na drugu stranu...


Here is a news update from the band:


"We're still in the middle of the Polaris world tour, but we do have a bit of news.


After a break for the holidays, the caravan will roll on in 2010, and we will do a long tour of Europe in January and February (see dates below). You can always check an up-to-date list of any upcoming dates at this address:



We have some more good news: we just confirmed to play Wacken in August 2010, which is always great fun. It's the biggest metal festival in the world, and has a great crowd, but also since there are so many bands there, you can always reconnect with many old friends backstage and in the VIP bar. This gig will mark the end of the "Polaris" would tour which spanned four continents with close to a hundred gigs. Wacken's website is at http://www.wacken.com/.


We have also confirmed an appearance on the '70,000 tons of metal' Caribbean cruise in late January, 2011. You can find details about this very nice cruise here: http://www.70000tons.com.


We saved the best piece of good news for last: next year we will start work on a new full-length record, a follow-up to 2009's 'Polaris.'


Best regards, happy holidays and have a great new 2010!"



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