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Ne slažem se u potpunosti sa vama da je sve što je Tolkki uspeo posle Stratovariusa bilo sranje... Meni se jako dopada Age of Aquarius, iako je dobio mnogo negativnih poena na svim mogućim recenzijama; zvuk je mnogo drugačiji od svega što je napravio pre, i ta inovacija je kao ok... New Era, pre toga je bio još i slušljiv... I onda je napravio Trinity, vratio se na Stratovarius i smorio... Onako, žestoko...


Ali geez sad ga pretera... Symphonia, nije nego.


Tužno je to što se u celoj ovoj priči okupila jako dobra ekipa, i u RR i u Symphoni-i, a pre ili kasnije, od oba ispade sranje.


Inace, Elysium japanske bonus trake, izvinjavam se ako bilo, meni se nesto cini da nije: http://www.filesonic.com/file/896562754

Hvala za link. :pivopije:

Ponadao sam se da će ovde biti i ona prva dva bonusa, Hallowed i Last Shore. Jel ima to neko u nekoj kvalitetnoj varijanti, nešto što nije onaj očajan kvalitet sa youtube-a?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Drummer Jörg Michael has announced his plans to leave the Finnish melodic metal band STRATOVARUS for personal reasons. Jörg, who has been in the group for sixteen years, will play all the remaining tour dates until the end of January, and will celebrate with a special Finnish "Farewell Jörg" tour from November 18 to November 26.


Jörg joined STRATOVARIUS in 1995 and made his recording debut with the band on the "Episode" album (1996). He has appeared on nine full-length releases from STRATOVARIUS and has played nearly 1,000 shows with the band.


Commented STRATOVARIUS singer Timo Kotipelto: "The rest of us just has to accept Jörg's decision with a lot of sadness and wish him all the best for the future. But we can also assure that the band will still go on."


STRATOVARIUS and Jörg will not completely go their separate ways, however, since Jörg will still be working for the band through his booking agency, Twisted Talent Concerts.


"Our long journey of over fifteen years together has not ended yet, as Jörg remains among our background forces — and we couldn't be more happy about that," added Kotipelto. Not only has he been a great drummer but also a close friend and a true professional. "We're honored to have Jörg by our side for this farewell tour. We can't wait to rock with our 'German Steamroller' one last time! These shows will be unforgettable for all of us."


Jörg Michael Finnish farewell tour:


Nov. 18 - Mikkeli, Mikaeli

Nov. 19 - Tampere, Pakkahuone

Nov. 23 - Jyväskylä, Lutakko

Nov. 25 - Oulu, Club Teatria

Nov. 26 - Helsinki, Tavastia



Nadam se samo da ce da nadju bolju zamenu od onovg Axela/Alexa/kakovec...


Da, ako nista, gledali smo uzivo Stratovarius sa Jorgom u postavi, dobar je to bio koncert, mislim na onaj beogradski sa pocetka 2010.


Eh bre. Verovatno se smorio čovek više, a i omatorio je. Stvarno šteta :no: Fali će mi ona njegova ludačka brzina kad opali duplu na speed of light :bigblue::rockdevil:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Pa pazi, koncert je snimljen u Finskoj, gde su svirali jedno 10 puta na turneji za svaki album, i mozda nisu hteli da smaraju ljude sa istim pesama pa svirali obrade. E sada, prava budalastina sto su morali da snime takvu setlistu za DVD.

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