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Jej, drago mi je zbog Garma, ali nadam se da nece nimalo uticaja novijeg Ulvera da predje na Arcturus (ono trip-hopa na Sham Mirrors je vishe nego dovoljno :S ), vec samo pevushiti jer liku se jedino Ordo Ad Chao u poslednje vreme dopalo od blacka tako da neznam kolko moze inspirativan da bude.

Posted (edited)
  On 9/4/2009 at 5:18 PM, Talvi said:

Pa da, to. Uz Vortex-a Arcturus mi zvuci kao... hm... nekakav bizarni svemirski cirkus, i upravo takvog ga i najvise volim. :da:

Pazi gotovo sva inspiracija dolazi od Theatre of absurd i tekstovi uopste nisu bizarni i haoticni toliko samo treba naci kljuc :)


  On 9/4/2009 at 11:07 PM, BLACK said:

Evo sta kaze Hellhammer u septembarskom broju Sick Drummer casopisa:


How did you feel when Arcturus broke down?


HH: The breakup of Arcturus was a spur of the moment - kind of thing. Because of Vortex in Dimmu Borgir, mainly. So we just announced it on the last day in Australia, "This is the last circuit of Arcturus!", and the other members were like, "Is it?". Arcturus will get back together again with or without Vortex. We've already talked to Garm, and he is eager to do it, so there will be more Arcturus for sure, we just need to get our stuff together, and get the right scheduling together.

Hopa, hopa! Bice ovo opasno... Iskreno, volela bih da se okupi Arcturus, ali pitanje je koliko je sve to moguce.

  • 1 month later...

Imamo novosti od Vortexa :


"First song is recorded for the I.C.S Vortex album and the rest will follow during this winter. Release early autumn 2010. Studio is booked for Lamented Souls in March and release date is set to late autumn 2010. And for those wondering about the revival of Arcturus, I was told by an alien that 2011 is a lucky number..."


Dakle , njegov projekat 2010 :pivopije:


A Arcturus 2011 :pivopije::pivopije:


Ou jeeeeeeeeeeees

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Ovako prema poslednjim informacijama, Garm bi trebao da preuzme vokale, zboc cega je meni iskreno puno srce, jer je covek neverofauckingvatan, a vortex bas sa pracenjem na vokalima. U sustini za dinu dana scemo da dobijemo remek delo sa najacom postavom Arcturusa. O da! Oni koji vole vise vortexa od garma neka mi se napasu muda :)))))), i nek idu da slusaju Avenged Sevenfold.

  On 9/5/2009 at 12:06 AM, Lunar said:

Jej, drago mi je zbog Garma, ali nadam se da nece nimalo uticaja novijeg Ulvera da predje na Arcturus (ono trip-hopa na Sham Mirrors je vishe nego dovoljno :S ), vec samo pevushiti jer liku se jedino Ordo Ad Chao u poslednje vreme dopalo od blacka tako da neznam kolko moze inspirativan da bude.


A vidis, ja se bas nadam da ce biti avangarda, a ne neki typecasted bljak :).

  • Upvote 1
  • Downvote 1
  • 11 months later...

Former EMPEROR frontman Ihsahn has been confirmed to replace ARCTURUS at ProgPower USA XII, the annual progressive and power metal festival held in Atlanta, Georgia.


ARCTURUS has issued the following statement regarding its cancellation: "ARCTURUS still suffer from hibernation sickness, and due to outdated parts we deeply regret to inform you: We are canceling ProgPower USA. This lack of maintenance is entirely our own fault, and sincere apologies go out to the promoter and all ticket holders, especially those of you who had planned to travel far."


ProgPower USA promoter Glenn Harveston adds: "I have no idea what the hell that statement means. I'm not going to try and figure it out either, as I have wasted enough time and effort on that 'band' already. In the meantime, I would like to personally thank Ihsahn for taking the slot. His professionalism in this situation is greatly appreciated."



Ja mislim da ni oni sami trenutno ne znaju kakav im je status benda.


sta znaci to "due to outdated parts"?

ne svidja im se kako im zvuce pesme sad nakon duge pauze i nisu stigli dovoljno proba da odrze da 'apdejtuju aranzmane' ili sta vec?


to outdated parts je neki fazon kao citat iz tekstova.


Taj Sverd je oduvek bio flegma zato je i bend toliko sporadicno radio, nista me ovo ne cudi. mislim da jednostavno nisu imali dovoljno volje ni zelje da odrade ovaj posao kako treba pa su odustali.


tekst je iz Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer


Mechanical shutdown due to reactorcore meltdown

And outdated parts collapsed and discharged



  • 2 months later...

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