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Ovo su odlicne vesti :


After being dissed by Dimmu Borgir last weekend - [Link] - vocalist Simen "ICS Vortex" Hestnæs' webmaster has revealed the man's future plans:


"I think that now is the right time to post some news on the future music plans of ICS Vortex.


Simen will have a meeting with Lamented Souls in mid September to plan a new release and a few gigs in Norway. There is another meeting also planned with Arcturus members to discuss about the future of the band and a possible reunite. Nothing's for certain yet but keep visiting back the page as more announcements will take place about Simen's projects in the very near future!"


Vidi ovako: na ovom podforumu diskusije se ne vode na normalan nacin. :) Na Immortal temi pricamo o tome da li su Darkthrone pank bend, na Marduk temi pricamo o sisama i Carpathian Forest-u a na DB temi govorimo o Arcturus-u i Borknagar-u. A posto je ovaj podforum veoma "retko naseljen" i sve jedni te isti ljudi citaju i vode diskusije, to nam u potpunosti odgovara. :da: I ti to ne mozes da promenis, jedino mozes da se pridruzis. ;)


Vidi ovako: na ovom podforumu diskusije se ne vode na normalan nacin. :) Na Immortal temi pricamo o tome da li su Darkthrone pank bend, na Marduk temi pricamo o sisama i Carpathian Forest-u a na DB temi govorimo o Arcturus-u i Borknagar-u. A posto je ovaj podforum veoma "retko naseljen" i sve jedni te isti ljudi citaju i vode diskusije, to nam u potpunosti odgovara. :da: I ti to ne mozes da promenis, jedino mozes da se pridruzis. ;)



Потписујем. Све је рекао. Сисе култ!

Posted (edited)

Kod mene linija ide ovako:


Arcturus: Vortex > Garm

Borknagar: Vintersorg > Vortex > Garm


Volim ja Garma, ima lik super glas, ali mi se Vortex bolje uklopio od njega u oba benda. :da: Ali mi je zato Borknagar (naj)bolji sa Vintie-jem. :D

Edited by Talvi

Garm je imao specifichan i veoam interesantan vokal bash onakav kakav treba da ima avant./prog. black metal, a Vortex lepo peva stvarno ali dok ga slusam zvuchi mi ko bilo koj vokal sa nekog simfo metal benda.


Kod mene linija ide ovako:


Arcturus: Vortex > Garm

Borknagar: Vintersorg > Vortex > Garm


Volim ja Garma, ima lik super glas, ali mi se Vortex bolje uklopio od njega u oba benda. :da: Ali mi je zato Borknagar (naj)bolji sa Vintie-jem. :D


Sve tacno, sem ovo za Vintersorga, Borknnagar mi je najgori sa njim.


Pa da, to. Uz Vortex-a Arcturus mi zvuci kao... hm... nekakav bizarni svemirski cirkus, i upravo takvog ga i najvise volim. :da:

Slazem se! Vortex ima jako specifican glas i to je ono sto daje i posebnu boju Arcturus-u sa njim.


Evo sta kaze Hellhammer u septembarskom broju Sick Drummer casopisa:


How did you feel when Arcturus broke down?


HH: The breakup of Arcturus was a spur of the moment - kind of thing. Because of Vortex in Dimmu Borgir, mainly. So we just announced it on the last day in Australia, "This is the last circuit of Arcturus!", and the other members were like, "Is it?". Arcturus will get back together again with or without Vortex. We've already talked to Garm, and he is eager to do it, so there will be more Arcturus for sure, we just need to get our stuff together, and get the right scheduling together.

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