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Do you wonder what Sabaton did in the studio about 1 month ago?

Do you wonder why Primo Victoria, Attero Dominatus, Metalizer and Art of War is so hard to get these days?


This is why...


To be able to continue to do what we all love, meaning to continue to play music and to tour the world, we have now purchased the rights to the Sabaton music.

And to celebrate this we want to make them available again to all of you in a unique cooperation between Sabaton, Nuclear Blast and Black Lodge.


Now what does this mean??


Well, first it means that when you buy a Sabaton album, more of the money spent on the albums will actually go to Sabaton and second it means that we want to celebrate this by making the first four albums available again, but in really cool new versions!


We give you... The Sabaton RE-ARMED Editions and here is a sample of one bonus track!


The 4 first original albums of Sabaton, complete with new artwork, new booklets, posters and of course: New music!



We have digged deep into the treasury of Sabaton to find unique, strange, funny and unexpected songs.


Every album on the RE-ARMED editions will feature new tracks and they will include some old demos, some coversongs, some live versions of songs, some really old and unheard songs and some completely new songs recorded in Studio Abyss.


They will all be re-released on the 24th of September & can from today be pre-ordered right here!




KuLJ. Nadam se da će zaista malo bolje zvučati kad je već remaster u pitanju. A i osvežiće albume još nekim pesmama... ništa, čekamo 24. pa da se skida to! :haha:


Šta se to dešava sa kartama/koncertom?


Karte za koncert koji će se održati 19. novembra biće puštene u prodaju od 1. septembra. Cene će se kretati oko 15€. Hvala Alex na ovoj informaciji. Pozdrav svima! \m/,


@vegeta: imas li neku informaciju o ovome?


Da... definitivno je mogla biti bolja a i duža setlista, ali dobro. Još da saznamo imamo li uopšte čemu da se nadamo po pitanju tog koncerta...

Posted (edited)

Evo koji ce biti bonusi:


Primo Victoria:

10. The March To War

11. Shotgun

12. Into The Fire (Live In Falun 2008)

13. Rise Of Evil (Live In Falun 2008)

14. The Beast (Twisted Sister Cover)

15. Dead Soldier's Waltz


Attero Dominatus:

11. Långa Bollar På Bengt (Svenne Rubins Cover)

12. Metal Machine_Metal Crüe (Live In Falun 2008)

13. Nightchild

14. Primo Victoria (Demo)


Metalizer CD1:

12. Jawbreaker

13. Dream Destroyer

14. Panzer Battalion (Demo)

15. Hellrider (Live In Västerås 2006)


The Art Of War:

14. Swedish Pagans

15. Glorious Land

16. The Art Of War (Pre-Production Demo)

17. Swedish National Anthem (Live At Sweden Rock Festival)

Edited by Night Prowler

Da... definitivno je mogla biti bolja a i duža setlista, ali dobro. Još da saznamo imamo li uopšte čemu da se nadamo po pitanju tog koncerta...


Upravo :da: Valjda ce ga biti...


Dobih poruku na fejsu:


napokon su karte u prodaji, momci iz benda su pogurali malo stvar, i evo napokon informacija


karte su u predprodaji 1800 RSD, a na dan koncerta 2000 RSD...


koliko vidim, karte se prodaju u Novom Sadu, ali mi je Par rekao da se mogu rezervisati i u SKC-u...


Pozdrav svima i samo ratno!



  • Upvote 1

Sabaton sam gledao samo jednom prije 2 godine i ništa me posebno nisu dojmili.


Međutim, band je očito jako popularan postao. U Zagrebu je njihov koncert 20.11. bio zakazan za klub Močvaru kapaciteta 600 ljudi. Pošto je riječ o najbrže prodavanom koncertu u povijesti Močvare koncert je prebačen u puno veći klub Tvornicu kapaciteta 1 500 ljudi i vrlo je moguće da će biti blizu rasprodaje. Vrlo sam iznenađen. A band je očito svugdje postao popularan.

  • Upvote 1
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Da, cula sam da ce zapravo biti koncerta, i odlicna je to vest. :bigblue:

Sad jos kad krenu karte u prodaju, da se pljunu pare za to, i onda necu ici na koncerte narednih 10 godina. :haha:

Posted (edited)

Bio sam postao totalno skeptican po pitanju ovog koncerta, ali je odlicno sto je koncert ipak potvrdjen! \m/

Ajde red bi bio da moderatori reaktiviraju postojecu temu o koncertu!


Death in the shape of a Panzer Battalion!



btw., ovogodisnji album vise nego solidan, izdvajaju se "Coat of Arsm", "Uprising", "The Final Solution" i slag na tortu na kraju albuma - "Metal Ripper", originalan omaz kultnim metal pjesmama!

Edited by Runner

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