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  DragonHeart said:
Other artists appearing on the new Avantasia album include Sascha Paeth (producer/guitars), Henjo Richter (GAMMA RAY/guitars), Eric Singer (KISS, Alice Cooper/drums), Miro (keyboards), Jorn Lande (ex-MASTERPLAN/vocals), Bob Catley (MAGNUM/vocals) and Amanda Somerville (vocals).


The album, Lost In Space Part 1 and Part 2 will be released on October 19th.


uuuuu....jbt....ko ce sacekati oktobar.....aaaaaaaaaaa

sjajna ekipa....kao i uvek....


Kiske ce da peva na metal pesmi..sta ces lepse?


A pazi sad ovo..


EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet announced at a press conference at Wacken Open Air earlier today that his solo project AVANTASIA will perform at next year's installment of the festival, set to take place July 31 - August 2, 2008 in Wacken, Germany. Also scheduled to appear are IRON MAIDEN (headliners), CHILDREN OF BODOM and KREATOR.


Jaoooooooooooooo......mogli bi vec sada poceti da skupljamo pare za sledeci Wacken (iako je ovogodisnji zavrsen pre par dana) i juriti vize za Nemacku !!


Id' u qrac....srvarno se mora organizovati neka ekipica....i pravac tog festivala !! :da:

  apocalypsetb said:
Ja sada imam samo jedan cilj u zivotu! Dovesti ovo u Srbiju, po cijenu 5-godisnjeg uplacenog smjestaja u Padinskoj Skeli i li Centralnom zatvoru. Boze pomozi!!!



E, Bog ti pomogao! Od sveg srca ti zelim da ispunis taj cilj! Znaci, ne mogu da verujem... :pao sa stolice:


Ne mogu da verujem... :iskolacio oci:


Moguce je da Avantasia napravi koncert...??? ijaooooo... Svi na Wacken! Buahahaha, tesko.

Je l` to znaci sa muzicarima iz Avantasie? Kiske? Kai? Verovatno ne, a?


Omojbozeomojbozeomojboze... ako se to desi kod nas jednog dana... o omojbozeomojbozeomojboze... :wub::wub::wub: samo da to vidim! I Edguy!!!


Nadajmo se!!!


I Kiske na novom albumu! Jeeeee!


Nema tu nista nemoguce... Ako moze Wacken, moze i Srbija, ionako smo bolja publika od tih naduvanih Svaba... :)

I da, to znaci sa muzicarima sa Avantasie... Ko na Wacken, taj i u Srbiju :)




Tobbi? ... a ako još i omot bude kao na indexnoj stranici oficijalnog sajta... e jbg. Mislim da je Tobiju "malo" skocio ego. Ipak, ocekujem dobar album iako nece biti ono sto bih voleo ...


Da li je mozda negdje procurila informacija ko ce sve od ucesnika bilo kojeg dijela Avantasie da ucestvuje na koncertima?

Ako budu Matos, Kiske, Hansen i Tobbias na istoj bini... E, bolje da ne razmisljam o tome, lose mi je...


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Postava za plakanje :)


On Saturday, September 8th BW&BK scribe Carl Begai attended a listening session for EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet's forthcoming AVANTASIA album, The Scarecrow. On offer were 11 rough mixes featuring the official Avantasia line-up of Sammet (vocals), Sascha Paeth (rhythm and lead guitars), Eric Singer (KISS/drums) and Miro Rodenberg (keyboards and orchestration), Henjo Richter (GAMMA RAY/additional lead guitars), and several guest performers. According to Carl's report, the title track of the album "features Jorn Lande's best vocal performance ever" - a claim seconded by Paeth, who produced and is mixing the album - and "the heaviest song Alice Cooper has ever done." An in-depth report from the session will be available soon.


Artists appearing on the new Avantasia album include Roy Khan (KAMELOT/vocals), Kai Hansen (GAMMA RAY/guitars), Oliver Hartmann, Jorn Lande (ex-MASTERPLAN/vocals), Bob Catley (MAGNUM/vocals), Michael Kiske (ex-HELLOWEEN/vocals), Rudolph Schenker (SCORPIONS/guitars), Alice Cooper (vocals) and Amanda Somerville (vocals).


The Scarecrow tracklist is as follows:


1) 'Twisted Mind' - Tobias Sammet, Roy Khan (vocals) (:wub:), Sascha Paeth (lead guitar)


2) 'The Scarecrow' - Tobias Sammet, Jorn Lande (vocals) (:wub:), Sascha Paeth (lead guitars)


3) 'Shelter From The Rain' - Michael Kiske, Bob Catley, Tobias Sammet (vocals), Henjo Richter, Kai Hansen (lead guitars)


4) 'Carry Me Over' - Tobias Sammet (vocals), Sascha Paeth (lead guitar)


5) 'What Kind Of Love' - Amanda Somerville(:wub:), Michael Kiske, Tobias Sammet (vocals)


6) 'Another Angel Down' - Jorn Lande, Tobias Sammet (vocals), Sascha Paeth, Henjo Richter (lead guitars)


7) 'The Toy Master' - Alice Cooper, Tobias Sammet (vocals), Sascha Paeth, Henjo Richter (lead guitars)


8) 'Devil In The Belfry' - Jorn Lande, Tobias Sammet (vocals), Henjo Richter (lead guitars)


9) 'Cry Just A Little' - Tobias Sammet, Bob Catley (vocals), Sascha Paeth (lead guitars)


10) 'I Don't Believe In Your Love' - Oliver Hartmann (:wub:), Tobias Sammet (vocals), Rudolph Schenker (lead guitar)


11) 'Lost In Space' - Tobias Sammet (vocals)


Fans should note that the Lost In Space EPs (Part 1 and Part 2), due to be released on November 16th, will feature non-album material including cover versions of ABBA's 'Lay All Your Love On Me' and the UNTRAVOX hit 'Dancing With Tears In My Eyes'.


The Scarecrow is due to be released in January 2008.

Edited by EdenEcho
  Tanya said:
Joooj ovo + novi Ayreon, biće ovo lep period :pivopije:





Joj evo sad odvrnuh "Metal Opera Pt.I", bisam slusao sigurno godinu i po....aaaaaa, koji osecaj!

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