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Tobias Sammets Avantasia

Jan 21, 2008 5:10 PM

NEW Tourdates

Hey folks,


finally we are able to announce some more tourdates for summer 2008. See you at:


04. Juli - Serbien - Castle Festival

10. Juli - Tschechische Republik - Masters Of Rock

31. Juli - Wacken - Wacken Open Air


You are welcome to visit our homepage :-)





Ljudi kakvu setlistu bi ste voleli da cujete??

Ja sastavljao nesto u winampu i ovo mi je sasvim zadovoljavajuce :)


The Scarecrow

The Final Sacrifice


I Don't Belive In Your Love


Shelter From The Rain

Reach Out From The Light

Breaking Away

Another Angel Down

Sign Of The Cross

The Looking Glass



The Seven Angels

The Story Ain't Over



Ajde napisite i vi, cisto da vidimo koje pesme su omiljene

A mozete i na Avantasia forumu, posto sam otvorio i tamo topic :)


1. Prelude

2. Reach Out For The Light

3. Memory

4. The ScareCrow

5. Breaking Away

6. The Looking Glass

7. Twisted Mind

8. I Don't Believe In Your Life

9. Farewell

10. The ToyMaster

11. Neverland

12. Avantasia




13. Lost In Space

14. Seven Angels




15. SIgn Of The Cross


Pa znam ali nerealno je ocekivati da vuce sa sobom Kupera zbog jedne pesme, isto tako nisam stavio ni Twisted Mind zato sto je to jedina pesma sa Khanom...



Mislim da se varas :) Nama je jasno receno da ce kontaktirati sve. A ko ce pristati, to ne znamo...

Iz prve ruke znamo da je kontaktiran Kai Hansen, cak je rekao da ce vjerovatno pristati.

Takodje, na koncertu u Zagrebu, Sharon Den Adel je jasno rekla da je i ona kontaktirana, i ako joj obaveze dozvole, da ce ucestvovati.

Opet, da dodju samo Kiske i Hansen, meni je dovoljno. Poslije tog nastupa, suvisno je da gledam koncerte bar mjesec dana.


baš bih to voleo da vidim, naravno ako mi ikad stigne goddamn karta

1. Prelude

2. Reach Out For The Light

3. Memory

4. The ScareCrow

5. Breaking Away

6. The Looking Glass

7. Twisted Mind

8. I Don't Believe In Your Life

9. Farewell

10. The ToyMaster

11. Neverland

12. Avantasia




13. Lost In Space

14. Seven Angels




15. SIgn Of The Cross




No Return

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