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He! Ko kaze da nije moguce... Evo ja cu prva da skocim da pravim. icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


Idu mi ipak dobro face, a Tobijevu sam overila milion puta do sad na papiru... icon_biggrin.gif

Majke mi, mogla bi da sakupim grupu artista, ali neko mora finansirati.


Znaci, kladim se da sada vecina misli da sam retard sto se lozim ko smederevac na ovo, ali neko mora jbg... mhihi.gif

Posted (edited)

a dal si procitala ovo:

Deadline is the 24th of December


to je u stvari najjaci deo icon_smile.gif totalni je kreten majke mi icon_smile.gif


24. koje godine???? XD


E palo mi na pamet, aj da napravim fotomontazu... XD

Ili jos bolje.... Aj da odvalim glavu od nekog spomenika vamo...i samo replacujem novu... more hansome glavu..icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Eto... i ko bi da se muci sa citvim telom?? icon_razz.gificon_biggrin.gif

Edited by vainglory

24. koje godine???? XD


E palo mi na pamet, aj da napravim fotomontazu... XD

Ili jos bolje.... Aj da odvalim glavu od nekog spomenika vamo...i samo replacujem novu... more hansome glavu..icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Eto... i ko bi da se muci sa citvim telom?? icon_razz.gificon_biggrin.gif


Samo ti krsi!!! Kada te plavci dohvate onda ce i oni nesto da krse. :mhihi:


Jedno je napraviti spomenik, a nesto sasvim drugo je da neki predsednik opstine prihvati takav spomenik na trgu. To je bar u ovoj zemlji apsolutno nemoguce.




Jedno je napraviti spomenik, a nesto sasvim drugo je da neki predsednik opstine prihvati takav spomenik na trgu. To je bar u ovoj zemlji apsolutno nemoguce.

Drugar iz Velikog Gradišta mi pričao da su oni tamo NAPRAVILI spomenik Džimu Morisonu (mislim da je on u pitanju, al nisam baš siguran) i da se već par godina svađaju sa opštinom koja ne da da se isti postavi. Čak i kad je valjda sadašnji predsednik opštine konačno dao dozvolu, neki se pobunili kao da će da sruše spomenik ako bude postavljen... Toliko o tome.


Pa to. Sta da pricam o ovoj temi, a da ne zaplacem ili ne kupim utoku i ne ubijem nekog. Zivim u gradu koji ima celu planinu punu mermera. Milioni i milioni kubika mermera vrhunskog kvaliteta. Treba da se napravi spomenik za godisnjicu grada Milosu Obrenovicu koji je osnovao grad i oni prave neki smesan spomenik od bronze?!?!?!? :violent:


Imamo bre kamena da napravimo spomenik Milosu x puta veci od Kipa Slobode bre!!! Ma bre mogao bi iz svemira da se vidi kao novo svetsko cudo i da nam to ujedno bude i mamac za turiste i inicijalna kapisla za preporod naseg posrnulog grada. Majmuni i kreteni ne vide dalje od nosa i sve moraju da zaseru. Zbog takvih nekih stvari ja sam frustriran pa nekad i na forumu burnije reagujem. Ali bre braco razumite me. Mamu im jebem kapitalisticku i maloumnicku!!!





We have managed to capture Tobias in thestudio for a little chat regarding the new albums "The Wicked Symphony"and "Angel Of Babylon" that will be released on April 3rd 2010. Readwhat Tobias has to say about his hedonism, the new Avantasia journeyand additional guest stars...


Webmaster:Tobias, 2009 was quite a busy year for you. You toured with Edguy andproduced two new Avantasia albums: "Angel Of Babylon" and "The WickedSymphony", that will be released in early 2010. Did you manage to sleepat all in 2009?


Tobias: Not a lot, really. But when youlove what you do it doesn't feel like stress. I travel the world andwhenever I have a few weeks off I go to the studio to make anotherdream of mine come true. It's so satisfying to be creative, others gobowling or play golf or go Scuba diving, I try to write the ultimatesong or just record a duet with Klaus Meine and Alice Cooper. And everynow and then I interrupt the sessions to play a festival with Edguy.You call that a workaholic? I would rather say I am happy, a pleasureseeker, I can afford being terribly hedonistic - if you like, only thatmy form of hedonism isn't really bad for my health or anyone else's.


Webmaster: As long as you don't have to go on stage with laryngitis? Or have a bottle of white wine and a cigarillo?


Tobias:Haha, true! I might have a wine or a cigarillo at times. But it doesn'thappen every week. I am not too hard on myself, but I try to take careof myself, I loathe drugs and I am no smoker or heavy drinker! Thatbeing said, earlier this year I had a bad laryngitis and high fever. Wehad to postpone Edguy shows, but I didn't wanna let the fans down andso I went on stage in Sweden, although the doctors had told me I wasn'table to go on stage yet. That's what competitive performers do; we areinsane. Sometimes things happen that you can't control. We just playeda show where I blew my voice during the first five songs because thestage sound was bad and I couldn't hear myself. It just happens, that'spart of the whole thing, but no big deal: Two days later the voice isback on track. It's got nothing to do with self-abuse or wrongbehavior, it's the collateral damage of my life, Rock'n'Roll!




Webmaster: So back to the creations of 2009... what is the state of the production of your two new Avantasia albums?


Tobias:Well, first of all: Those two albums are not a creation of 2009 only.When we recorded "The Scarecrow" we had already written the secondchapter of it, that was way back in 2006, but I had so many more ideas,so I continued to compose. You know, song writing is nothing I do tofulfill a contract. It is more of a basic instinct. I have to do it, nomatter what. I don't think about how many songs I need for an albumwhen I have an idea or a vision. I feel like a messenger of the Gods,when I have one of those melodies that get me goosebumps. It's veryemotional and beyond any thought of the music industry. That's why Iwill always be mad at people who wanna tell me what to do. What thefuck do they know?


Webmaster: Okay, so we're going to get two full albums?


Tobias:Yes, and I swear, there is not one single song that doesn't deserve tobe on there. We have 22 songs, we have Classic Metal stuff, Epic Metalstuff, but it is that combination of silent tunes and heavy tunes, thedynamics that make those albums what they are. We have Meat Loafishchoirs, epic orchestral parts and great melodies. Fast stuff, slowstuff, traditional Hard Rock stuff. Great ballads, I am very happy.This musical is a movie for your soul, you close your eyes and listenand you will be taken on a journey. To me I got the feeling that thisis the most intense musical journey I have ever set off on. This isAvantasia at its best, man. I gotta quote a friend: This is not anotherproject, it's a fucking epic.


Webmaster: Will the two albums be released separately or as a box set?


Tobias:The plan is to do both. One deluxe edition featuring both albums in abox and the two CDs seperately as well. So fans can decide what theywanna buy and I think this is fair. The production of those albums wasquite expensive, I've paid it out of my own pocket and I invested overtwo years of work. I really count on my fans to buy the stuff, there isno rip-off excuse, haha! If they won't I have thrown away the provisionfor my old-age.




Webmaster: Are there any details or song titles that you can share with us?


Tobias:You know, we will come up with all sorts of details on the website whenit's time to do so. I don't wanna ruin the excitement. There is a songcalled "The Wicked Symphony", it's a ten minutes track featuring avocal battle between Jorn Lande, Russell Allen and me. There are manyunusually long songs, one little epic is called "Blizzard On A BrokenMirror", it's a duet of a friend of mine and me. I will not reveal thename of this guy yet, but Avantasia fans know him. There is anothervocal legend recording right now, but I won't reveal his name until Ihear the performance, I am superstitious. I guess we will confirm it onthe website before the end of the year.


Webmaster:Okay, last question... You've worked with KISS guitarist Bruce Kulickon his solo album. When is this album gonna come out and what can youtell us about it?


Tobias: Bruce contacted me in early2008 because Eric (Singer, drummer of KISS) had played him ourAvantasia stuff and Bruce liked my voice. He was working on a soloalbum and so he asked me if I could imagine singing a song. We becamefriends and when I was in Los Angeles last year, we completed thelyrics and I came up with some melodies and we adjusted and recordedit. The song rocks I think, it's a Skid Rowish gang vocal anthem,sounds like classic KISS during their Revenge era. I don't know whenthe album is gonna come out but I will spread the word as soon as Iknow any details. Bruce is a super nice guy, and he deserves all thebest. Working with people like him reminds you of the reason why youare doing this, it's the very basics. Sitting together with a friendand letting two worlds collide to create some piece of music! I shoulddo that more often!

<br style="font-weight: bold;">Webmaster: Thank you Tobi, talk to you soon. More news and information here at tobiassammet.com in the coming days!


slazem se, tako nesto je najpotrebnije, i verujem da ce ih i biti...

Na proslom je u tom fazonu bila Another Angel Down koja rastura, potrebno je vise takvih pesama...


A neka i bude neka baladica, bice 22 pesme sto da ne :haha:




To je to ! Lista je skoro pa savrsena, sto se mene tice ne mora nikoga vise da ubacuje...

Cudno je samo sto nema ni jednog zenskog vokala, ali kontam da ce Amanda da uleti...

U svakom slucaju bice zajebano sacekati jos 3 meseca


Posted (edited)

Mat Barlow :haha:

to bi bilo vec previse :red:


ja mislim da ce biti Amanda, ona je Amerikanka valjda, mora zena jedna bar :haha:

Edited by DBrave

December 24, 2009



On April 3rd Tobias Sammet will unleash what he personally calls ‘the most intense epic’ in his career so far, a two disc continuation of his latest Avantasia album “The Scarecrow” which went straight in the Top-10 album charts in several nations upon its release. The album featured high profile guest musicians such as Alice Cooper, Michael Kiske, Rudolf Schenker and many more and received an award for “Best Rock Production 2008” by the association of sound engineers in Germany.


For his forthcoming releases “The Wicked Symphony” and “Angel Of Babylon” (both albums will also be available in one box set on April 3rd) Tobias has confirmed the following guest stars so far:


Klaus Meine (Scorpions), Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest), Eric Singer (KISS), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Jorn Lande (Masterplan), Russell Allen (Symphony X), Bob Catley (Magnum), Jens Johansson (Stratovarius), Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody), Felix Bohnke (Edguy), Producer Sascha Paeth (ex-Heavens Gate) and Andre Matos (ex-Angra).


And now a new singer can be confirmed. Avantasia fans may be familiar with him, he is the man who has sung the role of Falk von Kronberg back on “The Metal Opera”: Ralf Zdiarstek.


Tobias: “I first heard this guy when I was 15. That's when his band played a little regional gig and me and Edguy were on the billing too. Now, all I knew is that the band featured the guitar player of Kingdom Come, but I immediately fell in love with Ralf’s voice, it blew me away and I wanted to be able to sing like this guy one day. To me he was the mullet-version of Geoff Tate, haha. I called him a few years later and asked him to sing backing vocals on Edguy’s Vain Glory Opera album and he agreed, as long as music and lyrics had no negative or even Satanic spirit or message. Well... To cut a long story short: He ended up on several Edguy albums (remember the Hallelujah-passage on “Theater Of Salvation”?) and a few years later on both Metal-Opera albums of Avantasia – as a lead singer. And now I have managed to get him in the studio again for a track called “Black Wings”, it’s a very dark track and the vocals sound very eerie. You gotta check this out, it’s something I guess we haven’t done before. Rambi sings like no one else, he’s got a unique voice and I am happy to have one of my best friends on the album again!”


Dobar je Ralf !!

Stvarno impozantna lista...


Nego ima jedna stvar koja mi se malo i ne svidja... Gomila pevaca, ali koliko sam provalio svako ima svoju pesmu. Ralf ima ovu jednu, Riper Ownes jednu... Kontam da ce samo Jorn i Kiske da se vuku kroz ceo album...


Prve dve Metal Opere su bile dobre zato sto su skoro na svakoj pesmi ucestvovali njih nekoliko, i svaki pevac je imao vise doprinosa. To mi je gotivnije od ovog pristupa "svakom po pesma", ali ajde videcemo... Ocekujem zaista mnogo


Nego ima jedna stvar koja mi se malo i ne svidja... Gomila pevaca, ali koliko sam provalio svako ima svoju pesmu. Ralf ima ovu jednu, Riper Ownes jednu... Kontam da ce samo Jorn i Kiske da se vuku kroz ceo album...


Prve dve Metal Opere su bile dobre zato sto su skoro na svakoj pesmi ucestvovali njih nekoliko, i svaki pevac je imao vise doprinosa. To mi je gotivnije od ovog pristupa "svakom po pesma", ali ajde videcemo... Ocekujem zaista mnogo

Da, slažem se, bilo bi sjajno ako bi se više njih "mešalo" u pesmama... nadam se da će biti i takvih slučajeva, da ne će sve biti po tom principu svakom po pesma.


He has played for Meat Loaf during the Bat Out Of Hell tour, he has been responsible for the lead guitars on Kiss-classics such as 'Crazy, Crazy Nights' and 'God Gave Rock'n'Roll To You'. And now he will upgrade the value of Tobias Sammet's new Avantasia epic with his remarkable lead guitar sound: legendary Kiss axeman Bruce Kulick!


Tobias says about the collaboration: "I've met Bruce in 2008 in Los Angeles. Kiss drummer Eric Singer (who has played drums for Tobias' Avantasia project as well) had played him our Avantasia album "The Scarecrow" and Bruce must have liked my voice as far as I know. So eventually he asked me to sing a song on his solo album "BK3" which is gonna come out in February 2010. I liked the idea, I liked the track, I liked Bruce and so of course I did it. Bruce has always been one of my favourite guitar players, he is one of the classic 80s shredders who got a unique tone and a terrific feeling. His playing is very tasteful. Now, I was looking for an additional lead guitar player for Avantasia to add a new color to some songs and it stood to reason to ask someone who had just become a member of my extended family, so I went for him, and I am happy he liked the idea and immediately agreed. Bruce is a super cool guy, he sacrificed Christmas Eve to start the recording sessions for me in Los Angeles. That says a lot about his work ethic. He is a real pro and a class act! Check out his website kulick.net.


On April 3rd "The Wicked Symphony" and "Angel Of Babylon" will be released as a double CD in a deluxe box set. This sequel of Avantasia's 2008 chart breaker album "The Scarecrow" will feature guest stars Klaus Meine (Scorpions), Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Jorn Lande (Masterplan), Russell Allen (Symphony X), Bob Catley (Magnum), Eric Singer (KISS), Jens Johansson (Stratovarius), Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody), Felix Bohnke (Edguy), producer Sascha Paeth (ex-Heavens Gate) and Ralf Zdiarstek (Amitaf).


More will be confirmed at tobiassammet.com as soon as possible.

  • 2 weeks later...
AVANTASIA - Legendary Kiss-Axeman Bruce Kulick on guitars!

He has played for Meat Loaf during the Bat Out Of Hell tour, he has been responsible for the lead guitars on Kiss-classics such as 'Crazy, Crazy Nights' and 'God Gave Rock'n'Roll To You'. And now he will upgrade the value of Tobias Sammet's new Avantasia epic with his remarkable lead guitar sound: legendary Kiss axeman Bruce Kulick!


Tobias says about the collaboration: "I've met Bruce in 2008 in Los Angeles. Kiss drummer Eric Singer (who has played drums for Tobias' Avantasia project as well) had played him our Avantasia album "The Scarecrow" and Bruce must have liked my voice as far as I know. So eventually he asked me to sing a song on his solo album "BK3" which is gonna come out in February 2010. I liked the idea, I liked the track, I liked Bruce and so of course I did it. Bruce has always been one of my favourite guitar players, he is one of the classic 80s shredders who got a unique tone and a terrific feeling. His playing is very tasteful. Now, I was looking for an additional lead guitar player for Avantasia to add a new color to some songs and it stood to reason to ask someone who had just become a member of my extended family, so I went for him, and I am happy he liked the idea and immediately agreed. Bruce is a super cool guy, he sacrificed Christmas Eve to start the recording sessions for me in Los Angeles. That says a lot about his work ethic. He is a real pro and a class act! Check out his website www.kulick.net


On April 3rd "The Wicked Symphony" and "Angel Of Babylon" will be released as a double CD in a deluxe box set. This sequel of Avantasia's 2008 chart breaker album "The Scarecrow" will feature guest stars Klaus Meine (Scorpions), Ripper Owens (ex-Judas Priest), Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween), Jorn Lande (Masterplan), Russell Allen (Symphony X), Bob Catley (Magnum), Eric Singer (KISS), Jens Johansson (Stratovarius), Alex Holzwarth (Rhapsody), Felix Bohnke (Edguy), producer Sascha Paeth (ex-Heavens Gate) and Ralf Zdiarstek (Amitaf). More will be confirmed here at www.tobiassammet.com as soon as possible.


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