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Set lista je perfektna!!! Eto vam, vidish da sviraju Promised Land i Story Ain't Over!!! :evotigana: jedva chekam da chujem kako Serpents In Paradise zvuchi sa Jornom!!! Twisted Mind & Toy Master, \m/, jedva chekam!!! Samo josh da ubace Devil In The Belfry !!! Ufff...

Posted (edited)

Nije neka setlista, mislim nisam odushevljen, jer sviraju skoro ceo novi album...inache ako dobijem na kladioni eto mene na Mejdenima i Avantasiji...


EDIT: Ste primetili da nema nijedne pesme sa MO 2?

Edited by power slave
Pocelo je :


1. Twisted Mind

2. The Scarecrow (with Jorn)

3. Another Angel Down (with Jorn)

4. Prelude

5. Reach Out for the Light (with André)

6. The Story Ain't Over (with Bob)

7. Shelter From the Rain (with Bob and André)

8. Lost in Space

9. I Don't Believe in Your Love

10. Avantasia

11. Serpents in Paradise (with Jorn)

12. Promised Land (with Jorn)


13. The Toy Master

14. Farewell (with Amanda)

15. Sign of the Cross (All)


Moze i bolje , ali nije lose ...


EDIT: Sto se tice Ceske , karta za fest je 48 evra ( jednodnevnih izgleda nece ni biti ) , a voznja traje 18 sati ( ne mogu da nadjem cenu , ali verujem da uopste nije mala ) , ali meni termin bas i ne odgovara , u to vreme mi je jos ispitni rok ...

set lista ok ali moze mnogo bolje

Posted (edited)

Make us drown in altar wine....

We are the seven, judgement of heaven

Why don;t we know, we are the angels...


Do jaja! Jedva chekam...


Jel ima josh klipova?

Edited by Moody
Posted (edited)

kliiiiip!!!!!!!!!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sevn ajz tu bi blajnd forevr in tajm,sajn of d kros weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :veseli:

Edited by Bloody Mary
Posted (edited)

Izgleda da sam ja jedini koji je odusevljen listom!!! Mada ja bih bio odusevljen shta god da sviraju!!! :D


I da, zbog chega Oliver Hartmann ne peva Don't Believe in Your Love i Sign of the Cross, nego samo svira dzhitru?

Edited by Moody

E DBrave ajd da mi poshaljesh taj Song By Song DVD ili ako necesh, aj mi isprichaj svaku pesmu po redu da uporedim sa mojim shvatanjem!

Pocelo je :


1. Twisted Mind

2. The Scarecrow (with Jorn)

3. Another Angel Down (with Jorn)

4. Prelude

5. Reach Out for the Light (with André)

6. The Story Ain't Over (with Bob)

7. Shelter From the Rain (with Bob and André)

8. Lost in Space

9. I Don't Believe in Your Love

10. Avantasia

11. Serpents in Paradise (with Jorn)

12. Promised Land (with Jorn)


13. The Toy Master

14. Farewell (with Amanda)

15. Sign of the Cross (All)


Nema pesama sa drugog albuma, jbt. NEMA PESAMA SA DRUGOG. Uh...ako se zazmuri na postojanje istog, setlista je vrh. Ali ako pogledam koje se pesme nalaze na drugom, setlista je mogla biti daleko, daleko bolja.


E stvarno i ja sad gledam na taj fest u Hungariji da odem...



Kai Hansen je gostovao sad u Shvedskoj i on je pevao Toy Master!!! Wow, kako li je mocno zvuchalo...


Haha, nemoj da prichash! Kako li je to zuvchalo bem ti sunac.. : ) Mora da se pribavi klip!


pa sad... moram da priznam da nisam bas odusevljen listom...


evo prvog klipa




:( Kmee.....


Ima josh jedan video klip Sign Of The Cross, ali je malo loshiji! A takodje ima neshto shto je Amanda snimala, kao neki mini road movie! A sa drugog ochekujem da ce da ubace Chalice Of Agony, jer su i Andre i Kai i Tobias tu! I takodje mislim da ce da ubace Looking Glass (Tobias and Bob)... Nema klipa Toy Master...Bar ne josh uvek!!! Shto kmechish?


Ne mogu da prezalim sto ih necu videti kod nas. Mozda ipak na Szigetu 13. avgusta . Vidim da ce i tamo biti sa Amandom. Ona je napisala u svom blogu da uskoro treba da izadje i spot, valjda za pesmu gde ona peva.

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