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Ovde nema naplate !

Ili si prog ili nisi !


Koji ce mi koncert koji samo ja imam,odmah bi ga podelio sa svim saborcima progerima ! :pivopije:



Ha ha! E, Bane, stvarno si lik! To je upravo ono za šta sam oduvek bio: ako želiš da platiš, plati bendu koji se mučio da uradi sve to, a ne nekome ko je skinuo sa neta, narezao na disk i kao prodaje ...

Posted (edited)

Au , al ste vi neki naopak narod :)

Da toliko covek bezi od novca !


Bio bih zahvalan ako bi neko mogao da posalje , dobio bi od mene ( sad mi trenutno nije tu , za mesec - dva ) original Dream Theater - Live in Budokan ( 2 dvd-a , multiangle bonus i tako neke gluposti , vec ga znam napamet , verujem da vec svi imaju , ali nemam bas neku kolekciju , a original je ako nista drugo )


Kome da se obratim za ovo ?

Edited by Maljavi Razbijac

Poklanjas original dvd jer ti je dosadio? :confused:

Vidi se da nisi prog :)

Evo pokloni ga meni, ja cu da ga cuvam, mazim i pazim :wub::lol:


Nego ozbiljno sta hoces da ti rezem?

Y ili Human equation?

Posalji mi u poruci adresu samo, poslacu ti od nedelje kad stignem.

Posted (edited)

Maljavi, kad kreneš iz B.Bašte u Bgd (ili kontra), napravi pauzu u Šapcu, pa ćemo ti ProgessiveR ili ja doneti diskove. Sednemo na piće i proturimo koju pametnu, pa razlaz. Viči na pm ako si zainteresovan.


@Tanya: DT - Live In Budokan? No way! I'll take that! :razz: It's mine, mine, all mine! My precious... :bigblue:

Edited by Ayreonaut

Hehe, Milorade, dogovorili smo on i ja da mu saljem ovih dana, ali ako mu tvoja verzija vise odgovara, necu se ljutiti ;)

Znam .. i jednog dana ćemo zajedno robijati

I uvek ces mi davati pola svog obroka jer si glista, pa cu ja uzivati :lol:


Samo, na kraju mi jedan od vas mora reći gde su zakopani 5 miliona dolara, kao što to čini D. B. Cooper. :D Nadam se da neće biti pod nekim silosom, na čijem se mestu u međuvremenu izrodio grad. :)


Hint: Look below.

Ma, pusti Milorada, ne voli on DT, samo hoće da otme diskove :)


Original je original. :bigblue::rolleyes:


.. i jednog dana ćemo zajedno robijati


Doći ću vam u posetu. :bigblue: I donosiću vam dobre muzike. :razz:

Samo, na kraju mi jedan od vas mora reći gde su zakopani 5 miliona dolara, kao što to čini D. B. Cooper. :D Nadam se da neće biti pod nekim silosom, na čijem se mestu u međuvremenu izrodio grad. :)


Hint: Look below.

Hehe, moj dragi Prison break fanatik. :lol:

You'll do the digging my friend :D


Doći ću vam u posetu. :bigblue: I donosiću vam dobre muzike. :razz:

A ti kao nemas nijedan piratski disk u kolekciji?

Robijamo svi zajedno :)

Hehe, moj dragi Prison break fanatik. :lol:

You'll do the digging my friend :D



Ne bi valjalo da taj novac završi u pogrešne ruke. :D


Robijamo svi zajedno :)


Tu ja vidim svoju šansu, haha... :)


Ovo baš i nije način da se tema održava u životu... Sve dok se ne nađemo sa Lukasenom iza rešetaka, ovo je :offtopic: !!!

Btw, ja ću da vodim, ti Zorane smišljaj! :P


Inače, kako napreduje www.ayreonauts.co.rs? (moram nešto o temi, jbg :rolleyes: )


Evo za one koji nagadjaju shta je sledecje od chika Arjena:


Milan:What do you plan next?New Ayreon or some other project?Any names to be revealed or any story behind the next one?


Arjen:The project I’m working on at the moment will definitely not be an Ayreon album. I will try to work with just one singer this time. I have no idea yet who that will be, neither do I know what the concept will be and if there will be a concept at all.


Znachi ne zna ni on sam shta snima...al' bitno je da se snima :)


I'm very inspired and have already recorded three long instrumental songs — almost 30 minutes of material! The music I've recorded so far has some similarities to Ayreon, maybe a bit closer to Dream Sequencer than to Flight of the Migrator. But there are enough differences even at this early stage to tell me that it won't be an Ayreon album. Contrary to Ayreon I'll try to work with just one singer this time. I have no idea yet who that will be (though there are plenty of options, including myself).


Nor do I know what the concept will be — or if there will even be a concept at all! I'm definitely not consciously trying to be different or re-invent the wheel with this one, but a definite style is gradually taking shape and it feels good!




Arjen back in studio (already!)


Yes, the cryptic note on Arjen's MySpace profile is correct — despite 01011001 being released only a few short months ago, Arjen is already back in the studio recording ideas for his next project:


I'm very inspired and have already recorded three long instrumental songs — almost 30 minutes of material! The music I've recorded so far has some similarities to Ayreon, maybe a bit closer to Dream Sequencer than to Flight of the Migrator. But there are enough differences even at this early stage to tell me that it won't be an Ayreon album. Contrary to Ayreon I'll try to work with just one singer this time. I have no idea yet who that will be (though there are plenty of options, including myself).


Nor do I know what the concept will be — or if there will even be a concept at all! I'm definitely not consciously trying to be different or re-invent the wheel with this one, but a definite style is gradually taking shape and it feels good!



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