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Pa su na Maiden svirci opicili 'Territory' (ili bese 'Refuse/Resist'?).


moby dick jeste svirali su refuse -resist to veče ubijali su


Nazalost, to sam mogao samo da procitam - u Huperu. Vartabedijan je bio tolika amatercina da se nije ni informisao o predgrupi. Bolelo ga tuki za njih.


Same here! Njegovi tekstovi u Huperu su 1995. bili jedino od metala sto se moglo procitati... u mejnstrim stampi. Kasnije sam kupio i njegov fanzincic "Rocks". Tamo je Aca Celtic mnogo bolje pisao o Maidenim, ali tada je vec bio izasao "Best Of The Beast". Znam da je Vartabedijan u jednom tekstu bio ispljuvao 'Virus', koja je realno gledano mozda i najbolja pesma koju su Maideni uradili sa Blejzom na vokalima.


Nazalost, to sam mogao samo da procitam - u Huperu. Vartabedijan je bio tolika amatercina da se nije ni informisao o predgrupi. Bolelo ga tuki za njih.

Sigurno je mislio je koga jos zanima madjarski metal?


Sigurno je mislio je koga jos zanima madjarski metal?

Verovatno da je tako, ali necemo vise o njemu. Ja donekle ima postovanja prema tom coveku.


Nego, slazete li se da je 'Virus' jedna od najboljih, ako ne i najbolja Maiden pesma sa Blejzom?


Dobro je sto se nije nasla ni na jednom od njih, jer bi utonula u monotoniju. Ovde pre svega mislim na "Virtual XI", jer je samo na njemu i mogla da se nadje, s obzirom na godinu proizvodnje.


Verovatno da je tako, ali necemo vise o njemu. Ja donekle ima postovanja prema tom coveku.


Nego, slazete li se da je 'Virus' jedna od najboljih, ako ne i najbolja Maiden pesma sa Blejzom?

pa jeste jedna od najboljih, samo je intro malo smoran, ali tekst je odlichan.

da je najbolja nisam siguran, gde su sign og the cross, lord of the flies, futureal itd?


U stvari su je sklepali na jednoj probi. :da:

Ne zajebavam se.

Jos jedan dokaz da najbolje pesme nastanu kad covek ima ultra ideju, ane kad seti u studiju, drka kurac svirajuci razlicite gluposti, pa onda od delova krpi pesmu!


pa jeste jedna od najboljih, samo je intro malo smoran, ali tekst je odlichan.

da je najbolja nisam siguran, gde su sign og the cross, lord of the flies, futureal itd?

Meni je bolja od svih navedenih. I znas sta? Bolje jue isproducirana od svih navedenih, posebno 'Futureal'. Kako taj album ima iritantan, arhaican zvuk gitara, koji nikako ne pristaje Maidenima.


Verovatno da je tako, ali necemo vise o njemu. Ja donekle ima postovanja prema tom coveku.


Nego, slazete li se da je 'Virus' jedna od najboljih, ako ne i najbolja Maiden pesma sa Blejzom?


Odlichna pesma, odlichan tekst! Mnogo dobra je verzija sa Blazeovog Livea...


al dal je najbolja..hm..pa bre ima konkurenciju sam tako(sto se mene tice)..Clansman, Sign Of The Cross, When Two Worlds Collide, Futureal, Man On The Edge...ma najbolja pesma iz tog perioda je Lord Of The Flies(razmishljao sam dok sam kucao :) )


  • 4 weeks later...

Former IRON MAIDEN/WOLFSBANE singer Blaze Bayley has parted ways with the members of his most recent BLAZE touring lineup. The departing members — Oliver Palotai (guitar), Luca Princiotta (guitar), Christian Ammann (bass), and Daniel Schild (drums) — have issued the following statement regarding the matter:


"We are in the sad situation to give out the news that the complete current lineup of BLAZE, therefore the authors of this letter, will leave the band.


"In the past years BLAZE was in a difficult situation, regarding finances, management and organization. Finally, during summer 2006, things started to clear up a bit, after working together on all those aspects.


"Most of the songs for the next album have been already written together. Still — in a tough music business today — we were prepared it would be not easy to launch the new era of BLAZE. But we always had the feeling we had a great band, further being really good friends, and being capable of handling that.


"But about four months ago Blaze Bayley got in contact with a new management. The ideas and working style of this management quickly showed to be very different what we, the musicians, considered to be right for this band.


"Blaze Bayley himself decided to stay with the management. Thus a common basis for making music together is not longer existing.


"We thank you for all your support during the past years. Have a happy and successful year 2007.




Former IRON MAIDEN/WOLFSBANE singer Blaze Bayley has commented on the split with the members of his most recent BLAZE touring lineup. The departing members — Oliver Palotai (guitar), Luca Princiotta (guitar), Christian Ammann (bass), and Daniel Schild (drums) — issued a statement over the weekend blaming Blaze's new management for contributing to the split. Bayley has since released the following statement via his official web site:


"Dear friends and fans,


"Some of you may be worried about rumours that I am dead. I am not dead.

Some of you may have heard that BLAZE the band is finished. It is just beginning.


"There are inevitable changes in life. We have all been subjected to and endured changes that we didn't want but most of us know that without change there cannot be growth. For things to grow they need strong roots to keep them in the ground so that when the big storms of life come they can survive and are not taken by the wind. A tall building must have a strong foundations so it can stand and be unaffected by the changing seasons of this world, so it is with everything and so it is with my band.


"My roots have been metal music. My foundations have been the loyal fans and friends and family that have stood by me and made me keep believing in the dream I started with, no man could ask for better support.


"I will see some of you in Poland at the Metalmania Festival on 24th March. There I will be with the greatest BLAZE band ever, there I will play the greatest show of my life. All is written."




To je to..od sledeceg albuma ne ochekujem ama bas nista..doduse od kad su Slater i Wray otisli pala su mi ochekivanja..doduse onda sam chuo onu nova pesmu "Sin By Sin", koja mi je vratila nadu u BLAZE..videcemo.

  • 2 weeks later...

BLAZE's March 24 performance at the Metalmania festival in Katowice, Poland on will be filmed for future DVD release. According to a posting on the group's web site, a camera crew will follow the band and crew around from the moment they arrive in Poland until after the show. This will be BLAZE's first appearance with the band's new, as-yet-undisclosed lineup following the recent departures of Oliver Palotai (guitar), Luca Princiotta (guitar), Daniel Schild (drums) and Christian Ammann (bass). The group's setlist will be as follows:


01. Speed of Light

02. The Brave

03. Futureal

04. Alive

05. Tough as Steel

06. Man on the Edge

07. Virus

08. Ten Seconds

09. Two Worlds Collide

10. Kill and Destroy

11. Look for the Truth

12. Silicon Messiah

13. 10th Dimension

14. Born as a Stranger

15. Sign of the Cross



obicno se ljudi lome po netu da saznaju setlistu ako ih zanima..a ovaj objavljuje heh...ne svidja mi se lista..previse maidenasta...samo jedna pesma sa B&B! I nema "Ghost In The Machine", najbolja Blaze pesma..

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