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Sweet little Sarah, dressed in innocence
Trying hard to hide the tears running down her face
Sweet little Sarah, all scared inside
In the middle of a nightmare, wide awake...
Though a long time ago, the memories are all so vivid...

The girl they all knew is fading away
She's turning black inside
Victim of indifference and betrayal
A mere shadow of her past
Crawling beneath the feet of our world

Inside her scream the echoes of them laughing
She's got nowhere to run or hide
Look at her porcelain eyes, they're breaking
Oh, she is breaking!
Right here, beneath the feet of our ignorance

"Scream for us, bleed for us
make your way into yourself"
"Crawl away, hide away
turn around and see us laugh"

(Let us break those porcelain eyes
And pound our words right through your skull)
"Pour your life into wide open hands,
and see it soak into the ground"

(Let us tear that young heart out
And watch it die before our eyes)
"Close your eyes
lie down and prepare to
die alone in your deserted land"


Mrzi me da listam, ali nadam se da je neko pomenuo W.A.S.P. - "Sleeping (In The Fire)".

I da jeste, nema veze, evo, neka se pomene... ;)



Touch, touch in the flame's desire

Feeling the pain's denial

And your finger's in the fire

Look, look in the candle light

See in the flame of life

And my spell our lie


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

The passion and all the pain are one

You're sleeping in the fire


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

You feel what it does and you're drunk on love

You're sleeping in the fire


I gaze as the flame and fire burn

And cry out the name of which I yearn


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

The passion and all the pain are one

You're sleeping in the fire


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

You feel what it does and you're drunk on love

You're sleeping in the fire



Lake of Tears - To Blossom Blue


I'm bleeding in ways of the fire burned

I'm crying in ways of the nightbird

No more is there one to lay by my side

I'm straying in nightmares all the time


A little something I know

A little somewhere I go reminds me of you


To blossom blue is to blossom without you


I'm breaking but I cannot bear to

I'm staring but I cannot see you

For no more are you to lay by my side

I'm weeping no more then this second time


A little something I know

A little somewhere I go

Where the sweet waters flow reminds me of you


A little something I know

A little somewhere I go

Where the sweet waters flow

Where the mistletoes grow reminds me of you


To blossom blue is to blossom without you


Definitivno najlepši i najtužnije text koji sam ikad čula.


Moram da se slozim sa onima koji su napisala Still loving you i I died for you-Iced Earth, a dodala bih i sl. textove:


PJ Harvey-Who will love me now (mozda text nije strasno tuzan sam po sebi ali u kombinaciji sa melodijom, pun pogodak u srce)


In the forest, is a monster

It has done terrible things

So in the wood, it's hiding

And this is the song it sings


Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?

Who will say to me

"You are my desire, I set you free?"


(Who will love me now?)


Who will forgive and make me live again?

Who will bring me back to the world again?


In the forest, is a monster

And it looks so very much like me

Will someone hear me singing?

Please save me, please rescue me


Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?

Who will say to me

"You are my desire, I set you free?"


Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?

Who will say to me

"You are my desire, I set you free?"


(Who will love me now?)

(Who will ever love me?)


Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?

Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?

Who will love me now?

Who will ever love me?



Zatim, Lacrimosa mislim da ima najtuznije textove, dusa i srce me bole kad ih citam, i da, ubedljivo su im najpoeticniji textovi, Tilo je pravi majstor. Evo nekih od njih


Lacrimos-Alleine zu Zweit


Am Ende der Wahrheit

Am Ende des Lichts

Am Ende der Liebe

Am Ende - da stehst Du

(Im Herzen wird es leerer - ein Teil geht nun von mir)

Nichts hat überlebt

Wir haben schweigend uns schon lange getrennt

Und mit jedem Tag "Wir"

Wuchs die Lüge unserer Liebe

Und je weiter wir den Weg zusammen gingen

Desto weiter haben wir uns voneinander entfernt


Einsam - gemeinsam

Wir haben verlernt uns neu zu suchen

Die Gewohnheit vernebelt

Die Trägheit erstickt

Der Hochmut macht trunken

Und die Nähe treibt zur Flucht


Tanz - mein Leben - tanz

Tanz mit mir

Tanz mit mir noch einmal

In den puren Rausch der nackten Liebe


Und wenn ich sie/ihn so sehe

Wenn ich sie/ihn erlebe

Wenn ich uns betrachte

Etwas hat überlebt

Und wenn ich Kraft und Höffnung fände

Wenn ich selbst noch den Glauben an uns hätte

Wenn ich sie/ihn erreichen könnte

Sie/Ihn noch einmal fur mich hätte

Wenn die Basis - unser Fundament

Wenn wir uns noch einmal neu entdecken würden

Wenn sie/er nur wollte

Ich will!




So - you - said - that

I - shall - try - to go on


I've seen your eyes

They shined like stars to me

And then I saw your soul

An empty hall


Kissing you was like

Kissing the past

I felt like giving in


I felt like

Being a part of something

Something I was always

trying to achieve

I felt like

Being a part of something

Something that lasts


I've seen your ways

They sometimes took me

By surprise

And then I saw your aim

A ... lunatic


Touching you was like

Touching a flame

I felt like giving in


I felt like ...


And I need love

Like I never needed love before ...


Lacrimosa-My last goodbye


Not here - not now

Not with me and

Not with a songle tear of mine

There is no pain

There won't be no fear

This is my last goodbye

Cause I won't die


Not here - not now

No regrets -

It was just another lesson in my life

I close the door

I clean my own place

This is my last Goodbye

Before I die


And when you fail

You seem to swollow

Everything that comes to you

And if you fall I am the one

Who takes you by his hand


Don't take this love

Please don't stick on this romance


Fleeing from your love and far away

You say goodbye

But I live in the ruins of your love

I am just a tear upon your face

You are the sun that sets for me

I'll be gone

While I'll be waiting

This is my last goodbye


There is that much history

There is that much to learn

How can we do all the same mistakes again

And no-one cares

Fascinating to grow old

It's fascinating to be born

Fascinating to decide

And sometimes even to be right


Here I stand alone

And now I say goodbey

I leave this place - with a smile

And with my breathing -

Sometimes bleeding -

Not unusefull soul

I'm leaving this society

But not my body nor soul


Right here - right now

With no regrets

I say goodbye

I am a Queen

And I will rule my life!


And when you fail

You seem to swollow

Everything that comes to you

And if you fall I am the one

Who takes you by his hand


Fleeing from your love and far away

You say goodbye

But I live in the ruins of your love

I am just a tear upon your face

You are the sun that sets for me

I'll be gone

While I'll be waiting

This is my last goodbye



Der Morgen Dannach


So viele Menschen sehen Dich

Doch niemand sieht Dich so wie ich

Denn in dem Schatten deines Lichts

Ganz weit dort hinten sitze ich

Ich brauche Dich - Ich brauch dein Licht

Denn aus dem Schatten kann ich nicht

Du siehst mich nicht - du kennst mich nicht

Doch aus der Ferne lieb ich Dich

Ich achte Dich - verehre Dich

Ich hoff auf Dich - begehre Dich

Erfühle Dich - erlebe Dich

begleite Dich - erhebe Dich

Kann nicht mehr leben ohne Dich


Dies ist der Morgen danach

Und meine Seele liegt brach

Dies ist der Morgen danach

Ein neuer Tag beginnt

Und meine Zeit verrint


Dieses alles schreib ich dir

Und mehr noch brächt ich zu Papier

Könnt ich in Worten alles Leiden

Meiner Liebe dir beschreiben

Nicht die Botschaft zu beklagen

Sollen diese Zeilen tragen

Nur - Ich liebe Dich - doch sagen


Heute Nacht erhälst du dies

Ich bete daß du dieses liest

Im Morgengrauen erwart ich Dich

Ich warte auf dein strahlend Licht

Ich träume daß du mich bald siehst

Du morgen in den Schatten kniest

Und mich zu dir ins Lichte ziehst


Dies ist der Morgen danach

Und meine Seele liegt brach

Dies ist der Morgen danach

Ein neuer Tag beginnt

Und meine Zeit verrint



I naravno-Crucifixio

Ich will betend vor dich treten

Bin gekreuzigt am Pfal der Liebe

Christi Blut in meinen Tränen

Sieh mich bitten

Oh, hör mein Flehen

Voller Liebe dich erleben

Vertrauensvoll mich dir ganz ergeben

Dieses Herz dir zu Füssen legen

Mein kleines Herz

willst du es nehmen

Sei mein Engel - Sei meine Sünde

Sei meine Sonne - Sei meine Sucht

Sei meine Muse - meine Lust

In dir verweilen - in dir verharren

Lieb mich - halt mich - für immer führ mich

in deine Welt - führ mich in dein Reich

In deine Aura in deinen Geist

In deine Seele und in dein Fleisch

Schenk mir nun mehr deine Schmerzen

Lass uns teilen unser Leid

Lass uns teilen unsere Freuden

Sei mein Teil - Ich liebe dich


Takodje je jako tuzan text pesme Satura od Lacrimose, ali to mi je na cdu pa me mrzi da pastujem, drugom prilikom, i ovo je previse sto sam napisala.


E da i slazem se sa likom koji je napisao onu pesmu od Corbe - Rekla je, text i pesma stvarno pogadjaju dusu i srce

Poz svima!



Mrzi me da listam, ali nadam se da je neko pomenuo W.A.S.P. - "Sleeping (In The Fire)".

I da jeste, nema veze, evo, neka se pomene... ;)

Touch, touch in the flame's desire

Feeling the pain's denial

And your finger's in the fire

Look, look in the candle light

See in the flame of life

And my spell our lie


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

The passion and all the pain are one

You're sleeping in the fire


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

You feel what it does and you're drunk on love

You're sleeping in the fire


I gaze as the flame and fire burn

And cry out the name of which I yearn


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

The passion and all the pain are one

You're sleeping in the fire


Taste the love

The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb

You feel what it does and you're drunk on love

You're sleeping in the fire

Balada, nad baladama..

Before The Dawn


Before the dawn, I hear you whisper

In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"

Outside the birds begin to call

As if to summon up my leaving


It's been a lifetime since I found someone

Since I found someone who would stay

I've waited too long, and now you're leaving

Oh please don't take it all away


It's been a lifetime since I found someone

Since I found someone who would stay

I've waited too long, and now you're leaving

Oh please don't take it all away


Before the dawn, I hear you whisper

In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"


Наравно, мени је тужно не оно што би требало да буде тужно већ оно што сам у свој својој тужној туги истуговао... :)


Укратко - песма ме подсећа на једну девојку и једну мање-више непроспавану ноћ и престао сам да је слушам јер се увек најстрашније скењам, скоро до суза...


Judas Priest је у питању, иначе...

Aman, ljudi, tema je "Najtuzniji Metal Textovi" :rolleyes:


Milsim da je vec bilo polemike oko toga da li metal ili rock textovi, ali vrati se na prvu stranu ove teme i videces da stoji metal/rock



Evo, da pomenem i Type O Negative - "Everything Dies"...


Well i loved my aunt - but she died

and my uncle lou - then he died


I'm searching for something which can't be found - but i'm hoping

i still dream of dad - though he died


Everything dies - everything dies


My ma's so sick - she might die

though my girl's quite fit - she will die


Still looking for someone who was around - barely coping

now i hate myself - wish i'd die


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything


No why - oh god i miss you

no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you

no no no no


No why - oh god i miss you

no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything - no no no no


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything


Evo, da pomenem i Type O Negative - "Everything Dies"...


Well i loved my aunt - but she died

and my uncle lou - then he died


I'm searching for something which can't be found - but i'm hoping

i still dream of dad - though he died


Everything dies - everything dies


My ma's so sick - she might die

though my girl's quite fit - she will die


Still looking for someone who was around - barely coping

now i hate myself - wish i'd die


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything


No why - oh god i miss you

no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you

no no no no


No why - oh god i miss you

no why - oh god i miss you - i really miss you


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything - no no no no


Everything dies - everything dies

everything dies - everything

Porodicna sahrana. :rolleyes:


8. Take Away My Pain




I was sitting on the edge of his bed

Staring at the headlines on the paper

He said, "look at poor gene kelly

I guess he won't be singing in the rain."

You can take away my heroes

Can you take away my pain


Take away my pain

Leave the cold outside

Please don't let it rain

Don't stumble on my pride

Take away my pain

I'm not frightened any more

Just stay with me tonight

I'm tired of this fight

Soon I'll be knocking at your door


She was standing by the edge of his bed

Staring at the message on their faces

He said, "what else can you do babe?

I guess I won't be coming home again."

They just took away all my promises

Make them take away my pain


Take away my pain

Leave the cold outside

Please don't let it rain

Don't stumble on my pride

Take away my pain

I'm not frightened any more

Just stay with me tonight

I'm tired of this fight

Soon I'll be knocking at your door


His final scene

The actor bows

And all those years

Are gone somehow

The crowd applauds

The curtain fails


I was standing by the edge of the water

I noticed my reflection in the waves

Then I saw you looking back at me

And I knew that for a moment

You were calling out my name

You took away my hero

Will you take away my pain


Take away my pain

Let the cold inside

It's time to let it rain

There's nothing left to hide

Take away my pain

I'm not frightened any more

I'm learning to survive

Without you in my life

Til you come knocking at my door.......



Nemam pojma zasto ali svaki put me rasplace


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