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Mene zanima kad će onaj film.


edit: evo i ovaj...


SW on tour with Aviv Geffen


SW will take a "busman's holiday" to play guitar for his friend Aviv Geffen on his first solo tour of Europe in January (whilst also taking the opportunity to do some local press and promotion for Insurgentes along the way). The dates are:


16th Jan - Rotunda Club, Krakow, Poland

17th Jan - Postbanhof, Berlin, Germany

18th Jan - Knust, Hamburg, Germany

20th Jan - Luxor, Koln, Germany

21st Jan - Melkweg, Amsterdam, Netherlands

22nd Jan - Ampere, Munich, Germany

24th Jan - Cafe de la Danse, Paris, France

27th Jan - Proud Galleries, London, UK


The band will be the full Blackfield line up (with Tomer Z, Seffy Efrati, and Eran Mittelman), but note that while there's sure to be a few Blackfield songs performed, most of the songs will be from Aviv's forthcoming debut English language solo album (produced by Trevor Horn).

Edited by AstralliS

Blackfield je sa Jeshom.


Imash i No-Man ako volish showgaze. :)


Jao ja sada vidim da uopshte nisma komentarisao steven Wilsonov solo rad, sram da me bude, bice to isprvljeno u skorije vreme.

hvala astralise. :D


prelepo je na prvo slusanje, slusacu ga jos dosta.

moracu da potrazim i onaj njegov bend sto je pravio s nekim jevrejem o kom mi je pricao ceda haha


Nema na čemu, papi. :)


Meni je ovaj SW album u top 10, odličan je i ne mogu da prestanem da slušam. Inače, kontam da će ti se Blackfield svideti. :)

  • 4 weeks later...
Steven's playlist


11 January 2009


1. John Martyn - Sunday's Child

2. Todd Rundgren - A Wizard a True Star

3. Asva - What You Don't Know is Frontier

4. Pan American - For Waiting For Chasing

5. Theo Travis / Fear Falls Burning - ToneFloat Sessions

6 .Cocteau Twins - Head Over Heels

7. Agitation Free - Malesch

8. David Lynch - Polish Night Music

9. Nadja - Thaumogenesis / Thaumoradiance

10. Pharoah Sanders - Tauhid

11. Ricardo Villalobos - Vasco

12. Blacworld - Subduing Demons in South Yorkshire part 2


Skini In Absentia, novi ili Stupid Dream. Bilo sta od toga neces se razocharati.


Sa ove Stevine liste nijedan bend neznam, osim Nadja. XD


samo da znate da sam bio tu...


nemam zamerki... ahahah...






al sad cu da otvorim jos jednu temu, da vidim sta cete da trabunjate, posto se niko nije setio da otvori POS temu... sramota :)


ne hejtujem, nemojte se tripujete... ja obozavam PT... al znaju neki na yumu da se ljute zbog gluposti, pa cak i zakazuju tuche zato shto im je neko uvredio bend... ahahah...


al opet, ovo nema veze sa temom, nego kad sam vec tu :))))

sprdachina na 1000 nachina...


sad slusham "Deadwing" na poslu...

a pre koji minut se zavrshio "Fear Of A Blank Planet"...


\m/ :)))


a to za zakazivanje tucha... ahahhh... to se desavalo kad sam bio mali deca...

"uvredio si mi sepulturu, posle KST-a te cekam kod kapije" and shit... ahahah...


Porcupine Tree - pobeda!



  • 2 weeks later...
The new record will be a continuous 55 minutes piece of music according to Steven Wilson in a recent interview in Munich last week. The style will be slightly different: more ambitious in terms of structure, a little bit less metal this time, more classic sounding, a little bit more of the influence from his solos album coming back now into Porcupine Tree. And: 80% of the new material is already written!



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