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Kriticari i seronje neka se poklope, Fenriz i Culto vec najavljuju novi album (dakle Dark Thrones and Black Flags je vec stara prica a nije ni izasao) i jedna pjesma je vec zavrsena.

"The first song on our next album - not 'Dark Thrones And Black

Flags', that was finished in July - its title is based on a mantra

that Gezol of Japan (Sabbat, Metalucifer) has been saying a lot

lately, 'Too much black, too little metal.' That's been the problem

ever since '93. But you know, people have been taking care of that

since the start of the new decade. Since 2000, there's so many

youngsters who are really into the barbaric stuff again."

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Ogranicenost je relativan pojam. Obicno su zatupljeni i oni koji se stalno busaju svojim 'otvorenim' vidicima. A ovo tvoje mi dodje isto ko da neko kaze kako slusa death metal, a popljuje bendove kao Death, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Nile itd. Malo karikiram, ali bitna je poenta. Ako ti se ne svidja, zaobidji topic/sobu/dnevni boravak whatever.

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Ova nova stvar me strasno podseca na Puke, bend koji je svojevremeno Fenriz jako hajpovao.

Hahah, coming of age black metal. Ko je to ocekivao 93. recimo :) ?


Jebote,izgleda da je taj Puke prilicno uticao ne svedske i norveske bendove!Nisam znao da ih Fenriz slusa,ali sam jos 1996./97. u Voices from the Darkside fanzinu procitao da se kod mnogih skandinavskih bendova moze prepoznati njihov uticaj!Jebem li ga!

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