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February 27, 2010


A-a-a-anyway, most of the tracks on the album have the typical DARKTHRONE-speed (fast heavy metal - for example "fast as a shark" ACCEPT/fast MOTORHEAD-pace), and today we are going to the desolate place of Necrohell II to record the 2 first songs on our next album - both in this same speed as well.






Darkthrone has just recorded a new album, huzzah. The world celebrated. Everybody except:


The Choir of the whining professors….and they sang from the other side:


“We have fine-tuned ears, yes they are above average

We thrive on dealing out critics, some might actually believe us

Some of us can even play an instrument, yeah, you did not see that coming

So out of our way, now you’re gonna get it, stand up and take it like a man


Production-wise, guitar-wise

Drum-wise and groupie-wise

The Professors’ in town, better hide

We’ll be anonymous, we have masks


Darkthrone has a very bad sound, where is the punch?

Listen to those weak guitars, where is the “fat”

Drums are not cool, they sound old, out of date

How can anyone listen to this shit, shut them down


Look, don’t be shy, cut’n’paste is the way of life

We can provide white lab-suits

Circus is all we want from metal

Why try to be so damn “special”


The bass drums are not balanced in the mix

That we can hear, with such “big” ears

You use far too short time recording,

How can you then get soul into the music


Why only 4 riffs in a song, c’mon this is the new age

Darkthrone does everything wrong

They don’t even try put on a show

Come over to the other side, create headlines

with something not related to metal lies


We are the Professors, we are the Professors

Realize your time is over, join us

We’re the ones that can make lists

We know good from bad, you’re just lonely and sad”


Darkthrone responds: naaah, how cute, have a muffin and sit on our laps.


- Nocturno Culto

Edited by Grobodan

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Cenim ja jako mnogo taj njihov anti-trend stav, ali bi bilo lepo kada bi ipak pisali malo vise pesama koje ce covek pozeleti ponovo da pusti posle jednog slusanja. Na prvo slusanje mi "Eyes Burst At Dawn" ostaje apsolutni highlight albuma, ima dobrih delova a ima i popunjavanja prostora. Onako. E da, dobra mi je ova poslednja stvar.


Btw, zanimljivo kako najvise albuma uvek procuri kada je covek najzauzetiji.

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